
Posted on February 25, 2025 by ADMIN

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Christ told His disciples to “watch for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” That “He may come in the in the third or the forth watch. That ” blessed are those who are found watching when their Lord comes for assuredly I say to you, He will make them ruler over all His goods.” Even as we are told that we are “joint heirs” of the things of God. ” Did you see that one? If yes, you are watching because many are still waiting for their Lord to come. But our proclamation is that He is already here and has never left. This is why The Kingdom of God is at hand.” That He comes as a thief, to mean He comes by stealth and passes by to those who are not watching for Him in a physical way. “We see Him as He is and we become like Him. So for us who are paying attention? He is the One who “was and is and is to come, the Almighty.”

With His teachings, we see the thieves as those who are the stealing people souls by offering them alternate and contending ways to be saved, safe, healthy, wealthy and wise, all in carnal ways which are wrong because “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom”. But the re-spirited mind of faith does. So it is their service providers that have them addicted as evidenced by their renewals to those services requiring monthly payments with legal and binding “terms and conditions” that equates to spiritual adultery because God made similar promises,,, if you would just trust and believe the Gospel of The Savior. For He too is a legally bound edict, displayed first at the cross, and is made known through His perpetual contract call “The New Will and Testament” copied, printed and delivered to all nations tribes languages and tongues”.

That “God so loved (the people of the) world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish (think of slowly rotting fruit here) but obtain eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn but to save.” That “Good News” edict and all the saving, safety and godly living is still proclaimed today. But it is the enemy of your souls who offer you alternate types of savings through contracted services that in truth contain peoples choices and empower the providers, NOT the subjugates the subscribers. That these kind of coverage providers, live in spiritual clouds filled with the internet entities, that comes between you and your potential Heavenly Father. That you, by agreeing to those written contracts with terms and conditions. And in those “terms and conditions”, they all have this one caveat,, that they can change their terms and conditions anytime they want without forewarning you, because it is YOU who must check them periodically to see if you STILL agree. And the question that begs to be asked is, can those changes be enforced or terminated after you’ve agreed to let them do so by default. Can you really get out if they add the phrase that they TOO are legal and binding. In a court of law? Yes! You should’ve taken that possibility when you examined that edict. For you see, even Gods terms and conditions gives you the opportunity to accept or decline and face life without His Eternal and unchanging “Will and Testament” as heirs of an estate, which is eternally greater and more secure than the flighty entities who update their terms and conditions all the time.

For you see, they are the “illusion with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. And to deceive is to “cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage. And because it is done by contracts, they are legal and binding

But it is the Elect who know that our godliness and godlike powers are not of this age. That we are saved as a matter of perspective first. That has a man thinks in his heart, so that he is. And the gospel neutralizes all fears that fuel the lies of the enemy and his minions that are promoted through non-stop advertising to consume their minds. Consume? Consumer? To be consumed? A form of Consumption, Consummation to be Consummated? Which means to be absorbed into a union? Like a marriage? A formidable bond. To be bound by contracts as in birthing pains to get tighter and tighter by the restrictions?

This is spiritual adultery and The Revelation of “Mystery Babylon, the mother of all who reject the Gospel message and saving of the Christ of the Cross. To reject the Heavenly calling, to remain earth bound and looking down. And just as a butterfly is a caterpillar that has gone through a metamorphosis, that being once bound and looking down, could never have understood the life and flight of a butterfly, so too many will be bound by their carnal nature because they reject the unction’s of the Holy Spirit and the words of the Gospel that say “Come up Hither”, in strong contrast and defiance of those who wait for a second coming Jesus as if they were left ground bound and looking down, bereft of any hope of change until a second coming Jesus, which is a phrase not found once in scripture.


Get it?

That we are instructed to “in your patience posses your souls”. By doing this and adhering to God’s promises, that “He will keep in perfect peace the mind that stayed on Him. And “whoever puts their trust in Him shall not be put to shame”.

To mean that, that is what you get to keep from the carnal era interlude whereby we harvest our God given forms of godliness to be like Him.

And the “illusion with all lying signs and wonders” is the counterfeit empowerments to make one godlike in the age of the flesh ONLY. That if the Master of the house (meaning you in the flesh) would watch and not let his goods be stolen”. This is because the theft that takes place has to do with the gift of God, of Godliness and God likeness planted inside of each one of us for our own discovery. But then for us to be tempted to give in to the temporary forms of cures in the here and now, as if that is Eternal. It is NOT!! But you must choose.

That this is what God’s warning was all about. That He only spoke to the people in parables and without a parable spake He not to the people.” To mean that everything conveyed in the gospel has to do with Eternal life, and not your temporary, carnal circumstances. No, for those are the distractions. Those who seek to save themselves in this life will loose it? Those who are willing to loose this life for the life to come, get life for eternity!

This is the gospel. This is the message and purpose for ALL of Scripture. Eternal life!

And those that are looking to hang in there and hang on waiting for another Jesus are those who are being deceived by the modern version of the gospel, with ALL lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect.” Why? Because we were never promised by God that things would be heavenly down here. For this there is an ascension. Even as Christ said “follow Me that where I am ye may be also.. That the saving project Christ came to restore, had to do with becoming Heavenly focused, hence, “The Kingdom of God is at hand”.

So putting it simply, if you really knew the gift of and from God according to god-likeness (that accords or equates with being like the Father), you would sell off all you have and lay hold of Eternal life while your version of you down here as needing to save the flesh, with it’s health, wealth, popularity and carnal desires. These are the entrapments and illusions presented to you by Satan, the God of this age who manifests his fake forms of godliness through his fallen messenger angels keeping people occupied by the flesh by trapping them into a net a illusions with all its advertising. These is the Harlots. And the inner-net is the Mother of them. And all who drink of her milk are drunk in this life as salvation from God comes and goes.

We are to be in the world and not of the world as stated. “Come out from among them and be ye separate. Then I will receive you and you shall be My sons and daughters”.

It is with the parable of The Wheat and Tares growing together. That while men slept from thinking about being godly, of the gift of being godly according to Scripture. As evidenced by them being godly, or god-like over their affairs in this life was meant to be our focus. This is the “illusion if possible to deceive the Elect”. Because it is those, seemingly all today, who have given into that illusion and lie.

None of the promises from God to us has to do with being God-like today in this day. Even as Christ had said that “My Kingdom is NOT from her for if it was I would dispatch a legion of angels and they would fight, however My Kingdom is not from here.”

So for us, if we want to really receive the gift from God according to godliness, we would NOT sell our souls to the devil for pitances. For pennies on the dollar because for every enticement of receiving powers in and for this age, is to get you to buy in to this age. And like a big trap, this age with all its empowerments are of the Devil and Satan who is also called in scripture”the God of this age”. Even as The Christ had said that “the god of this age that is coming, has nothing in Me”. To mean to have nothing in common, but by way of contrast. God has never promised us that we would be godlike in this age, and why “those who save their lives in this life loose their lives in Eternity. But those who loose their lives here, gain life for Eternity.” Showing us what the goal and the prize is. And as Christ told them in His day to “sell all and follow Me”. Has been replaced with, click and subscribe and follow, others. This is you, portioning out pieces of your soul to various subsector gods that are all carnal, temporary and “illusions if possible to deceive and detain people from the truth that even still today, “Thee Kingdom of God it at hand.” And just like those invited to the Heavenly Wedding of Christ and His Bride to happen. That there were those who “went to the world to buy their wedding garments, to return to be told by the Master of the feast, to “depart from Me you workers of inequity for you are not mindful of the things of God but the things of men”. That you were more concerned about digging in here, fortifying yourself here with all your protection agencies and policies. And by doing so, you have exposed the intentions of your heart. This life. Therefore, you have made your choices, or choice by your many choices to invest yourself here as if to dig in and stay. But God never promised you Heaven on earth. That is an unobtainable goal. For “all the earth and all its works shall be burned for the Eternal to remain.” To mean to be around after all the contending counterfeits have been removed.

It is for every investment, and saving and purchase you make to protect yourself and your interests here, that is the evidence against you that you do not believe the gospel, and eternal life has no real appeal to you, especially as you sit and wait in a proverbial way in expectations of another coming Jesus to save you as though the cross was only ceremonial.  For you may say or think “I am rich and have need of nothing” as having to do with your inventory of your carnal assets. But scripture says if those that do that “are poor, blind and naked.” Poor by proof of their investments here, to mean where they are “vested in”. Blind because of the dazzle of advertising. Naked not to mean unclothed in the flesh but in the Spirit and the gifts from God in Christ in “The Kingdom of God at hand”. To mean reachable and attainable today. “Today if you can hear His voice.” That today is the day of Salvation from the wreck age of the fall that happened first with Adam and Eve. That those who are putting on the internet coverage devises are getting all sown up and in cahoots with the devil, the collector of souls by getting people to agree to submit to them and their policies with terms and conditions that have all the counterfeits necessary to make people feel like a god of themselves by these counterfeits. That you may feel that you are rich and have need of nothing not knowing that you are poor blind and naked.” God never promised you this life. He promised you a life with Him. With Him and in Him now by way of His Word, meaning words and promises, and following His Holy Spirit, and not the following of the likes and subscribes in the internet, to mean inner-net, to mean there is an outer and an upper. But you can NOT see it with glassy eyes blinded by the illusions, distractions and re&directs if this age.

If can see this, and wake up. It is not too late yet because still, “The Kingdom of God is at hand” in the same way as it was first offered. But when the master of the feast rises up to close the doors, there will be those outside who say, open up for us! Did we not preach in the streets, give to the needy and help the poor? Upon which they were told “depart from Me all you workers of inequity. For I do NOT know you from where you are at for you’ve become mindful of the things of men and not God”. As evidenced by your time and investments here. To be stuck in the trap of the internet of the under-net that keeps you ground bound and looking down at your circumstances and world events and waiting for a “second coming Jesus to save you as if Thee Cross which is our cross over into Eternity, was just ceremonial untill the next Jesus comes with another form of saving, so that you have surrogate savings and protections of health wealth and retirement do as to protect yourself until the real saving one comes called a “Second Coming Jesus, a phrase NOT FOUND ONCE IN SCRIPTURE! That is a blasphemous idea that spits in the Face of the Son of God.

As the weeping Prophet said “The summer is past, the harvest is over and WE ARE NOT SAVED”.

If you are able to accept this and repent, which simply means to do an about face. You will find a willing and loving Heavenly Father meet you right where you are at, but only if you are ready to cast off the works of darkness by coming out from underneath the inner-net that is an under-net, to infer that there is an outer and an upper. We call this “being seated far above all principalities and powers in Heavenly places in Christ.” It is us here with a view from Heaven who have disenfranchised from the promises and provisions from the providers of that age that testify still that;

The Kingdom of God is STILL, for a short while, reachable and attainable in the same way, shape and form as it was first spoken by the Christ, our Savior, saving one and the distributor of the Estate associated with a “Will and Testament” of the deceased from His cross whereby He said to the Father “it is finished”. And it is, do NOT spit in the face of grace and go back to that “illusion with all lying signs and wonders”, lest you share in that inheritance instead.


Kingdom at hand