Define Carnal Christian

Posted on December 23, 2015 by ADMIN

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Carnal Christian is a term typically used for a believer who is worldly minded not being hungry for things of the spirit.
   Some think the contrast of being a carnal Christian is to be religious by casting off earthly pleasures. To be given into to church and praying and evangelizing, but this is not so.
    It was the religious leaders of that day that the man Jesus chided with the most saying “you sons of Satan, brood of vipers and whited sepulchers. You travel land and sea to make converts and doing so you make them twice the sons if Hell as yourselves “. These were the biggest offenders in carnality and offenders of the faith. It was not the common folk who didn’t go to church like the harlots, tax collectors and wine bibblers that were chided. These were the objects of attention from Jesus and not the Pharisees and Sadducee’s, priests and scribes, these were the objects of scorn.
   A carnal Christian correctly defined is someone who interprets Gods word in a carnal way to appease their outward human senses of sight, smell and sound with disregard for the invisible things of God. They want something tangible. Like Thomas “show us the Father and that will suffice”. The Lord spoke of these people saying “seeing with their eyes they see not, and hearing with their ears they hear not for it is with the heart that one must see and here with to understand the things of God. It is said of Moses that “he endured as seeing Him who is invisible”. What about you?
   Paul the apostle said “The carnal mind is enmity against God. It is not subject to the laws of God and neither indeed can be so those who are in the flesh (using the human resources of sight and sound) cannot please God”. Why? Because they want to experience God with their carnal senses and reject Him who is immortal eternal and invisible in His natural composition, whom we experience in the spirit of the mind, the place of our transfiguration “.
  It is said in the book of Hebrews to those who want please God that” one must first believe that He is, and that He rewards those that diligently seek Him”. Yes, God rewards diligently and quickly.
   And here is the infraction of the 2nd coming seeker. They believe that the Sons 1st attempt at salvation was incomplete and He must come back after some 2000 plus years and appease their carnal senses of sight and sound by a spectacular event. That Satan rules  (Hebrews 2.14 Satan is destroyed + John 3.8 John 16.9) and Jesus must come back to fix this. They believe that Satan rules the world and in this way they resurrect and empower their own foe “the spirit that now works in the sons of disobedience” instead of resurrecting themselves.
It is written of them that “Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, experienced by our brotherhood in the world”. Yes they are in the world using their carnal senses and drawn away from the true faith by this. But “we testify to what we have seen and report what we hear”. Us who have ears to hear.
    The is the fulfillment of “when you see the abomination of desolation spoken by Daniel the prophet, Let him who reads understand “? Run from that gospel. A man named Jesus will not rule planet earth from Jerusalem.  That is the abomination that kills your relationship with God and grieves the Holy Spirit. “For although they knew God, they glorified Him not, and turned the Glory of the incorruptible God into the image of a man”. That is the infraction. It  is you letting Satan rule through you for you are “taken captive to do His will”. But it should be said of you “you are the temple of God” and not a piece of real estate in Israel. That is a carnal interpretation of Gods word and it the very “enmity against God”. We are the temple of God. This is what is keeping Gods salvation from you and keeping you out of Heaven, Gods ubiquitous, ever ready Kingdom of God “at hand”.
   And you overcome that abominable beleif that “makes desolate” by being renewed in the mind. “Whom the Lord consumes with the breath of His mouth (word) and the brightness of His coming”(revelation by the Spirit) through the gospel “once and for all delivered to the saints “.  How? By applying His word by faith, the word of His mouth. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (visibly tangible) but mighty through (the invisible God) through pulling down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God “. And so we do. We pulverize thst lie.
   You see Jesus does not need to come again because “He is the same yesterday today and forever ” (Hebrews 13.8)  and He appeared once at the end of times to put away sin once and for all”. But this they deny.
 ” We have been given everything that pertains to life and god-like-ness according to knowledge of Him who calls us by glory to virtue” which is us putting on His attributes. “For in so doing you will be given abundantly an entrance into the kingdom “(2nd Peter 1)
If Jesus came back in the way they suppose He would not do something for them He has not already done. And He doesn’t like to repeat Himself. We repeat Him by speaking this gospel saying “Father I pray not just for these but also those who will believe in Me through their word “. (John 17) So we do.
  It was displayed at the cross that Satan was judged by nailing our condemnation and death there as a public spectacle. That all who believe may receive eternal life. “God sent His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to condemn sin in the flesh” to respirit a people and put out of business the carnal senses of sight and sound for relating to God. “To those who have ears to hear” and a different nature than carnal.
    “To those who have ears to hear” is a biblical phrase to those who have been respirited with Gods Holy Spirit  to relate to Him that way “for the time is coming and now is when you will no longer worship God in Sameria or Jerusalem but in Spirit and truth. For God is Spirit and seeketh such”. (John 4). He wants your invisible part. That’s what closest resembles Him of
being flesh of My flesh (of invisible attributes seen in Christ) and bone of My bone (of being sound doctrine).
So a carnal Christian clearly defined is someone who thinks God must become a man again and do another work and another saving in a way they can see with their eyes and in doing do they reject Him who is invisible, who is the same yesterday today and forever. (Hebrews 13.8 )
 And this is why the 2nd coming gospel message is enmity against God for they say “look here! And look there! But Jesus said  “do not go after them!”  Why? Because “it cometh not with observation” of the carnal senses. (Luke 17). The second coming message is exactly the same as the message of the Pharisees.  “When does the Kingdom of God come?”
The Kingdom of God is at hand. Active and perfecting saints, even in our day.

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Kingdom at hand