The concepts we saw in Jonah and Solomon and the law and the prophets broken down in however you can define or describe them, they have been fulfilled “in Christ” because yes the sum of all things is greater than the breakdown of all it’s parts, and that’s what all the law and Prophets was, past tense.
It was a breakdown of the invisible into carnal concepts only for our understanding of who God is. That is what all scripture is for. To make visible the Invisible For you to interact with the living God. God is “Eternal Immortal and Invisible, the only wise God”.
And since all things are new “in Christ” because he is the sum of all these things, anybody and everybody who’s looking for a person a place, thing or a feast or an article or any one of these things in their various combinations is looking to the wrong things because all things have their fulfillment in Christ. This is why Paul could say “old things have past away, and all things have become new” (past tense) because the New Covenant being instituted, is based around a better Covenant with better promises because the New Covenant is not the breakdown but a collection of all these things. It is the Gathering Together in one all things in Christ that were broken down and dispensed over time in the old Covenant era now extinct.
Once again the sum of all things is greater then each one of its individual parts and Christ is the collection of the Godhead body. He is complete in Him. With Him giving us these things, if we accept them then we too are complete in Him and need no other form of completion. The Son said “it is done” and it is done.
All lower-level carnal fixations of things of God are just detainment centers if you cannot expire them in your mind. So with each one of these affixiation Christ claimed each one of them. Not one iota or one jot or one Tittle would be left undone for a second coming. To the Pharisee he said I AM! Claiming the I AM on Mount Nebo with Moses. To the same group he said Abraham rejoiced to see my day and saw it and was glad showing that “The Lord’s Day” was something Abraham was a part of. To Nathaniel he was the Christ the son of the Living God because Jesus saw him under the fig tree. Nathaniel was amazed because only the man called the branch could do that thereby expiring the prophecies of Zechariah, being the embodiment of him who is invisible. Being the word that became flesh temporarily but flesh is not as natural composition. When he rode into Jerusalem on the foal of a cult he was claiming to be Shiloh. To John the Baptist he was introduced as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. And in so doing he expired all the previous regulations and rituals with that old Covenant. When Christ was on the cross it was the temple in Jerusalem that was ripped to top and bottom showing its usefulness expired and became unprofitable and unusable. To the woman at the well he said “the time that is coming now is” showing the time that is coming is a Timeless piece insertable anywhere, everywhere to anyone, all the time to the one who has faith. For the time that is coming now is because the time that is coming always was.
Christ departed not to the father till all these things were raised up in himself. For even as he said to Mary, Mary I am the resurrection showing that anybody who’s looking for a carnal Resurrection is looking for a part of the whole and not accepting the whole. A future resurrection of the carnal body to be with a physical God is just a religious mindset that detains those from moving forward into “spirit and truth, for the Father seeketh such”.
So for those who know that Elijah has come if they are able to receive that and they learn that they are able to receive very many things. How about you? And for those of us who know we can receive everything for “all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”. He is the place of fulfillment of all things. And because he is the place not being a place on Earth but a place in the spirit, this is why we associate with his death through baptism that we can associate with his life, his newness of life and need no other Resurrection. If this were not true Paul would not say “since we are risen in Christ, meaning you have your Resurrection, seek the things that are above”. This is what we do. We take all the elements and artifacts and set them NOT before us for a fulfillment on Earth of a future time, but we raise them up in our understanding and expire them in our thinking, in the spirit of our mind so that “the time that is coming now is” for us.
The main point here is whether it was Solomon or Jonah or the temple or whatever they were looking to that was greater than Christ never going to do a future fulfillment. Of the woman at the well who said “I know when the Christ comes he will tell us all things”. Christ said to her “I am He, and he did come and he did tell us all things. He never alluded to another land or another city or another Earthen Temple. He never spoke of any Kingdom but “the Kingdom at hand” already open for busy.
“All the law and the prophets were till Christ” now there’s nothing left to say. And as Yahweh, the Lord was seen with Moses whom he asked what his name was in the Lord said “I am…”Meaning, fill in the blank, I am that too. Did he not say to the Pharisees I am. One and the same the Fulfillment of all things.
The sum of all these things, is to collect these things in ourselves so that in us God will be greater than the parts. We then expire the verse that says “greater works shall you do”. And so we do. The only thing that isn’t expired is the invitation to enter in. This is now the Gospel.