July 23, 2014

7/23 The Transfiguration. His and ours.

Posted on July 23, 2014 by ADMIN

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Matthew 16.27 For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works. 28 “Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”  And this was almost 2000 years ago.


Jesus spoke these words to His disciples. That some then would see Him coming in His Kingdom. That they would see the Kingdom of God present with power. It was then that Peter, James and John witnessed Christs transfiguration. We think, how lucky they were to witness such an event. Wow! To see “his face shine like the sun, and His clothes become white as light, brighter than any launderer on earth can whiten”.
As it says in 2nd Peter that they “were eye witnesses of His majesty” where the Father said “this is My beloved Son”. Christ as He is seen here is the culmination of everything the law and the prophets had ever spoken or seen. The purpose of all the law the prophets and testimonies was of this. To see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. Jesus Christ in His fullness just like His Father. A chip off the ole block, His spitting image, bone of His bone. “Him you shall hear!”
Wow! If we could have been there and seen that. Surely if that had happened to us, we would all have apostolic faith. We could go door to door, heal the sick and raise the dead. We could save the world in no time. Our ministries would be huge! Yes this is facetious.
In 2 Peter he talks of the transfiguration saying”we made known to you the power and the coming of our Lord” and “we were eye witnesses of His majesty”. They experienced the very thing some Christians see as the“2nd coming”. They saw a full revelation of Jesus Christ as “My beloved Son”. This Coming is not a one time event as some presume, and it is not just a future event except for those who do not understand yet and those who flat out deny. It is not an event but an eternal reality to experience. To understand this is to be awake and watchful.
Think of it like this. If it is not true now, then it is not eternal. It must come to be, and some of Christianity thinks it is a physical development to some day become a physical reality and that is the blunder.
How could this Jesus who is “the same yesterday, today and forever” become something He is not yet? You have the wrong Jesus if He is still coming or soon to be, then He has not been something, and is in the process of becoming and by this nature He is excluded from being of God. Right here many cults can nail you to the ground and make the case that Jesus was not divine, but just a man. And by that definition they are right. A becoming one is not an eternal one.
A main theme in the book of 1st John is that he who believes that Jesus came in the flesh is of God. He is not referring to a man but of Him “whose goings forth or from old and ever lasting. (Micah 5.3) Meaning “Him who always is. As he also teaches “that which was in the beginning” not that which will be at a 2nd coming but that which always was and is, and Jesus Christ does not change to have to become and be something for He already is.
2 Peter speaks that through this understanding of His divine power, that “He has given us everything that pertains to life (eternal) and God-like-ness (the power of transformation) through the knowledge of Him who calls us”. And adding to our faith,  “for so an entrance will be supplied abundantly to us into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ”. (2 Peter 1.11)  This is not speaking of a 2nd coming but an immediate reality to those who do this. It says”He who lacks these things is short sighted even to blindness and has forgotten that he is purged from his old self” ( Verse 9).
So we are supplied abundantly access into His Kingdom, this Kingdom which is “at Hand”. The eternal, the always was, always will be, never ending, having no beginning a place having the same make up and composition as the one who lives there in the time before time, or else where would He stay and wait like He has no home? He waits for a kingdom? Him who came and said “the Kingdom of God is at hand” also said “Heaven is my throne and the earth is My footstool. Where is the house you will build for Me?”  But He is where He was before a word of God was ever spoken. That is why the kingdom cannot come as such to those who want to see it like 2nd coming seekers. Whom do you seek? Him who will be or Him who was? Will the real Jesus stand up! And HE did and He is knocking.
This Kingdom Peter further expounds on saying that he would continue to remind them of these things. “For we did not follow cunningly devised fables (like blood moons and Nibiru) when we made known to you the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but we were eye witnesses of His majesty”. This coming had nothing to do with what is described as His 1st coming as a baby then grown a man but Him is His eternal state in his eternal place, in Himself, for in Him all things exist. What they saw was not a preview as though it was still future. For how could they have been supplied abundantly access into the Kingdom if it was still becoming to be some day.
Now here is the point. Peter said “in doing these things an entrance will be supplied abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. He didn’t say anything about waiting for a 2nd coming. Is he lying? Is there access to His Kingdom before He comes so we can see Him? Yes! This is the very place where He is transfigured.
Yes they saw Him coming in His Kingdom with great power, but peter goes on to say “but you (yes us) have a prophetic word which is more sure than what we saw, (yes more certain than the transfiguration)”. Meaning the prophetic words and the testimony of Christ will yield the same result. Wow! To see Him in His natural state without the flesh, in the place and habitation where He belongs, being Glorified and in full power. Him you shall hear! Yes! Hear His words.
So as it was said then and again has been accomplished to many throughout the ages and is still offered to us “TODAY” if you can hear His voice”. Even now it is just as true that there are some standing here today who will not taste death before the see the Son of Man coming in His Kingdom with great power and Glory”.
So this is our transfiguration, our “being transformed into His same full image” not at some 2nd coming but “from Glory to Glory as by the Spirit” in the here and now. What does that have to do with a 2nd coming? That happens now! Today! “He who will come is coming and he does not tarry! And it is by faith, it is from faith to faith and “if anyone draws back My soul has no pleasure in them; says the Lord. But we are not of those who draw back into the perdition of unbelief, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul”. Hebrews 10.37-39
Here is the danger that has befallen us in this 21st century. The promulgation of the faith of a Jesus at a 2nd coming denies Him who came and is coming and still at hand. We can lazily put off our change and our responsibility to believe for a hope that He will do it later.  The 2nd coming concept puts people in a perpetual state of forward looking thinking that says “Oh that His day would come and He would save us”. That He needs to still do something for us. Please take some time to process that. You see He already did that. 2 Peter 1.3 says “as His divine power has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness”. What exactly is it you need that you don’t have? Be careful what you answer for you shall have your reward. It is the evil servant who says in his heart; my master delayeth  His coming. What do you say?  
Yes, The Kingdom of God is still at hand.