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**The family of God and the steps of our upbringing. – The name Jesus, is from Iēsous, Joshua and Yeshua, and means "salvation" The meaning is more important then the spelling. So we call Him The Christ.

**The family of God and the steps of our upbringing.

Posted on January 19, 2021 by ADMIN

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DNA is information, understanding the information is knowledge. It is in this way that when we know God’s word we receive his DNA and become like him.

We are the congruency of the things of God, the collection of what He has He had given us. The things He has said we collect them, rebuild them and reassemble them inside ourselves to become like Him.

The Father is in the Son, the Spirit is in Son, we are in the Son, the Son is in the Father, the Father is in us, the circle is complete. Simply put, we are one. This is the Amalgamation and the consummation. Even as Paul pleaded, “be ye reconciled to the Father”. And  so we did.

1st John uses a Greek word of koinonia. Which means oneness, an amalgamation, being kneaded together like bread. In this way the Son is the bread of life from the Father.

Koinonia in Greek is an intercourse. In the context of scripture it means social intercourse. Meaning, a transfer of DNA and DNA is information. To know this information is to know God. In this way we are genetically predisposed to be like Him. This takes place as we press into His word. Taking Him at His word, we become word, Gods Word. That’s how He was introduced. John 1.1

This is why Peter said that “we have been given everything that pertains to life and god-like-ness by way of knowledge or, information. In this way we participate in the things of God, and “escape the corruption that is on the world thru lust” because we’ve been satisfied by another. (2 Peter 1)

And this takes place while we are in the world and in our human bodies, and not at some illusive second coming that’s suppose to happen in a carnal way, but “with the breath of His mouth and the Brightness of His coming”. That’s what Paul encountered on the road to Damascus, so that verse was fulfilled in his lifetime.

For those who know, we know that the kingdom of God is still at hand, for a short time.

And from Galatians “now that you know God, or rather you’ve been known by God”. Not that He didn’t know you already. But to be known by God is like when Adam knew Eve and there was a genetic transference with a new birth. It is when God transfers this understanding from Himself to us, His DNA gets imparted to us through words, because in the beginning was the word and the Word contains the Father. That is why the Son is called “the word of God”. When His work is complete in us, we become word too. We take the words that He said and expound on it. We simplify it and clarify it for you to become word too. This is your salvation

And from Paul again to the Galatians said “who I labor (meaning a birth) again for Christ to be formed in you. Meaning by accepting Word, the Son, in the spirit of your mind, the place of the incubation or the pondering of the things God has said and written down for you forage through.

We call this the preponderance of what God has said. We hope you are doing this, because this is your part. That you ponder his word, and integrate it into your being and into your thinking.

You are being transformed by the renewing of your mind. Transformed also is translated as transfigured, for the reasoning between your ears. That’s where this all takes place. This is why Mary was commended for pondering these things in her heart, her invisible part. This is the real place the birth of Christ takes place, in the invisible part in each one of us.

It is this kind of oneness with the father and with the Son and the Holy Spirit that we are made family. This is the koinonia, or oneness and social discourse we are talking about. This is how we collectively  become like them, the Father the Son and Holy Spirit. We are baptised into them and put them on one revelation at a time to injest them to become like Them.

This is more closely referred to as those in spirit and truth. This is the place we call “The Bridle Chamber”. This is where the genetic transfer takes place and we are made one. This is where the offspring (us) take on the genetics. This is the place reserved for family only. Even as the parable said “The Wedding Feast is now ready”. We attest to the reality that the wedding has been happening and we become new in their presence. We know who our Mother is. Heavenly jerusalem, a concurring and re-ocurring, non-stop eternal reality of experiencing the unchangeable, immutable Almighty God on His designated abode of “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world. It was already there.

Yeshuah, the Christ, the same yesterday today and forever. (Hebrews 13.8) As is His Bride. In this way She is bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh of Glorious Spirit and Truth.

This is “the kingdom prepared from (before) the foundations of the world” the place that’s forever new, spotless and Glorious. This confuses many because they are still waiting for Gods Kingdom to appear in a fashion that suits their fleshly fascinations. But flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom. Only the re-spirited mind of faith does. You can only keep that which is now invisible because everything else burns. (2 Peter 3.10)

Galatians 4:26 calls Heavenly Jerusalem “the Mother of us all”, so She had to precede us.

And for those expecting a building of man’s devisings in what is called Jerusalem made of Earth? That one is not of Heaven and would be future and be disqualified as being eternal, then who is your mother? And how can you be born again?

Paul call Her “Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother” as a concurring reality” and thereby denies the importance any earthen city. (Galatians 4.26)

We know who we are born of, where and how that happened. This is our new liniage. We are in Her this is true and She is in Christ. And because all eternal things are hidden in Christ, we then being born from above to be eternal, we too are hidden in Christ. We now see the things that are here that belong to us, and they are all eternal and “not of this world” as Christ on earth described His Kingship as higher than the Heavens and in total control over everything..

When we visit the Fathers house we take nothing in it. When we leave we take nothing out but our Testimony for you to believe too.

In the beginning Adam was split from his rib and called her Eve. That split is mended in Christ. It was God who told John the Baptist “on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain upon, this is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”, because for the first time since Adams rib was removed, male and female made He them in His image”. Gods image was restored. The split that started with the removal of the rib was mended in Christ of whom are all things including the female aspect of Him who said “let make man in our image and likeness, and God made them male and female. This is the wedding feast of which John the Baptist said “29 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears them, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. (a newly married man). Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled.” And in this way our joy is full.

And as Yeshua said “in that day no one shall take your joy from you”. This is that day, the day the Bridegroom has the Bride. A term that is unsuitable for a fiance or older married couple. Just the newly wed.

Yes, we testify with John the Revelator that Heavenly Jerusalem (that) comes down of God from heaven, “made up of the measure of the man that is of an angel”, referring to our invisible component and our assembly to Her, being much more certain than solid stone.

She is our inextricable link to the Father. He is the protecterant of the Kingdom, being Her. Just as Adam in the beginning had his protected inside His ribcage, his female counterpart was hidden inside himself, and sinse he was made in the image of God, “male and female made He them”. This is the revelation of the Bride of Christ as something hidden from carnal perseptions. There is no factual way to know “the Teacher”, the Comforter the other Parent so that you are not left Orphans. (John 14-16)

This is why Peter said of us”Coming to Him as to a living (invisible) stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious”. Also know by Ezekiel as “the terrible crystal” and the flame enfolding into itself. Also known as the consuming fire. referring to our transparency. Hence we are invisible stones, transparent as having been tried by fire to remove the impurities such as are common from Earth, and why we are told that carnal “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”. But for those of us that know, the re-spirited mind of faith does. This is “The New Creation”. Not that it is brand new. It is only need for you in your understanding because we’ve been gathering to Her for years. (Hebrews 12.22 plus)

So now can be true for you, “you also, as living (transparent) stones, are being built up a spiritual (transparent) house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual (transparent) sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”. Showing us that our new composition is Spirit like Him.

Isn’t that what Jesus told the Samaritan lady at the well? For I tell you the time is already here when you will not worship the Father in Samaria or Jerusalem, but in spirit and truth” again as touching the invisible.

This is how Christ could appear as a Gardner outside the cave where the stone was rolled away, or as a stranger on the road to Emmaus. Does your heart burn within you too? He appeared on the road to Damascus as “the bright light from Heaven”. He even appeared in the upper room to the disciples after the doors were closed, in their midst “in another form”. This is how He comes as a thief to many. He comes in a form you don’t suppose.

How then do you expect the Limitless One to appear? Even now He says;

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith”.

Because this is how He appears. In word form, carried by the spirit for the saturation of the mind.

John 1.1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The same was in the beginning with God.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” 

The question is, do you?

For that reason we are not to equate God as locked into a specific time frame or locality, “but spirit and truth for the Father seeketh such”. This is why it can be true that as our Lord said “I will never leave you or forsake you”, but you have no physical proof.

Even as Paul said from Galatians, that when it pleased God to separate me from from my Mother’s womb to reveal His Son in me. Paul’s incubation time in physical Jerusalem was over, but he was still in process. We call this part now our “transfiguration” into our new association of God in the Spirit where we become one and the same.

Paul further explained his transfiguration in human terms saying “a son is no different than a slave but is under governors and tutors until time appointed by the Father.

Who also gave this allegory, that when I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. But when I became a man I put away childhood toys. Meaning the carnally experienced old covenant practices and procedures.

Paul then speaks of his adulthood of having offspring by saying this to the Galatians, My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you“.

It is those who deliver the Gospel, in it’s various levels, that participate in begetting Heirs of the Kingdom, and share in the reward.

God begats through Abraham.

When God told Abraham that he would be “the father of many nation’s” God was not referring to his human genetics so much, but those who adopted his faith through his testimony. For this reason God said Abraham’s seed would be “as the sands of the sea” and “as the stars of the sky”, showing us that Abraham had earthen and heavenly offspring. (From Ishmael and Isaac) Even as Jesus said of the Jews in His day. They may have been from Abraham’s carnal lineage but because they sought to kill Jesus, whom He said “you do the works of your father the devil”. That shows us that those who are of the Heavenly seed, these are God’s chosen and His elect, and not those who are of the sands of the sea.

For this reason Paul also said “just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accredited him righteousness.” Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations shall be blessed.” So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham”. And not those of the carnal nature and works if the flesh as Abram did with Ishmael. And if you understand Galatians correctly, to cast off the bondwomen and her son referring to the carnal Israel and Jerusalem. And from Hebrews “the Holy Spirit thus indicating that the way into the Holy of Holys was not available while the first temple was standing”. Who also told us to “go boldly yyo the Throne room of grace”. And so we do because we have cast aside the carnal counterparts, given for our learning. Like Paul said “when I became a man I put away my childhood toys. That is the difference between a slave and an heir. We grow up. 

It is because “we are Begotten by a word of truth to be a kind of firstfruits of His creation” of invisible to the human eyes eternal matter, that we are Abraham’s seed “as numerous as the stars of the heavens”. Meaning a heavenly sort.

So the main point is, the Kingdom of God really is at hand. But many seek another. Isn’t that what John the Baptist asked? “Are you the coming one or do we seek another”. You see all the old covenant was anticipating a carnal Kingdom. For this John was beheaded as so should we in the sense that we need to cut off that mindset too. Let us not be found looking for another lest we get beheaded against our will too.

The Bridal Chamber is at hand! Amen.

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand