August 27, 2015

We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed

Posted on August 27, 2015 by ADMIN

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We speak for the Glory of God to be revealed. This are the deeds of the Father.

Romans 8.27 For what shall separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus neither height nor depth nor principalities or powers nor any other creative things shall separate us from the love of God.
It is the obstacles that we face in our life that are presented to us for the glory of God to be revealed. Even as Christ had said with Lazarus when asked why he remained dead for 4 days. Christ said to his disciples “didn’t I tell you that if you only believe you would see the glory of God?”
Many of the obstacles or seeming contradictions faced by Christ in the scriptures, was for the glory of God to be revealed”. It was that He spoke a word and the word which He spoke became the thing that He said the moment He spoke it. Only God can do that. In this way He showed that He was the Son of the Father by doing deeds of the Father. Like in the beginning they said “Let there be light”, without delay the eons were created and continue even now.
Wow! What a humanly incomprehendable performance. And of Christ scripture says “16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or [e]principalities or [f]powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.” (Colossians 1)
It was the glory of God manifest through His Word and He Glorified the Father through what He said. Like it is said to us “the Father is glorified in that you bear much fruit” like the only begotten we image our selves like. We strive to imitate Him, not by the deeds of the flesh but by the spirit of things pertaining to faith of things invisible. Even as Hebrews says that “Faith is the substance of things unseen” showing for us a more enduring treasure than the things we see having more relevance as being “The Kingdom of God at hand” of things attainable to the re-spirited mind.
Christ spoke to the obstacles, whether it was death or principalities or powers or things present or things to come, Christ spoke a word and the obstacle became beat like pulp and became like chaff in the wind.
So for us too. We meet these obstacles in our life head on with Gods word. Like Christ said at His temptation “for it is written…” In this He showed for us the way. He passed this on to us with His discourse to the disciples saying” ask anything in My name and the Father will do it”. and as we speak it is in that w”bear much fruit that the father is glorified” and our glorification is to be able to speak a word, and the thing become the thing that we said like God Himself does. These are the deeds of the Father.
This is the shared glory of God given to us in Christ. To us, the elect of God who are “called chosen and faithful” being “sanctified and ready for every good work”. And the only good work is a God work and the only work God does is word.
So the obstacles we encounter is our moment for our God given glory from our adoption “in Christ” to shine forth the reflecting our likeness of our Father. To speak a thing and it comes into being. Praise God hallelujah amen.
This is how we show our selves as the fullness of the stature of the Son of God to a perfect man just like Jesus spoke and the thing became to be. We likewise speak and a thing becomes to be. This is a perfected saint. A mature saint who can do the things the Son did. Scripture says that”as He is so are we in this world”. And if we can receive that, we are full grown. And our words become the things we say. In this way we prove ourselves to be “a kind of fruit of his creation it”. It is to our glory and to His glory, a reciprocating glory, that we mutually participate in His glory now.
You shall be judged by every word you say? This is usually seen as a future event of judgement at a specific point in time but it’s not. It is because we are made in the image of God that even as Isaiah said that “we dwell in the land of unclean lips”. To the degree that you speak forth falsehood, stifles your ability to speak forth things into being. Even as it says in the Book of James that “a perfect man can bridle his mouth”. This becomes Christ in us. The gift from the Father to be joint heirs with Christ. To that degree we are able to speak a thing to be. And if we are not good stewards with what is our own,, who is going to give us another?
This is the purpose for our sanctification, our putting off the deeds of the flesh. For us to speak a thing to be, and it becomes a fact, is directly related to how clean our heart is. This is why “to the pure all things are pure” for that is what they speak and creation mirrors that back to them. But to those who are defiled? They see gloominess and darkness because that is their view of the world, the mirroring of creation back to them. It is the lying speaking slandering murmuring that breaks you from this gift. For “it is not what goes in a man that the defiles a man but it is what comes out of a man that defiles a man because from there proceeds murders and adultery”. And this is what that scripture means. If we honor God in truth in all that we do regardless of how it may or may not affect us or benefit us, that we do not lie for personal gain, to this one the person will be gifted with the abilities of God. As it is written “be ye Holy as I am Holy”. So dealing with truth and honesty with our neighbors and community is key.
 2nd Corinthians 7:1 says to purify ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. And this is what we do. To the degree that we know and understand and speak truthfully is to the degree that we receive. Even as Paul said “I reach out to lay hold of white Christ laid hold of me” and “walk to the degree that you have attained” so to put on truth is to put on another attribute of God seen in Christ. “God is spirit and truth and seeks such”. Such are the Elect. (John 4)