Part 1 The Bride, Christ’s comforter/ helper, mother of His children.

Posted on March 25, 2018 by ADMIN

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Part 1 The Parakleet. Christ’s comforter/ helper, mother of His children.

We know Them who said “let Us make man in Our image and Our likeness” showing us that God is plural, saying Us and Our. Then They, the plurality of God, proceeded to make us male and female. They did that because They wanted us to know Them that way, male and female. That is why we have these similarities. That is why the mandate went out for the two to become one and there is no reproduction of a species without this. This is what “wed” or “wedding” means. To put the halves together to make a whole. Then there can be an offspring or a multiplying. 

We draw upon this truth, and  we can call God “They” and “Them” just like They referred to themselves as “Us”. Let Us make mankind in our image, a likeness thereof.  We call them Adam and Eve, and “they” and  “them” too because man projects God through these two components. This is what Marriage ceremonies portray, “the two become one”. This is what and why we are called to the Wedding Feast in Matthew 22.

And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables (of similarities) and said: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, 3 and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come. 4 Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fattened cattle are killed, and all things are (already) ready. Come to the wedding.

So you can see that God has all the male and female attributes inside Himself for self replication. They originated from Him. God has the original that a bride and groom were pattered after. Creation reflects this in a man and women who are wed saying “for this reason a man shall leave father and mother and cleave to His Bride. They become husband and wife.

Here are some words we need to know from the Greek to understand the Bride of Christ and Mother of those born again of a Heavenly sort. These are the basics of being “born again”. And more precisely “borne from above”. John 3.

In the book of John, Christ said that He would not leave us orphans, that He would send a replacement of Him. Like Him but not Him being a co-equal in and of the Godhead.

Another comforter and helper” like Adam had a comforter and helper. Someone like Christ but not Him. She has to be in all respects complimentary to Him, being “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh” of glorious Spirit and Truth. Unless you think there are 3 men ruling from Heaven, then God would only be male and His statement that Adam and Eve were a similitude of Him would be false but they are not. Like ALL of scripture, Adam and Eve portray invisible realities and Heavenly attributes in God. As it says in scripture “eye has  not seen, nor heart the things that God has for you. But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit. Yes, even the deep things of God.

Christs other helper like Adam had Eve, like Him but not Him. Meaning bone of His bone and Flesh of His flesh, in composition and design similar to Him of non-matter before creation “spirit and truth”. That He would send this “comforter”, whom “the world can neither see or know, but you will know for she will be with you and in you”. Some of us call Her “The Unction of God”. 1 John 2.20

Here we have the hierarchy of the family of God and the parents of those who are “in Christ” and born of Them.

If we look at the Son of God and His Bride in the Greek, it takes on a clear meaning. The English translators committed a huge blunder.

This is the first part in a series that deal with these obscurities in the English translations from the Greek and Hebrew scriptures. And we will use scripture to back this up.

Here is the Bride of Christ, “Heavenly Jeru-shalom, the Mother of us all” (Galatians 4.26) of those who are in the faith.

Para-klete is the Greek word we get “comforter” from. “Para” means over arching, like a parachute. A sort of covering. We see this in the times of Moses as the cloud by day and the fire by night that covered and protected them.

We see Her again when the feminine in Christ said “oh Jerus-halom, (meaning city of peace) how I would’ve gathered you as a Mother hen gathers Her chicks, but you are not willing!” The question is, are you? He said He wouldn’t leave us orphans (which means parent-less), that He would send another like Him but not Him. That the helper would come and show you all things that pertains to God, who “will come and take what is mine and declare it to you”. The question is are you ready for this declaration?


The Greek word “Klete” comes from “klesia” which is plural and means “the called out ones” . Klete is singular and the covering is over the klesia. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as the Para-klesia, so this should be fairly obvious. Klesia and Klete have the same origins in the Greek. And para means stretched over like a para-chute. Think of the cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night they had with Moses.

Klesia means the called. Ek means out. Ek-klesia means “the called out ones”. This is what the translators call “church” which today is commonly thought of as buildings of men’s devising. We are warned not to associate God with human devising’s. Exodus 20.25. And in truth, the term church is etymologically related to circle, circus and sorcery.

But it is the Holy Spirit who is the other Parent so that you are not left orphans, She is our Mother and Comforter, another Parent, called the Para-klete over Her brood of children and the Elect, of those who are “the called” who are “in Christ” of those in the world but not of the world.

This comforter/helper comes from the Greek word “parakleetos” which is from the word “parakleesis” meaning comfort, consolation and exhortation. The “parakleetos’ is the one that brings comfort, consolation, and exhortation. It is the actions of the parakleetos that brings comfort to the “ekleesia” meaning the “called out ones”‘

We have the giver, the gift and the receiver of the gift. We have the Motherer of the Ek-klesia/church/the called out ones.

We know even in English that “para” means over. Like parachute, paratroop, and so on. So also with the Greek. But who is the “parakleetos” over? The Kleesia. And who are they? Well “kleesia” means the called, the invited, the saints, and is where the word “Ekkleesia” comes from. This is the word  translated into “church”. So the “Para” is over the church, meaning not the building or earthly hierarchy but the heavenly called ones. Those who hear the voice from heaven. Not in a building but “where two or more are gathered together in His name”, underneath Her.
Like the old testament picture when the Tabernacle of meeting with the Holy of Holies was set up, with the priests and all the articles assembled on feast days,
the cloud that over shadowed them was the Holy Spirit, as described in Exodus 40. 34 Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 36 And when the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward in all their journeys: 37 but if the cloud were not taken up, then they journeyed not till the day that it was taken up. 38 For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys”. This is a picture of a work and function of God’s Holy Spirit. Like baby chicks under Her brood.
It is here that you have to remember that what God taught them in picture form, He teaches us through words called scripture.
As understood in Gods city in the old testament, “for His name is on Her”, He has Her covered, they are wed, they are one.
The para is over those gathered to the eternal truths found “in Christ” for the “called out” are the called “in Christ” Like one of the plural in the man Jesus said, “Oh how I would’ve gathered you as a (mother) Hen gathers Her chicks, but you were not willing.  It wasn’t so much that Yeshua/Jesus was saying that, but His counterpart the Holy Spirit inside of Him spoke out. The two are one.
She is “in Christ” as we are “in Christ” and we are under Her care, comfort and tutelage. She is the other comforter the helper, help mate, wife and Bride, “the Mother of us all”, meaning all who are “in Christ”.
When the body of Christ comes together, meaning us the living stones gathered a habitation of God in the Spirit, that may have the prophets apostles evangelists and teachers, meaning the ekklisia, this is when we practice these truths collectively. This can be as simple as “where two or more are gathered in My name”.
Just as earthly Jerusalem was a comforter, teacher, tutor and mother by mirroring the eternal, to bring us to Christ so also is our gathering to these truths for She is “Spirit and Truth”. Your local meaning places are temporary having the same purpose as Jerusalem on Earth did, to bring all into the full stature of the son of God, but when what is mature has come that which is in part will be done away with. When faith has come, you put away the visual instruments of faith, they Expire.
Paul said it like this. “When I was a child, I thought like a child and spoke like a child. When I became a man, or an adult, I put away childhood things”. It is all the law and the prophets, with all the feast articles, places, times and procedures, that become irrelevant if you can make the transition. For this reason the Israelites were called “children” over a thousand times with Moses, even those 80 years of age, because they could not make this connection.
Here is the break down from Strong’s Greek concordance for your verification
#3874 = parakleesis, meaning helper and comforter,the other parent.
#3870= para, over
#2821= kleesis, and means an invitation, and the invited are the called, from 2564
#2564= kaleo, meaning to call
#1577 ekklesia , are the called, from #2564 . This is where the translated chose to use the word “church”. A better translation is “general assembly” or “congregation” as understood from Hebrews 12.22+.
In English the helper/comforter/other parent like Christ but not Christ, is over the Assembly. Christ is over Her. She is hidden
in Christ as are we. The church is not the bride of Christ, the Holy Spirit is for She is the covering over the brood. There is nothing on earth or time and matter that is of the right design and composition to qualify being the Bride of Christ but Her, of being “bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh” of glorious “Spirit and Truth” (John 4-). It is not 3 men in heaven who create and govern all things. It is clear “in the beginning God created man, or humanity in His image and likeness, in His image made He them make and female. The female is of equal value and importance as the male. She has contributions the male does not. Her attributes are eternal. The collection of Her attributes were with God from the beginning of time as “The Kingdom created from (before) the foundations of the world”. She is as eternal as the male counterpart. You cannot have one without the other.
So we have the caller calling an invitation,calling to a people to be gathered to the place of the calling under the Holy Spirit, the Parakleet. This is the family structure of the spirit. This is partially spelled out in 1 Corinthians 11 in the topic of “coverings”. We will discuss this topic more later.
As all born from the flesh from Adam and Eve die. The replacement for Adam and Eve is Christ and His comforter, helper, Holy Spirit, the parents of the new creation. And we are this kind if indeed His spirit dwells in us.
You are counted “in Adam” unless you are born again, then you are “in Christ” a new creation. You have a new set of parents.
And again from Galatians 4.26 “the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all” And She is the city/bride/wife of Christ/comforter/another helper/Holy Spirit the two come together under the New Covenant to be one for the propagation of the species for the procreation of the new creation of those born of Word/ Jesus and Spirit/ helper.
John 3.29 says “He who has the Bride (the helper, another comforter, parent so we are not orphans) is the Bridegroom”. (past tense) If They were not united, or wed, there would be no offspring and we would still be dead in our sins, but now they are and so are we. If you are of this kind. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the Children of God. As many as are not led by Her are not born of Her and Him. They are not His. For the world cannot know Her or see Her. God’s things are spiritually discerned. And this birth too is not a time dimensional truth started with Pentecost, For even Isaac was born of the Spirit. way before the time of Jesus. (Gal 4.29). Pentecost just showed in the physical the eternal realities like the man Jesus did. As we always say, scripture is to make visible the invisble things of God. Any other uses divide the fold of God.
The Bridegroom Has the Bride, The King is in the City on the throne even now! Like He was before He came in the flesh to show us the way. Hebrews 13.8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. He never was not King. He was born King in the man Jesus the ever lasting Father and king of Kings but not of “earthly” Jerusalem. That also was for demonstrative purposes only. For His kingdom is not of this world, and not of this age of the 6 days of creating.
The Bride is Heavenly Jerusalem come down from Heaven of the Father to us as we , the called, are assembled together in our upper room, being the one on our shoulders, of the spirit of our mind, anywhere 2 or more are gathered in His Name.
She is as eternal as Her King, in the kingdom “finished from the foundations of the world”. He always has been as with Her also.
This is the Kingdom of God which is always at Hand!

2nd coming apocalypse atonement comforter end times eschatology false prophet helper Israel Jehovah Jerusalem man of sin mother Plurality of God rapture redeemer Revelation Sabbath salvation savior tribulation Yeshua YHVH transfiguration. Holy Spirit

Kingdom at hand