Mutual Imprecations.
This is a phrase from The Book of Enoch whereby the fallen angels who had contended with each other but decided to make a pact to work together against Gods Heavenly Angels with the object in mind of taking over Heaven itself. That with angels being messengers and deliverers of Gods things, but not the owner of Gods things. The fallen angels would present to people first there wares and services by coming between God and man with contending services. They constructed a net in the lower heavens under God as being in the interior they call the internet. These are of the “coming one who is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders” that contend for hiam souls. That to subscribe to their counterfeit powers is “the illusion with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect.”
But the provisions from God to us counter their offers because they are the counterfeits.
It is because we know that in their contending and battling in the heavens, only has to do with the lower heavens called the inner-net to indicate that there is something in the outer and the upper that the inner keeps you away from as to intercept your affection and attention from what is there
That their intentions are to keep you occupied or preoccupied with your carnal fears, wants and physical world, so that you do not wake up. Bit there is an outer and an upper with the original that they confirmed with. That Gods salvation package is complete whereas they offer people a bundle of services so as to cover you in any circumstanced so that you may be engulfed in their clouds of coverages. That they have built a web, a world wide web on the interior of the heavens so as to keep you ground bound and looking at your carnal condition with their safety, health, protection and get rich schemes knowing, that if they can keep you occupied with their counterfeit forms of being godlike over your carnal life, that they win, if they can keep you from the original called the salvation package from God through One Savior and not contending services that keep you occupied by you bouncing from one better deal to another, to offer your souls to be bound over and over, to be bundled and essentially owned because you’ve contracted with them. That when you call out to the Heavenly Father, He will likely say ” depart from Me ye workers of inequity for you and not mindful of My things. That you cannot subscribe to “the prince of the power of the air (air-waves, internet signals) that works in the sons of disobedience.” Competing for mens souls.
But this they overlooked in their lack of understanding and being blinded by lust. For this reason they made their pact without knowing that they fell into the trap, for you see, since they “left their first estate”, being the Heavens above, of where they had come from. They were given the lower sectors, to include “air” waves. Like with “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience” to also include their human subjects that get trapped in their net through submissions by terms and conditions, one after another so as to be totally ensnared enslaved and owned because people continue by submitting to these services bundled in the cloud of the injer-net, that has clouded, made foggy and occupied peoples minds with a flood of distractions. This is how Satan is the prince of the power of the air, and how he steals souls because with God giving you an image of Himself inside of you, then you submit, click, like and subscribe. To be put under all those idols you click to”like”? Until you’ve sown yourself up. That the very god-like-ness you were given, you gave away. Like Satan in the lower branches of the tree with the forbidden fruit of contending powers with Gods. Satan’s coverings always leaves you wanting more.
Have you ever wondered how is it that those that you “like and subscribe” to, make their money? You didn’t pay them, at least not with money, but just submission of your soul. It is that because they work for “the prince of the power of the air”, that the powers pay the lower level distractions that keep you occupied. And you yourself built the barrier between you the the upper Heavens above the prince of the power of the air of the inner-net. That both provision providers in essence are invisible. .
That God is seated far above all powers and principalities in Heavenly places, the place we are called “in Christ” who is seated far above all powers, principalities and internet providers. It is Gods Elect that have these in-sites and over-sites But you cannot hear God because of your departure. He said “My hand is not short that I cannot save, but you have built a wall between you and Me and I cannot hear you.” But the call is still “come out from under and among them! Be ye separate. Divorce yourself from them and I will receive you, then you shall be My sons and daughters.” As evidenced by them using Gods powers Called Promises, part of your salvation package… For He had said,Before you speak you will hear the voice behind you saying go here and turn there. If you put away from your pointing of the finger, the criticisms the likes and subscribes. Then ye shall be My sons and daughters. Then you shall eat off the abundance of the land. The promise land of God we call word. Gods Word. Gods contract, Will and Covenant.You shall go out in peace, the mountains and the hills shall bow before you and you shall see the salvation of God….
That along with people, there are other entities with equal rights as human in a court of human law. But these entities live longer than humans and supersede them in acquisitions. To mean that they unfold their plan over a few human generations to accomplish their take over by degree. And as they’ve tried to wear down the Saints, they have had better luck with those who are asleep to the heavenly places. Partially because of the illusion of a god likeness with modern technology, that is not modern at all, but rebranded from a previous attempt during the time of kings and not elected officials. But they don’t quite understand that the harder they try to go up, the further they get away from their objective. For they do not see their lust is for an age that is temporary. For “all the earth and all its works will be burned for the eternal to remain.” And because they have bonded together by decree, with “mutual imprecations”? This is a trap for them. They bit the bait and bought into something temporary that they cannot get out of. That like useful idiots, their quest for world power is their trap and they are sparing partners for the Elect to build up resilience by degree. That our Heavenly Father has designated them as food for us. That as we develope by degree against their resistance, we could never be strengthened without such. That “Satan Has desired to sift you as wheat” (think of a net to sift like the inner-net that infers there is an outer and an upper, Eternal in the Heavens above.
And with these sparring sessions foreordained for us, we have been prepared, we say “let the games begin”. And so the net had been weaved between us and our goal for our conquest of Godliness. That “we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us to Glory and virtue.” We just had to pass the tests to ensure that our upgrades in the Spirit have taken hold. And this takes place under pressure during the sifting tests with our sparring partners of lower level, earth bound subjects who are wed to Satan, the prince of the power of the air (waves) that works in the sons of disobedience.
Again, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat and I pray your faith does NOT fail?” Because this is us flying solo through the spirit. As the Psalmist asked “How can you say to my soul, like a bird fly to My Mount Zion.” This all takes place in the spirit of your minds, of those who are born again of the Spirit. Our comforter teacher and trainer for this cause. For us to join in with the Godhead “far above all principalities and powers in Heavenly places”. Where we are seated and watching. And like feeding you news feeds of the action taking place on the front lines, we remain unscathed having gotten victory over those peddling Satan’s products for submissions as subscriptions for their head count….
And you do this like the Only Begotton and our protege and prototype of whom we emulate. That all the tests are for us to “put on Christ” one revelation after another “until we are complete in Him, like Him and with Him in Heavenly places. Amen.
That “we as looking in a mirror (His Word) have been transitioned into His self same image from the Glory to the Glory as by the Spirit”. Yes, the same Spirit that led Christ into the wilderness for His forty day battle with Satan, led us on similar tests to try our resolve, and in this way our enemies are food for fodder for the carnal man with a renewed mind….
So now today, we have superseded the faults and deceptions for what the Nuremberg trials were meant to condemn for the sake of mankind. And just as if the proverbial hole in Hell has opened up to fill the air with smoke, it is the airwaves with messages for the “inner-net”, as well as tv and radio, broadband and direct hook ups. Where with these? Humanity at large is controlled by all the seemingly good deals, services products, safty and health products. But more serious than that is the espionage devices in everyone’s hands, homes, cars, and throughout most of society, to where the www. Eye in the sky, has got everyone pegged.
With that all being said, with the mutual imprecations, to mean both the rogue governing factors, with offices in high places. To include not only government agencies and offices, to include corporation, media (messenger angels) education and health and such, to where “mutual imprecations reveals cover ups in high places. To mean that we have reached a critical stage of deception. How can we say this?
Well, there is a lot to say about this but our topic today is the relationship between the laws, the manufacturers advertisers and distributors of toxins, poisons and lethal weapon interaction with the “food and drug” agencies, co-ops. And those with mutual imprecations today are those who sold out for pay. Get ready for the hot seat. If that is you climbing the ladder? It is the fast track that turns into the highway to Hell.
And for those who are innocently in, “come out of her My people