“How can you say to my soul, like a bird ascend to Your Mountain, Your Holy Mt. Zion?”
(Psalms 11.1)
For you see Mt Zion is God’s Holy Mountain, the place of His City and His things. We know Her also as “Heavenly Jerusalem the Mother of us all, as described in the Book of The Revelation as the one that descends down from Heaven” who is built up for us a habitation of God in the Spirit, as speaking of the invisible.
And like with all Heavenly realities that are hidden “in Christ”. It is those of us who are “in Him” that know and experience this place even now! As is stated in Hebrews 12. That you have come to Mt Zion, the City of the living God, to an innumerable company of angels and to the spirits of those who are perfected and justified, who worship God in Spirit and Truth. This is “The Kingdom of God at hand”. As opposed to physical idealistic notions of the counterfeits made to entice your fallen nature. That is because “God is Spirit and truth and seeketh such”, that we are able to make this clear cut distinction from the 6 days of creation that had its expiration. That “if anyone is in Christ, they are (in the) New Creation. Old things having passed away, behold all things are new and all things are from God”. This is The Kingdom of God at hand.
To mean that of the first six days came after what already “ was and is and is to come” comes only on our understanding of a renewed mind of faith. Speaking of the forever gift of Eternal life that does not fade or wain, but “shines brighter and brighter unto the coming day”.
And from The Revelation again this “Heavenly place is “made up of the measure of a man who is of an Angel” referring to a persons invisible, inward parts, that they have acquired through their godly quest of putting on Christ one revelation at a time until we’ve reached this conclusion. Showing us that “The Kingdom of God (that) is within you” cannot be carnally tangible or assimilated. It exists only in the spirit of your mind, but it is everything Eternal. Even as scripture says to “ be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind, that ye my know what Gods good, acceptable and perfect will is”.
And because “God is Spirit and Truth and seeks such, you know what you have to put on to become one with, and what you need to use to have fellowship with The Godhead body. It is as you abide in word, spirit and truth, being two main descriptions of the invisible realm we are called to. This is fellowship with the Godhead body being God the Fathers Only Begotten called His Word, that is also accompanied, or coupled by, to be wedded to Gods Holy Spirit, who is also described as the Bride of Christ come down from God in Heaven.
It is as they have this union in you, or this reunion in you because it is a personal event unlike a supposed 2nd coming. That God’s Word and Holy Spirit join together and become one and united in you, that you are their offspring, the “children of the wedding chamber”, that you are then in “The Kingdom of God at hand” because they have said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. These are the “sons and daughters of the Bridal Chamber” meant for family members of that union only. And this is The Union all other marriages faintly mimic.
For this reason “we walk not according to the flesh”, it’s appetites and needs, but “according to the spirit” as touching the invisible. This is why we use words or Word. That “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and that Word was God” Gods Only Begotton. He was in the beginning with God” as were we as the “for ordained” and the Elect of God. Each one of us in our order in time of which we are able to receive it and not as the slothful stewards who sit and wait and say “my Lord delays His coming”. No, no for they are the slothful.
We press in to lay hold of why Christ laid hold of us, as the persons in the mirror, we are transitioned from the Glory to the Glory as by the Holy Spirit and not some carnally visual event. This is the invitation to “The Kingdom of God at hand”.
That this is THE Invitation to, and the conclusion of the Gospel. That is for those who have entered into their rest as God did from His.
But unfortunately for humanity, for every truth we are given, there are plausible counterfeits in the physical world to take captive the carnal seeker because those lies appeal to the carnal nature . It is the carnal seeker that is looking for something more tangible. Like the Second Coming with “all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. But plausible to those who sit and wait. That the coming which is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders” is because it is a flesh fest for carnal senses that have to see to believe. But of us? “More blessed are those who believe without seeing because they shall receive what they’ve asked for”. And “ye have not because ye ask not. Then when you do ask, you ask for things that appeal to your carnal nature, and walk away empty handed and disappointed. But flesh and bone does not inherit the Kingdom, only those who are renewed in the spirit of their minds do.
