February 2014


Posted on February 26, 2014 by ADMIN

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It has been given to us to know the interpretation of the things God has spoken for “we have the mind of Christ”. There is a one to one correlation from the physical to the invisible realities. All the pictures and patterns with all the physical representations have their invisible counterpart. After we understand this we no longer need the visible. 

Paul wrote how the law was our tutor but after faith has come we no longer need a tutor. Or as he says “when I become a man I put away childish things. This is the purpose of all the law and the feasts, to learn the spiritual counter part. The everlasting realities of Gods kingdom. Which is “at hand”.
So keeping this truth in mind and appropriating principles from the book of Hebrews like “He takes away the first to establish the second” and “the Holy Spirit thus indicating that the way into the Holiest was not yet manifest while the first one was standing”. This was speaking of the temple. An earthly one being replaced by an invisible one.
Why then would it be strange that Jerusalem is an eternal non time dimensional reality? Doesn’t the “kingdom at hand” have a city too?  The same principle as with the tabernacle. As long as the first one remains there is no access to the second. Our understanding is veiled from the eternal as long as a physical one still exists in our understanding. This is the law of sowing and reaping. Sown corruptible, raise spiritual. 
The writer of Hebrews meant nothing short of this when he wrote “For you have come to Mt Zion, to the city of the living God, to the Heavenly Jerusalem, to the general assemble and church of the firstborn, to the spirits of just men made perfect”. He was not talking about a city on earth.
Earthly Jerusalem being sown corruptible to be raised incorruptible by faith, was pictured at Pentecost in Jerusalem. In a specific city, on a specific day,to a specific people who spoke a specific language, and whoosh! The Holy Spirit descended in power and shattered the specifics. Paul referred to the Jerusalem on earth as “Hagar which corresponds to Jerusalem which is in bondage”  bound to specifics.  The spiritual counterpart in the heavens is available without the specifics to any language, any where, anytime, to every body. To the gentiles in any place two or more are gathered. As Paul says of the spiritual Jerusalem  is free, the mother of us all. This was his living reality as it should be ours if we are able to receive it.
The 30 plus times Jerusalem of old was attacked and taken was to sow it corruptible and raise it incorruptible in the understanding of each one of those generations. They were all spiritual harvest’s into the ever ready always present kingdom of God, finished before the foundations of the world. 
Ezekiel 11.16 
16 Therefore say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Although I have cast them far off among the Gentiles, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet I shall be a little sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone.”   
So Pentecost wasn’t the first time this phenomena happened but the last as far as the physical goes. “He takes away the first to establish the second.
So one other point to consider about the current reality of Heavenly Jerusalem. Earthly Jerusalem in the Old testament was referred to as female. She was the mother the comforter and the nourisher. She was the widow. This was the wife of God in their understanding. And from Romans 7 of the women who’s husband must die to marry another, so too heavenly Jerusalem cannot exist without a death.
From John 4 “the hour is coming and now is when you will neither in Samaria nor in Jerusalem worship the Father. For God is spirit and He is truth and He seeks such to worship Him”  So we being “in Christ” “in the spirit” are in the city that has no earthly specifics or physical features. 
You see our inheritance is Him. We are joint heirs of the eternal pre-existence which is God himself. Anything eternal is another aspect of Himself. The book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” culminates with the “revealing” or the “unveiling” of the city being an aspect of Jesus Christ to be unveiled. 
This city is the one who is always hidden in Christ. As Peter instructs the women to let their adorning be the “hidden person of the heart”. If we are hidden in Him we see her who is Christs hidden person of the heart. And as John speaks of the Holy Spirit “whom the world cannot see for it neither sees her or knows her.
I will stop here but there is plenty more. I discuss this further in the series of articles under “The Mystery of The New Creation Revealed”. 



Posted on February 17, 2014 by ADMIN

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We have already talked about the “Who” in part one and the “where” in part two. Now lets talk about the “when”.

