*The only righteous act

Posted on February 17, 2018 by ADMIN

  2. WORD
  3. Pt 2, Time sensitive spacial creatures
  4. * Incognito part 1.
  5. Incogneto Part 2. The watchers and the Holy Ones
  6. Christ was born King, and many other things.
  7. Consumation and conclusion. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.’
  8. Melchizedek King of The city of Peace. Heavenly Jerusalem
  9. The Kingdom is preached and all are entering.
  10. The Abomination of desolation and the Son of Perdition
  11. New Covenant Kingdom
  12. The Inheritance of Faith, Our Stock in the Eternal
  13. **Echad. God is One. 4/27/17
  14. *The Unction of the Spirit
  15. Interphasing with God
  16. *The only righteous act
  17. The Beast Part 2 Blasphemy
  18. *The Beast Part 1
  19. The Son articulates the Father
  20. The truth, patterns and impersonaters part2
  21. *We are Complete in Him part 1
  22. The ruler of this world has been judged part 1
  23. The Lamb is the only Savior
  24. Woe to the inhabitants of the world
  25. *The Shield of Faith*
  26. Spiritual Adultery
  27. Jacob and Esua, Praying in the name of Christ,
  28. *Our glorious new body
  29. *For the Elect. The Elect in Glory. The completion of the Gospel
  30. ***For the Elect. Revelation, The Manifest Children of God.
  31. *** For the Elect. Completing the crossover. Our Baptism.
  32. The True Father’s of Faith. The Covenant Besides The Law. Deuteronomy 29
  33. All things ARE Restored
  34. * The People of “The Way”
  35. The Wedding Feast is Now Ready
  36. * Resurrection was The Gift. The Ascension is our Journey
  37. Appropriating Our Benefits Package
  38. * The Elect coming in Glory.
  39. * The judgment of God, according to their works.
  40. ** In Your Patience Possess Your Soul
  41. ** Being kept from the trial that comes on the Earth.
  42. * Father of Glories. A plurality
  43. * Foundations, Transformation to The Spirit, Lessons from the Old Testament
  44. **Hierarchy’s and Sub-Archons, Plateau’s in The Spirit
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The righteous Act was the right deed done to erase the wrong. What then is wrong deed, and what is the right deed that corrected the wrong? This is righteousness.

Romans 5 put it like this, that through the one man (Adam) sin entered creation and death spread to all of humanity. And that just has through one man’s act of sin, sin spread throughout Humanity. So too through one man’s righteous act life spreads to those who receive it , who recieve Christ. He is the gift of God by  being His right deed accredited to us on our behalf to undo the ill effects of the fall.

In this way we share in His life and are now exonerated from the death that was passed on to us by Adams wrongful act. We have a new nature with a new heritage. Our association is no longer in Adam but “in Christ”. This is why “all things are made new in Christ”. We are “a new creation in Christ” in this way.

Christ’s righteous singular act that He did was to undo the Adamic curse and to free would be believers from the death of being dead to the things of God. As God said to Adam “in the day you eat of it you shall die” and he did. So for us in the day we partake of Christ we live. We are “in that day” the Day of our Lord.

All those born according to Adam are born dead to the things of God. They cannot see or hear Him who knocks on the door of their invisible  heart. An invisible God requires an invisible response of what we call Faith, which is our invisible imbecilic cord to the living God. These are the things that are intangible to the carnal senses of hearing sight sound and touch, but insurmountably more real to us the elect.

All those who receive Christ in His original construct being “The Word of God” of pre-incarnate spirit and truth, are born of a new creation having eyes to see and ears to hear of a different nature. These are God’s people, the elect and the true Israel of God the one on earth only mimicked, defined  in Galatians 6

15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. 16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, upon the Israel of God.” Such are we. We are that New Creation.

It is those who have this new nature that have a different understanding of the Israel of God. A heavenly one. 

Christ is able to save to the uttermost those who come to him. And just as Moses instructed the people to look at the snake on the pole to be saved, we look back to the cross to see our sin and our old enemy the devil hanging lifelessly there. The cross is the one single saving Act of God. Christ did this to produce true righteousness that is able to save equally those who look forward to the cross and us to look back to that saving savior.  It was “God who made him who knew no sin, to become sin, for us to be the righteousness of God in Him”. And so He did. “Therefore be ye reconciled to the father!” And so we are.


There is not going to be another saving act or another savior to supersede or add on to this rightly done deed finished at the Cross. Christ’s completed and fulfilled act.

Even as 2nd Peter says that all the Earth and all its Works shall be burned with fire so that true righteousness remains. True righteousness is now, but then it will be without competition.

You see the curse is not something imposed by God on mankind, but the result of mankind operating  contrary to their god-given nature of “having dominion over all the earth in cohesion with the living God”. It is that Creation responds negatively to fallen thinking.  This is the curse. They have  backwards, upside down thoughts. This is why the carnal mind is enmity against God and not subject to the invisible laws of God.

The things mankind was given power over then saying “go forth and have dominion”, now has power over them saying “by your sweat you shall work the Earth with a curse . They were created to live in fellowship and constant non-stop communion with the Creator and His creation,  but now they serve creation and remain ignorant of Him who said “lo I am with you through all the ages” and “Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life”.

The curse is upside-down thinking.

You see God did not curse mankind. They violated the natural laws programmed into the creation by the Creator of “everything being good very good” and walking backwards,  much like going the wrong way down a one way street, being oppositional they experience the curse. This is what it means when the disciples were inquiring about the Tower of Siloam that fell on many people. He said “unless you repent (to turn and change your polarity from cursing to blessing) this will likewise happened to you, Showing the need for a polarity change from cursing to blessing to escape this pending self inflicted doom caused by a man and not God. And since it was caused by a man, only a man could undo the curse of pending doom called death.

This is why the pre-existant Son of God “became flesh and dwelled among us”. To jump start a new humanity of those “in Christ”. To supercede fallen humanity with those of the resurrection. For this reason we are offspring of the resurrection of spirit and truth, buried in baptism and raised in newness of life now. We are the elect.

The work of Christ performed the polarity shift, the blessing for cursing as signified by the crown of thorns, a dirrect reference to working the earth and yeilding thorns and thistles from the fall. Hence the need to repent. Turn the other way with right thinking.  To return to God in this way. That is what repent means.

Adam turned away from God.  And when he turned, he did not get the next best thing,  he got the exact opposite, and imposed that spiritual posture on humanity. To all those born of his kind having only carnal perceptions saying “seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not.  But the elect of God have both sets of perceptions. We have a God consciousness.

We are not God, but having every thing that God has by being joint heirs of the gift of God in Christ now even in this age.

It was Adam who turned from a God consciousness to a self consciousness. He became afraid and detached from God in his thinking. He became empty first in his self conscious mind. Then he felt naked and guilty for the first time and wanted to hide the lonliness and emptiness. This is a great void in the mind and heart that many try to fill today with countless pleasures and addictions. These are also classified as idolatrous and adulterous toward God because that expanse was intended for His Holy Spirit but now filled with vain repetitions.

Those of us who hear the heavenly voice repent and turn the other way, to Faith in the Living God in the spirit of the Mind which is the place of mankind’s departure and the place of our return and resurrection.

The curse is gone, condemnation is gone, the devil is de-fanged. We accept God in the spirit of the mind and are made whole.

The law culture that was given was  to amplify mankinds nakedness and sin. It is this nakedness and sin that was nailed to the cross. We apply this with our thinking and behavior through the working of faith. In Colossians it says “ in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: 12 buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; 14 blotting out all the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took them all out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

The laws we thought to bring righteousness showed us to be wrong and brought us to our reality of who we are without God, crippled and spiritually bereft. As Paul said”Oh wretched man that I am. Who shall deliver me from the law of sin and death? Who shall over ride my self infliction? He then answered himself on our behalf saying ” there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ who walk by the prompting  of the spirit and not the flesh.


Through the gift of righteousness of the one man who was the Word of God first, who became flesh, a man to undo the upside down thinking of those departing from God.


Christ secured our safe return by giving us the gospel of which you are now hearing. Sin no longer has dominion, or power over us. It cannot control us. It has no ill effects to us and creation for us is restored to that from the beginning which is “good, very good” if we can receive it by faith. Why? Because all the ill effects of mankinds stupid thinking is grounded out at the cross. “On him was laid the iniquity of us all”.

This is why we see The lamb of God in heaven is The center piece of the Throne room, not Budah, Muhammad or a second coming Jesus. There belongs glory to none other. Revelation 5.1-10

The lighting strike that was looking for us, landed on Him. And Christ did this willingly for you when you were enemies, to have life and life more abundantly. To share in His victory and the pleasures He enjoys today is our bounty and our abundance now.  Life more abundantly.

“God sent His Son into the world not to condemn it, but to save it. But He did not come to change the earth but our thinking because it was our thinking that fell. His act at the cross provided all the saving for all time for anyone willing to receive the free gift. He delt with satan, sin and death to longer associate with that. He is now seated waiting for us to join Him. And He has given us that victory through the conduit called the gospel.  We learned to appropriate it by faith for our own victory so that we don’t have to fight with Satan, sin and death anymore.


It is the gospel that is the power of God into salvation  and not a 2nd coming. (Romans 1.16)


The one saving act of the cross has no encore performance. No need to repeat or ensue anymore battles, but is secure for us in complete victory “waiting for His enemies to be defeated not by another work on His part, but by yours by adopting him and putting on his attributes as defined through the gospel and in this way we put on Christ the son of God the word of God. This is our responsibility and sum duty for our sojourners here.

This is true righteousness gifted to us who believe and the only true righteousness. As 1st John says “little children, we are righteous even as He is righteous” because He is the source of righteousness.  His one saving act of the cross. The lamb of God who takes away the sin of humanity to all who accept His righteousness.  His righteousness is now our righteousness.

Whenever lightning is aimed our way, we point to Him. He righted all the wrongs. Righteousness prevails.

The Kingdom of God is at hand even now.


His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand