May 15, 2013

From the Holy MT Sinai, to The Holy Sandals

Posted on May 15, 2013 by ADMIN

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Holy is a funny word. Sometimes we think it means to be pious or self righteous, a state of being perfect or clean or religious. But the truth is, simply put, holy means other dimensional, not of this world, unlike what we can comprehend naturally.

Every time the Mosaic priest and those who did the temple services, washed themselves and put on clean turbines and white linens, they were not making themselves holy but making the point that what they were doing was acting out like actors in a play, the unseen realities in heaven, so that you could see with the eyes in your head, of things that are in the spirit.
Moses went up to the mountain to the burning bush, and was told “take your sandals off, where you are standing is holy ground”. If you think about it that is an oxymoron itself. Holy ground? But he was instructed to take off the sandals, later told to make things according to the pattern seen on that “holy ground”. That God was showing him things from His dimension, the holy one, the invisible one, the place of the before time. The one eyes cannot see,nor can ear hear, but they are made known by the patterns shown at the mount.
The things seen on the holy mount starting with the burning bush were invisible, eternal realities broken down in concept for our understanding. God broken down into smaller concepts for human consumption. So then the eternal image as seen on the mount, was portrayed by them through the feasts, the rituals, the tabernacle and such for, them to understand the invisible.
But with Christ we have a new way, a living way to the Father that replaced those images. The image that now portrays the invisible is Christ. No longer take your sandals off as Moses was told, but keep your hands off Christs sandals. Like John the baptist said ” I am not the Christ, but the One who comes after me, whose sandals I am not worthy to loose”.
All the pictures, patterns and parables of the old from the mount and even the city of earthen Jerusalem had now been expired and found not on a mount or in a city but in the person many today called Jesus, meaning The Christ. As the Father said “this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”. Christ then correctly declares the Father, for “In Him” are all the Fathers invisible attributes, for in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body” to include all the aspects of the Father.
From Hebrews 1.1 God who in times past spoke to the fathers by the prophets and in fragments, in these last days He has spoken by the Son. His Son being found in a human body was the final revelation from God. As Christ declared at our crossover “it is finished”.
And from 2 Corinthians 5.17 “We once knew Christ in the flesh but from now on we don’t look at Him like that anymore”. What the old images could not do in that man did not assimilate them into the spirit, (God’s realm) God did, by sending Him in the likeness of the flesh (of something He was not before) condemning sin in the flesh, so that we who no longer walk according to the flesh, fulfill the righteous requirements of the flesh and now walk according to (in obedience and harmony to) the spirit…
This is the purpose of all revelation is for us to assimilate Him, His Kingdom at hand. That is what the new testament phrase of “put Him on” means. To assimilate, to become Him. As He is so are we, as John said.
Here is the scary part. The teaching in Romans 1 it says the gospel is to the Jew first. It says they knew God in all His invisible attributes, eternal power and  Godhead. This they knew from the patterns. But their hearts were darkened and they changed the Glory of the invisible God into an image of corruptible man. This was their first digression and if you study the passage, it is those whom “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against those who suppress the truth.
My question then is this. Why in the world is it commonly taught that king Jesus will come onto the human stage and set up a kingdom of this world and rule it as a man? This is the same digression as the Jews who provoked the wrath of God. As Christ said “not one stone shall be left upon another”. You see all power from heaven and earth was already given to Him.
This was the lesson of king Saul. The Israelite’s rejected the invisible God from being their king and wanted a man. And what did God give them? Read 1st Samuel 8. Saul was a curse.
You see time and matter are given to us to learn how to assimilate the ever ready always present “kingdom of God”. God is not waiting for another day for King Jesus to do another work. On the cross He said “it is finished” He is waiting for us to wake up! He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His Son. He has given to us everything that pertains to life and Godliness through the knowledge of Him who calls us to glory and virtue, that through these precious promises we are now partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust’s. Need I say more? This is all in the scriptures. God made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us so that we could become Him.
I will end with this thought. Adam was created a man from the earth. He had a relationship with God and severed it with un-faith. Christ restored that so that now we can have what Adam lost. A relationship with the Father right now in our vessels made from clay. If God were to wipe out the earth so that you could get on with knowing Him, He would have to create the same earthly environment with all it’s tests and trials for you to grow in a knowledge of Him. As Christ prayed in John 17, Father I pray that you do not take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one.
Today is the day!!!