December 22, 2015

Polarities of creation Pt 2 Creation serves God

Posted on December 22, 2015 by ADMIN

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In previous posts we explain how creation now pleases God in the way that it was designed from the beginning. To raise His offspring showing that by contrast light from dark good and evil eternal vs temporary. It is by these contrasts that man can learn about God. “Eternal life to those who by patient continuing of doing good seek for glory, honor and immortality but to those who are self seeking? Indignation and wrath”. (Rom 2.8) We learn that God is light in the contrast of darkness we learn that God is good in the contrast of evil. God is invisible but we live in time and matter. These are the boundaries for our transfiguration and the polarities that define our choices.

   We explained that the contrast of evil was foreseen as part of the plan as is evident by God’s words when after Adam and Eve ate from the tree their carnal eyes being opened, “God said the man has become like us to know good and evil”. Had they ate of the other tree they would have a different set of eyes. This is re gifted to us by rebirth being able to see and enter Gods ever present kingdom at hand as explained in John 3.3-5. For those who have ears to hear? This is not of a carnal nature.
   So any redemption of creation does not to take away contrasts of good and evil, renewal and decay, light and dark.  Creation itself does not transform, but we do between the polarities. In this way “we are a new creation in Christ ” as quoted from 2 Corinthians 5. 17. It is that there is a polarity shift from being cursed to being blessed that creation now responds favorably to the redeemed. To those who are “a kind of first fruit of His creation”.Us!  And this takes place in the spirit of our mind for “God is spirit and God is truth and seeketh such”. Such are we. Creation had no cataclysmic event when man fell and left the garden.
   The redemption once again is in the firmament of the mind, which is a greater expense than the sea, the Earth, and all the visual heavens . At conversion a polarity shift takes place whereby we choose blessing and trusting God rather than cursing and doing our own thing. That we are set out “for good works that we made do them”. Christs words were “Father I pray not that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from evil. And this is totally possible if you have faith in His words. The curse of evil is removed and the polarity shift is complete for those who believe. Scripture also saying “he who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son has not life. It’s that simple. Just like when God said “let there be light” and it was so? So too these words are more concrete and substantial than any of this emc = square stuff.
   This is shown in the Exodus which pictures baptism where the angel of death passes over the first fruit as first born, then destroys the first born in Egypt symbolizing all our enemies. It is shown again when the water parted at the Red Sea to save the elect but then turned to destroy the enemies. This shows the two polarities and it is participated in by personal choice for us as it was for Adam and Eve and only shown as cataclysmic pictured at the Red Sea for our understanding. It was only a picture of what happens in the spirit, for that is the element that supersedes all creation that the humanly visual creation only displays by contrasts for our learning. “Till we all become to the stature of the Son of God, a perfect man”. And we do by understanding”. Not by a cataclysmic event.
   It is God who in the last of these days has spoken by his son”. He is no longer to speak or create something new as though something is not yet. All things were created by him and for him and function just fine in their current condition. It is as we apply His word in ourselves that  we appropriate and receive our salvation through understanding the words in the gospel, recieving the end of your faith, the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1.9)
   This is Christ “the bread of life that comes down and gives life to the world”. And He did. This is that cataclysmic event for our transfiguration and not a second coming. This is how we put off the old and put on the new man. Colossians 3.9 “you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him”. This is “the faith once and for all delivered to the saints” that we are to contend for. This is as Paul said that “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation” and He need not jump start it by doing something cataclysmic for your hardened heart to see and believe, and it is “from faith to faith”. This is the words  at the cross “IT IS FINISHED”.
 There will be no new speaking by God. There will be no new battles no new fighting from heaven for “God in the last of these days has spoken to us by His Son”. He is “seated waiting for his enemies to become his footstool”. The fighting and battling is now ours as we appropriate His word in us. This is what pleases God and He showed us how to do it at His temptation saying “for it is written …” And this is how we show that we are his first fruit of His creating”. His off spring in the here and now.
   So the purpose of creation is to present to us a blessing or by cursing depending on our choice. By murmuring we appropriate curses or praising we glorify God and appropriate blessings  It is our choice on how we use our words. It is God’s purpose in this way to bring many sons to glory as we appropriate word like God. “We believe Therefor we speak”. What we believe is his word regardless of the physical findings. And this is not a new speaking of a new thing but repeating through ourselves the word already spoken. The gospel. “For it is written”.  And this is the good news. Romans 10.6-10 modified ” For where is the cataclysmic event from the sky? Or where is the upheaval on the earth like the second coming purveyors suppose? No the word is very near that you may hear it and do it. If you believe with your heart and confess with your tongue that Christ was raised from the dead, you will be saved”. This is how you hear it and do it. This is the salvation of God. Word. Word reiterated.
   That is the purpose of the Gospel active now only during the age that time and matter and contrasts exists. So the purpose of this creation operates the way that it is being “good very good”. Once it is stopped and recalled there will be time and matter no more for “we are receiving a kingdom that is unshakable”. We are receiving an eternal kingdom that has no beginning and no end. This is why in this age, and this age only, is the work of salvation unto completion “into a perfect man” being redeemed and restored to partake of the glory of God as designed from the beginning. As it says in 1st John “if that from the beginning abides in you”. And “that from the beginning” is that which predates the creation of time and matter, EMC equals square Big Bang stuff.
   Romans 3.23; All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. But for the redeemed? Those who follow Christ that “where he is there we may be also”? We reign with him in the heavens far above all powers and principalities being a co-ruler and co-reigner with him even while we occupy our human body. Like Christ who “came in the likeness of sinful man, being found in the appearance of man” so are we. “let this mind be in you that was in Christ, who thought it not robbery to be equal to God” (Philippians 2) So we do. Blessed are those who here and keep the word of God”? So we do.
   The message of the Christ of the cross is peace and goodwill towards man. Not death and tribulation that the 2nd coming purveyors suppose. They “know not what matter of spirit they are”. Humanity in general is in a spiritual slumber awaiting a “time of visitation” of the spirit of God. Even as the Jews missed their time as scripture says “for they were better off not to know salvation then to know it and turn from it”. Or as Christ said to the Pharisees that “I came and did the work that nobody else did therefor their sin remains”. And as it says in 2 Peter that “they would be better off not knowing the gospel then to know it and turn from it”. From Romans 1 “although they knew God they glorified Him not as God nor were they thankful professing to be wise they became fools and turn the glory of the incorruptible invisible God into the image of a man” to be made visible. And that is what a second coming gospel preachers seek. Another saving of another day through cataclysmic events and judgements. That today is not the day of salvation and completion but maybe tomorrow or 2000 years or something.
   So it is the religious order of the day as they turn from righteousness are even called “sons of Satan” and “brood of vipers” as in any other generation, just as Christ spoke to the Jewish leaders. Wasn’t it Christ the man Jesus who was seen with wine biblers and tax collectors? But of that religious order all the way up through the law and the prophets and quoted by Christ and by Paul saying “this wicked generation and stiff necked of heart always resisting the Holy Spirit” These too are “clouds without water, twice dead pulled up by their roots.
    It is the 2nd coming seekers who cannot see or enter the Kingdom  (John 3.3-5) who promulgate another kingdom and another savior. These people like in the days of Lot, groped around blindly looking for the door saying of the Lord “bring them out that we may see them and know them”. So too are the works of that gospel. That is the very works of the visible city of God “which is spiritually called Sodom and Gomorrah where our Lord was slain” (Rev 10) So these people do.
   That’s why “we must pay closer to the things we hear this we should let him slip four of the word spoken to angels proved steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received its just reward what makes us think that we shall escape the same judgment?” It is in the here and now that we are pruned to bear more fruit or cut off to wither. For those who hear the message and reject it? Die in the wilderness and don’t receive the promises as did those who rejected the spirit with Moses. In that day it was said “TODAY if you will here His voice , today is the day of salvation “. Or like in Samuel the Lord said ” the people have not rejected you from reigning over them but Me”. Those people rejected the invisible God so He gave them Saul. Likewise for the 2nd coming seekers? God gave them another, a choice.  An illusion with “all lying signs and wonders”. Why? Because they are those “who came out from among us” to manifest another coming”. They do not receive the message of “TODAY” but a 2000 year old lie. They call it “the second coming. And they rob you of your inheritance by their enticing words.
   As Christ said to those who were seeking a future coming kingdom in that day “they will say look here and look there but do not follow them”. These are the blind leading the blind and will get you nowhere. Receive the gospel that says “today if you here His voice”. Allow God to re-spirit you for blessings and “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” that you may enjoy the inheritance gifted to us now. To Him who has given us richly all things to enjoy. Christ died so we don’t have to. He died for us to experience heavenly blessings. You see “it is Gods good pleasure to give you the Kingdom”. Have you received it? Or was the cross unsuccessful? Your choice.
                           “The Kingdom of God is at hand”