You Cannot Serve God and Mammon

Posted on March 9, 2025 by ADMIN

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Mammon equals money. You cannot serve God and money.

“Make for yourself friends with unrighteous money that when you fail, your friends you paid money for can receive you into Holy Habitations.”

Scripture also says:

Money is the seed, root and planting of all evil. You cannot serve God and money. To mean that if money is seed for evil. Where does that put your investments. And you are invested into the world with contracts and securities, are you really secure? Secure is synonymous with safety and being safe and saved. Safe and saved for what? That “when you make for yourself friends of unrighteous money, let them receive you into Holy Habitations?” That is an insult to God and His only Begotten. Remember the Sons prayer leading up to Him going to be killed as the sacrificial lamb who takes away the sin (sickness and disease) of the world. He said “Father! Is there any other way?” The answer was, no! That there is only one link between God and man, the man (many call) “Christ Jesus”.

To mean that any and all attempts for one to buffer themselves through the transition from death to life, all are insulting to the Son who paid that debt for ALL OF HUMANITY!

That God so loved the world that He sent His only Begotten Son that whoso ever believes in Him, shall not die but receive eternal life”. That those who do NOT believe? They make alternate plans for just in case. But those that believe in God? They have already passed over from death to life.

That is what the holiday called Passover is supposed to be about. The celebration of a new life.

So whether it is Old covenant that was retracted because it did not yield this type of righteousness, because even as Christ prayed the night before being the passover lamb. He said “Father if there be any other way”. And as if God and His Son at that moment examined any other way to pass men and people through to the Father. And the answer being NO!

It was then and there that the message was made to all of humanity that you have to go to the Son of God, through Christ to receive an unending life. That one that way, any and all other offers to buffer you between crossing over between the temporal into the Eternal, had just been made crystal clear that all other offers are contentious and blasphemous because for people to use other means to buffer death in anyway? Insults the Godhead body. And also for the prophets and Apostles who’ve pleaded for people to reconcile with God in this way? Spits in there face as well because every thing they’ve said and done, have had to do with safety, health, having what they need and not to have to experience death in any one of its threats.

To also mean that all the services and entities today as offering provisions and providers for crossing over from death to life, are all anti-christ, counter-christs, imitations and contenders with the Gospel also called The Good News, to also mean that any other media, medium outlets promoting other methods, are all contentious against not only God, but the souls of men whom they detain from crossing over

For this reason, all the coverings and coverage providers are antichrist and at best can only prolong and make the cross over death more lengthy, painful and prosperous for themselves because this is serving Mammon to mean money and all the   various manmade tools and institutions to try and assist salvation in this way? If mankind could’ve helped in any way, the Son of God would NOT have gone to the Cross.

The time in Heaven people are thinking is later after their death? Is now! Today is the day of Salvation of being saved safe and secure. Now is the time to enjoy Eternal life by knowing God and His Only Begotten. Now is the time to enjoy the spoils from the cross. So that when scripture says “today is the day of Salvation”. It means from the wreck age of the fall of Adam and Eve who died, but not physically for they were the  living dead  for over 900 years.

For this reason Christ was defined as the last Adam. So you are seen by God as in Adam being dead to God, or be born again to a life of God in the spirit, that sets us free from the law of sin and death.

This is the Gospel. This is Eternal life, the life of living in the Holy Spirit, free from the carnally natural laws of sinning and dying.

Even as the Son of God prayed on the eve of His fateful task. “Father if there be any other way? Never the less let thy will be done”. The rest is history, His story. There is only one mediator, medium and link between God and man, the man who was the Christ by the one time gift through the cross, that w ascend to the Father and receive Eternal life now. That “,flesh and bone does not inherit the Kingdom of God, but the re-spirited mind of faith does, and it does so right now.

For this reason and in this way, we’ve passed through the Vail called flesh and death and love the life of eternity now with these sayings.

The Kingdom of God is at hand. Today is the day of Salvation, to mean the restoration to that which is from the beginning. And not an end times last days thing at all. This is the Gospel.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set us free from the carnal laws of sinning and dying. “Those who believe in Me have passed from death to life. Amen!

The Kingdom of God is at hand.


Kingdom at hand