Fallen angels and the final rebellion part 1 they are loose

Posted on August 20, 2019 by ADMIN

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In scripture in the book of Jude talks of “the angels who did not keep their proper estate, but left their own domain, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day

It is these angels who kept not their proper domain and first estate, being their purpose of mediating for God to humans. Instead they turned to serve themselves. For this reason they are reserved for judgment for The Great Day. In the last days they will be released and used for the last deception on earth, then receive their own final judgment of outer darkness and the relentless unquenchable fire of relentless agony.

The book of Revelation says that in the latter days the pit is opened and spirits are released to carry out their final rebellion, for the manipulation of  things on earth and the great deception of impersonating God Almighty, of being “in the place of God, proclaiming to be God”. To be all knowing and all controlling, who is even now seen as the www. eye in the sky and the cap of the pyramid. Gods ubiquity is being mimicked and impersonated in this way as predicted. (2 Thessalonians 2.9)

God allows the fallen angels to be paroled, with the task to mark collect and classify rogue elements on planet Earth, to be gathered with themselves, for the trapping to be removed and for purifying of all things. Even as scripture says Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!” So too God’s purpose is completed in this way, and they shall not escape.

People are being classified, codified and categorized by the internet, www. eye in the sky and all knowing. The other god that “is not, yet is, but must become for a short time and is near completion.

Here the fallen angels misdirect people’s thoughts and actions to steal their souls through apps, plug-n-plays with terms and conditions and total control of their soulish appetites that gives humans a false sense of god-like features. Even as Eve said of the apple before she took a bite, that it “was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and desirable to make one wise,”. (Gen 3) So she sought to be completed by another ubiquitum, other than God Almighty. There is a counterfeit all knowing, and there is a reason why they call it Apple, and computer bites are bits. They know what they are doing.

The symbol of an apple with a bite missing out of it as a logo should cause a concern. Many would rather interphase with this type of apple than interphasing with the living  God by His Word and His Holy Spirit. There is competition for your soul.

And because these angels that “kept not their first estate” are spirits that are set free in these last days to lead astray, we must understand the mechanisms by which they conduct this final rebellion and deception more clearly lest we become one of their recruiter drones supporting their cause.

In order to be held in prison as Jude says, in the planet there is a God ordained magnetism and a gravity to hold them there set in place. This is the very reason why CERN, whose logo is the destroyer, who boast that they have magnets  more than 100,000 times more powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field. These they use to counter gravity to set the imprisoned spirits and fallen angels free from the Earth’s core.



Since God in the beginning created expanses, we can understand that these demons enjoyed a vacuum before time, in an un-earthy non gravitational aura.

This is the reason at CERN they recreated a mega vacuum for the demons loosed from judgment for comfort from which they can unfold their final plan to take over with AI,s. They like these host bodies better than humans because plastic is easy to mold. And fitted with replaceable components will out last humans in some ways.

They purpose to alter all of creation

Hebrews 11.3 says “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” That the building blocks of creation are organized and assembled for God’s purpose, that these sons of Satan try to smash atoms, to reimpliment them in a perverted way.

It is at the Cern facility with the hedron collider that they changed the conditions that held captive the fallen angels. They tamper with created elements together in the presence of these magnets in an extreme vacuum and open up  portals between the created realm and the incarcerated fallen spirits.

It is in this extreme vacuum accommodated with the ultra strong magnets, that are positioned to counter the Earth’s core that once held in a cluster of rebellious angels “who kept not their first estate” that frees them to experience their new found freedom and re-implement their rebellion that was temporarily put on hold.

They now sieze control by commingling their rebellious spirits with modern technology, in search whatever host body they find available be it humans, animals or AI’s.

This is intentionally done to counteract the magnatism that hold these spirits bound and are now used to release them back into the air. There they can tag on to delivery mechanisms of internet, radio and TV called mediums.

Paul in the book of Ephesians called Satan, “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”.

In physics the definition of a medium is, a substance that makes possible the transfer of energy or information from one location to another especially through waves by way of currencies, electronic or otherwise.

Another definition says that, a medium is a substance or material that carries mechanical waves. The most important thing about these waves is that they transport invisible things not matter, in this case spirits. This makes them different from other phenomena in physics. They are more appropriatly classified as non-elemental, spirits.

The Greek word for spirit is pneuma, which means air. Hence “the prince of the power of the air meaning atmospheric pneumas, different from God’s Holy Spirit. Compositionally different and oppositional. God’s Heavens are light. Earth’s are dark with scattered luminaries.


The conclusion is that mediums transfer non-particles  as is with the internet, which is much faster than radio or tv. This invisible force field transfers information and information is knowledge. Whether it’s radio waves that turned it into music, or TV waves that add in video, or IP addresses for the internet, all these are mediums transferring information called bits and data.

Through these forms of media (mediums) these once bound rebellious spirits are reactivating for the final rebellion to deliver deception falsely called knowledge in what scripture refers to as “The flood of lies” many are carried away from truth with.

Revelation 9 says “The pit is opened” in this way and is polluting our air waves today. It goes on to say “They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads” showing it infects those who reject God. This helps understand the psychological sicknesses of  today as being spiritual and not medical. Mental sickness is an absence of God.

Stop These spirits are released from thier prison and find transportation into the minds of men through the assorted mediums available today, and delivered into the minds of people through various mediums by way of the internet whose logo is an earth covered by a net symbolizing a trap, not so much for earth but it’s inhabitants.

What are mediums?

Paper with writing on it is a form of a medium in that you can write things down and give it to somebody. They can read it and believe it to make it their own thereby making a metal transfer complete. And with demonic impressions, the new owner becomes the owned.

Humans are vessels for transcription. And without proper covering, anything can be poured into their thinking. This is why scripture says we are to be covered for the sake of angels. With those who have the seal of God on their forheads they are off limits to the wandering infestation of demons who are transposed throug modern mediums of invisible air waves, into the carnal mind. This is why scripture says that “the carnal mind is the enemy if God. It is not subject to the laws of God, and neither can be so then those who are in the flesh cannot please God” however they may please another”. This is why Satan is called “the god of this age” and the leader of the rebellion.

There are spiritualist that are mediums through seances and channeling, tarot cards Ouija board. These are all mediums transferring spirits into minds.

Human beings souls are like blank paper or an empty disc needing to be formatted. And like pouring water on a table, it just runs off without cups and bowls to hold it, so too the spirit of the mind must be scripted with truths. This is the purpose of scripture, God’s media and holy writ. As Christ said, My words are spirit and they are truth. When one rejects these things they are open for scripting of another source of their choosing.

When the mind has been subject to repetitious chantings like through music, and given into the assorted distractions that keep them from progressing they become open vessels for the use of the information from the fallen spirits. They are scripted in this way.

The biggest medium and transfer of information today is the internet who is birthplace in umbilical cord is CERN.so if we understand that spirits were reserved in the core of the earth called hell for a time of judgment, and that CERN has a magnetic power to reverse that, then we understand as the book of Revelation says that the bottomless pit was opened and filled the air with smoke, and the internet in its final perversion is the delivery mechanism of deception for Satan’s final rebellious acts by it’s deception.

There is a rock and roll song that says, we are the people of the roundabout turning turning changing everyday. This is what’s CERN is. They mislead you by saying that its purpose is to smash atoms. That is only partially true. The other part of that equation it is that, at the point where matter intersects with the invisible, there is a fissure made between matter and dark matter, whereby the demons that were held captive by that magnetic resonance, now have a transition point for demons to go back to “as in the days of Noah”. A scenerio like they had back before the flood, when they altered all aspects of God’s creation, to modify atoms, genetics and molicules, to be used in a way God had not intended. At the end of God creating He said of His work was very good, to need no modifications. But today they are altering everything. And again they carry the rebellion for the end of this age by implanting their idea to pervert creation more and more. But if God spared not those fallen in the days of Noah, these too will be destroyed along with those who take part in this rebellion.


Come out of her my people. She has become a snare and s trap for every unclean and hateful bird.

The kingdom of God is at hand.




His Kingdom At Hand

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