To mean those born of the Spirit. Because of this place we are talking about, does not appeal to the carnal senses. That there are counterparts in the physical realm that only mimicks the eternal, that were given for instructive purposes only,and why those of the Old expired Covenant that started with Moses and sealed closed with the cross of Christ because the Old way did no produce. As it is written “there is none righteous, no, not one.
To the Israelites it was the whole Law era culture that did Not convert them into the Eternal and were condemned till “not one stone was left upon another that was destroyed”. And that is the proof that they fell away. And “The Old Covenant” was dismembered because it became idolatrous as thinking it was the real. But those were ALL silly little play toys to teach of the. Heavenly Kingdom at hand even for them if they could have made this correlation BUT THEY DID NOT and were put out of business.
For this reason that the Israelites were called “children” nearly 1200 times in the Old. Because they just could not make this distinction. As it is written “All the Law and the Prophets (the custodians of the Old) were till Christ to in turn immediately proclaim that “The Kingdom of God is at hand”. To mean graspable, tangible, and attainable right then and there and NOT some 2000 plus years later. (To mean that type of Christianity is on par with the Jews of old and again in our time, to receive the wrath and decimation of the Almighty God, for them to use His words and concepts out of context to appease their carnal nature that scripture instructs them to put to death. That “I live yet not I but Christ live in me. And the life Live now, I live by faith in the Son of God who gave Himself for me. That if Christ died for any other cause or reason, He died in vain’. This is the gospel.
So then here we are in the year 2000 plus (so they say) in the year of our Lord A.D. To mean that the coming One with all lying signs and wonders, has infected the time frame of creation as well.
But as in the times of old, with each new king, time would be reset and start over as seen with their coins. We are still in the year of our King and Lord of Lords. However that is infected as well.
We emphasize this point because all that we have explained up till now that is Eternal in Spirit and Truth, has physical counterparts again like in the Old Expired then destroyed, seemingly renewed to keep people ground bound and looking down for a Second Coming Savior. Of which the term “second coming” is not found once in scripture. This is The “with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect. But we are awake, and alert as watchers and holy ones, seated far above all powers and principalities in Heavenly places in Christ”. And our proof? Is this disclosure. It all only makes sense from this perspective.
So lets unravel some more of the lies of the “with all lying signs and wonders” that they employ “if possible to deceive the Elect..
They hide themselves in rebranded names and services outlined in scripture. They like to deny that the only real haulocaust happened when they, the Jews killed Christ. He was the holocaust which means “sacrifice”. And if Christ’s sacrifice was insufficient to produce, then yes more sacrifices would be needed for atonement, to mean to be made one, to be reconciled. How does their holocaust make anything perfect? It can only smear the truth in Christ, to present more lies. That God didn’t send His Son to save and must do so again? Sounds like the “all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect” to me!
And for them to gene splice cows to produce an acceptable sacrifice to please God? Makes God seam dependent upon the Jews to save His reputation. Then who saves whom?
So now the Zionist’s of today are exposed because any use of the name and any name or construct as described of in scripture are to be allocated to “The Kingdom of God at hand”, of the one Christ proclaimed, and not from the mediums (media) and wizards of today. But this one thing Satan and his minions know, is that they have to flood humanity with lies to keep them ground bound and looking down. And just like a catapillar cannot comprehend the life and flight of a butterfly. That a catapillar has the capacity to become a butterfly. But they have to convert. They have to invert in their thinking, not so much to look up or out. Oh no! For the Kingdom of God is within you” because all the carnal entanglements are in the proliforals.
How can you say to my soul like a bird to flee to your mountain” Holy Mt Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of us all” who are borne by the Spirit, of whom and by whom we come and go. Amen}
The Kingdom of God is at hand still.