The modern view is sequentially  laid out on a timeline to be fulfilled on certain days by certain events that would be experienced with the Adamic nature and looking for another day for the Christ to finish His work of salvation but lets hold that up to all of scripture.
Jesus the man said a lot of things that do not fit the time dispense theory commonly used like when the Jewish leaders were claiming to be from Abraham. Jesus wraps up His discourse with them by saying “Abraham rejoiced to see My day and he saw it and was glad”. What day is that? The “day of the Lord”. This to many is an outlandish statement but bear with me and you will see more scriptures open up to you. The purpose is to show a sequence but not one bound by emc=square big bang time and matter.
The day of Pentecost came and the Holy Spirit was given for this could not happen until Christ returned to the father and many things He spake to the disciples that they remembered after Christ was glorified. They were instructed to keep silent on some things until after He was glorified. And the scriptures say “Now the son of man is Glorified and God is Glorified in Him. As God is Glorified in Him, He will Glorify the son immediately”. You see all power from heaven and earth were invested in Christ on earth.
The Son must be Glorified in all power to move forward in the Spirit. The hour is coming and now is (depending where you are in the sequence) when you will not on this mountain nor in (earthly) Jerusalem worship the Father. For the Father is Spirit and truth and is seeking such to worship Him. Maybe you. And if the Son is not in all power and authority then there is yet another work of the Jesus man then salvation is later but Glory is the trophy of the finish.
We need to ask “who is our Jesus”? Mary wanted to worship Christ when He rose from the dead at the time the tomb was empty and He said “do not cling to me for I have not ascended to the Father”. I would like to point out here that many do not distinguish between the resurrection from the dead and the ascension into heaven. For this reason the ascension is later but scripture says that He made us sit down in the heavenly’s.
A spiritual truth is that you can only be as developed as your teacher and if your teacher is a man, then you shall be a good man but if you are not beholding the fully Glorified Christ in the mirror you are not receiving the full gift. Even as the disciples said when they saw Christ at the transfiguration. Why do the scribes say Elijah must come first? Well he does come Elijah has already come if you are able to receive it. Well what does that mean? If we are not able we do not receive it? Yes! Precisely! If you are not able to receive things by faith you can’t have it! Bingo!
This is the whole point of faith and how to receive the eternal, timeless gift that is in Christ. All must enter through faith. If you see it, it is not faith for faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You get that? Proof of the invisible. You see the Jewish people of that day were looking for a physical, visible kingdom with the God man sitting on a throne and this was their condemnation. “Oh Jerusalem if you would have only known this, your hour of visitation, but now these things are coming upon you!” What a sad reality. They missed it because they would not receive it by faith. What about us?
The book of Hebrews describes this timeless gift we are talking about and the Lord says “so I swore in my wrath they shall not enter my rest, although the works were finished from the foundation of the world”. So here we are in modern day Christianity speaking of another day like many have done throughout time. The scripture goes on to say “Since there remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because they lacked faith. For the Gospel message was preached to us as well as them but the word they heard did not profit them not being mixed with faith. But we who have believed do enter that rest.”
Now here is the thing. The works were done the 6th day. All of the trees that were yet to grow were created, all the seed of every man was already in Adam, every detail was complete the 6th day and just needed to be played out. Even as scripture says that they will look upon the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. This is the place we are invited to now.
This is the gospel message. (Hebrews 4.2) The timeless gift. Enter His realm, His Rest.



Posted on February 17, 2014 by ADMIN

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The New Creation is not new in the sense of being just made. It is new in the sense of never getting old. In this place time as we know it has no value or effect. For time is a measurement of the “getting old creation”. The one of the big bang of time and matter.

The New Creation is also young for it can never age. It never lacks luster or fades. It never needs repaired or painted. It is not new in the way we perceive new in having never been before. In a similar sense we could call our creation old since that day of sin it began to decay corrode and erosion began when Adam was told “in that day you shall surely die”. Death had become.
This day which has no end also has no beginning. It as is not getting older or decrepit, it is not getting younger or infantile. It just is and always is perfect. That “which was and is to come”. Is always perfect. It has been and will be always perfect, un-taintable by humanity. This is the paradise of God. Everyday is the grand opening, the feast, the main event, the wedding. The gospel message and all its teachings are to bring us there. Which is the day which has no night. It is forever young, in eternal unfading glory, for The Lamb of God is its light. The place of our calling.
Paul talks about this when he says “For our outward man is perishing, yet our inward man is renewed day after day”. It is forever new. All the focus and teachings of scripture define this place as not a future reality, but concurring (unceasingly occurring)  for those born of God who walk according to the Spirit. Those who “since you are resurrected with Christ set your mind on the things that are above”. “He has raised us up and made us sit together with Him in heavenly places in Christ”.
So then we who are in the Spirit are in this New Creation. Not that it was created but it is a creation in the sense that it has specific features having order and design. But as it has no end and no beginning, having always existed in God the Father because it is God the Father. The not-created creation. As Christ said when asked of His Kingdom. “It is not of this world”, not of big bang time and matter.
Whatever is eternal is God. All things have been given to the Son, and we are joint heirs with Him, of the eternal life that was with the Father and manifested in the Son. He who has the Son has this life, this always New Creation.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.



Posted on February 9, 2014 by ADMIN

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God created man in His image; male and female. God chose to display His hidden attributes in the male and female as they came together. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his bride.

We know from the creation account that God spoke. When God spoke His Word came forth. When God spoke His Breath/Spirit came forth. The Father, being the source, then the Son and Spirit. The Spirit brooded over the face of the waters. Not that one was lessor or greater than the other, but different in purpose, being equally God with all the attributes, displaying complimentary characteristics.

It was said of Christ that He declared the Father. He said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” It was necessary that Christ was also the fullness of the Father, His completeness, as scripture says, and that if He was the fullness of the Father, He had to be male and female.

For Christ to appropriately display the fullness of God, and He did, for in Him dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead, He had to display the same attributes as the Father before it was said He made male and female to display His likeness, before this split.

How did Christ on earth do this? The first creation started with the Word and the Spirit leaving the mouth of God, and they split as they departed. The Word creates, the Spirit incubates. This is what happens inside us when we receive them; the Word and Spirit. The new creation we become occurs when the Word and the Spirit become one again. We can catch a glimpse of this phenomenon in  other unions or marriages. We call this the procreation of a species. The two becoming one and begetting according to their own likeness, be it a mammal or a fish or a reptile. You get the picture.

In heavenly terms, this is what is referred to as the Wedding banquet that we are invited to. It is the coming together to be one in the Holy Word and the Holy Spirit, the true union. This has to take place before there are any offspring. This is the union that takes place in the heart of believers when they accept Christ and The Holy Spirit.

How and when did Christ on earth display the Father in both male and female? It was at His baptism that Christ received the Holy Spirit, thereby fulfilling all righteousness. It was at that time the Father said this is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Matthew-3-17/ God the Father could only be pleased if the Son were a true chip off the ol’ block, correctly displaying who He was from before the beginning, before His Word and Spirit went forth.

The first creation started with the split. God divided light and dark. earth and sky, land from water, etc. But more importantly, when the Word and the Spirit come back together, being united, or wed, or married, this was the union of the new creation. God Says, For my Word will not return to me void but shall accomplish all that I desire https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/search.php?.  What is it that God desires? That we shall go out (birthed) with joy, and be led forth with peace. We are those born of that union, the union of the Word and Spirit, reunited to procreate true images of that union born in His likeness, in His fullness. We receive the engrafted Word, and are begotten by the Word of truth to be a kind (kind begets kind) of first fruits of His creation. Male and female made He them in His likeness. From the book of John, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the Spirit is spirit, you must be born again.” This is pretty radical if you can grasp what we are saying.

So back to Christ’s baptism for a fuller explanation. The Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove and remained upon Him. The Spirit was given to the Son without measure. They received of each other’s fullness.

John the Baptizer knew this, and knew this was his purpose. “Make straight paths the way of the Lord” he said.

John the Baptist did not know Him but was told, “Upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon, THIS IS HE!  I have seen and testify that truly this is the Son of God.”

But it doesn’t stop here. John made an even more radical remark when his disciples were asking about this Christ man. They asked, “Who is He whom you testified of back at the Jordan?” John then replied in present tense. Meaning then! Not later. He said, “He who Has the Bride is the Bridegroom, but the friend [John meaning himself] of the Bridegroom, who stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly because of the Bridegrooms voice.” That is why this joy of mine is full. And from the Greek, THEY must increase but I must decrease, THEY who come from above are above all. That is the two in one, the Word and the Spirit. As Christ said to Nicodemus “WE speak what WE know and testify what WE have see and you do not receive OUR testimony”. How about you?

If you are still here, without any further adieu, may we introduce to you “The Bride and Groom. The Word and the Spirit. For John did not talk about THEM as engaged, or as though THEY would be married on a future date, or the soon to be or THEY would have been called fiance. He said “He who has the Bride is the Bridegroom”. This is an introduction only for the newly weds and completely in-appropriate for the un-wed couple. Stay with us for there is more.

The baptism of Christ was necessary “to fulfill all righteousness”. To accomplish the full task and purpose of the Son on earth. To Accomplish all! For the Word and the Spirit to come together to have offspring. That is those born of Word and Spirit. Which is us! If you believe. And if this is not the truth, and the wedding has not taken place, then those who claim to be born again are born out of wed lock. Then we would all be born from pre-marriage fornication, we would be bastards.

If you are waiting to see a future wedding, you are walking by sight using the reason of your carnal mind as it relates to the physical senses. For “He is the God who calls things that do not exist as though they do”, because they really do where it counts. In Spirit and truth. This is a message for those who are “called out”, which comes from the Greek word Eklisia, the word translated Church. The “called out” of the world. To be be called into. And the into is “In Christ”. This mystery and many more are “in Him”. Which is where “all the hidden treasures of God are”. Be it a mystery or a revelation, be it the Spirit or the body.

None of these are realities to the human senses. Kind begets kind and kind associates with kind and ye must be born of the spirit to associate with us.

If you have stayed with us this far you are of this kind. If this is the first time you have seen and accepted this the Bride and the Bridegroom, Welcome home.

We will explore this new creation in greater depth. What is the new creation? For those who believe, it is you, it is Him, it is us, it is Them. This is how we put Them on. It Is now, He is now, the Kingdom of God is at hand! The King, the Queen, the City, and His government. If this was not true you would have a King without a kingdom. And what is a King without a kingdom? What is a judge without a court? What is a husband without a wife? He is or He isn’t. Check mate. The true King is always standing.