*The Fear of Death
Entering your Rest and ceasing from your works is accepting your destination. That you receive Christ’s death as having happened to you. So what does this mean and how do we “walk in it”. Which is a biblical term to mean “how to apply it” in our day.
What it means for us today, is that we have to have the mindset that “the fear of death” itself is dead to us because we become unresponsive to the fear of death and dying, to mean damage, harm and sickness as well. For those are the spiritual poverty of bondage. And because you’ve accepted the gift of eternal life, the threat of death has no power over us… As long as you “come out from among them and be separate, and you shall be My sons and daughters says the Almighty.”
That “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ has set us free from the law of sin and death” which is the fear of continually dying by rejecting “the life of the Spirit”. When you do this, then this temporary life has little influence on you as far as controlling you, distracting you and owning you by depriving you from the immediacy of the promises from God to us in the here and now because, The Kingdom of God,, is still at hand. To be graspable and attainable in the same fashion it was first spoken of by The Savior, not a name but a title for a job well done. Which is, He saved! Amen!
That “the law of the Spirit of the life in Christ” that HAS set us free, has set us free from the consequences of that sin of death” by continuous being dead to the Spirit of God and by listening to the accusor instead of the Gospel. So “Choose you this day!”
That what the law (era interlude called The Old Covenant)) could not do, God did by sending His Son (who is God’s word in us) in the likeness of sin in the flesh, condemned sin in the flesh, in order for the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ to live in us, as the result of a renewed perspective. That as a man thinks in his heart, so that he is. And the fears of death and dying themselves become dead so that in this way death and disease have no hold on us. And we say this happens simultaneously. That the physical body becomes “reconned dead” as taught, although you still use it, but you become unresponsive to the threats that are meant to detain us from “the life of the Spirit” as we are instructed from Romans.
This “reconning” is a term to mean “consider it so”, to let it be and conclude it with an Amen! As a forgone conclusion. That fear itself is the active agency that kills by degree. To the degree that you reject the Gospel.
That Adam in the beginning when God said “in that day you eat you shall surely die” was not physical but was an immediate death to the unctions of the Holy Spirit and more broadly open to the constant pandering to the flesh. So that for us “in that day you shall surely live”. This is to live”the life of Christ in the spirit that set us free from the law of sin and death”. As being a new type of motivating factors called the Word and Holy Spirit.
This is the demarcation line between life and death, with life being a knowing of God. Like with Adam who knew Eve and she conceived. We are all reconned and accounted as dead even though we live. Because that death that we died was to be dead to the things of God. So that our reversal is us reconning (as accounting term) to become one with Christ. That just as instantaneously that Adam spiritually died. The resurrection is that spiritually we live in the way Adam had before Satan tempted him. Even as Christ told the disciples as He breathed on them and said, “receive ye The Holy Spirit”. This is ,”the Spirit of life in Christ that sets us free from the laws of sinning and dying” thst we are trying to show you. And because we cannot physically see Gods Spirit, we use words,, Gods Word given to us for these discoveries.
With this being said and done, we learn how to NOT look back to our old way of doing things with the upside down, way word ways of thinking driven by fears and weaknesses. To mean the dig and the drive of the fallen nature to clean itself in anyway, or for it to clamor, climb or lift oneself out of the fall passed on from first man Adam, ceased to have any merit. For we know, all the works and everts of the flesh at best is just a detainment center, for the offspring from the fall of Adam. The continual focusing on sin to make sure you confess every one of them. This is you rejecting the free gift at the cross. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ sets us free from the law of sinning and dying. That Christ died once for all sin, past present and future, to in turn sit back down with the Father eternal in the Heavens, till His enemies are made His footstool based on His past performance, with no second coming savior necessary. That is part of “the illusion with all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect.
It was Christ’s past performance at the cross that is credited to your account as His death having happened to you, so that NOW you live in newness of life. That ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ, that set us free from the natural laws of sinning and dying. That a life of condemnation is to be continually living dead to the things of God and “The Kingdom of God at hand”. To mean an inner newness and a knowing that reverses death as being dead and unaware of the inner you that silences all fear and negative thinking that makes you sick. This is “the accuser of the brethren are cast down. To mean underneath you because you have accepted the gift to rise above your circumstances that are blown out of proportion by the accusations of Satans agencies the pound your brain with advertising bad things so that you subscribe to them for their cures, when in fact the first symptom you had of being sick was fear itself. And automatic conclusion of caving in to fear is to get sick. So that fear present in you is because faith is absent. “As a man thinks he is in his heart, so that he is.” And we let Gods words in scripture correct our ways of thinking to suffocate fear first. To see that all ailments started with a fear. This is the salvation from God and why the testimonies of healing sin scripture had immediate results because it is the same One who in the beginning said “let there be light and there was”.
That unless you pick up where Adam left off before the fall (meaning to be risen from the fall? Rise? Resurrect from being spiritually dead to the things of God, you can in no way ascend to this place of Rest which is part of the salvation package, gifted from the cross for our own retrieval, each one in our own order. And this ascension is our part whereby we cast off all surrogate saviors, savings, cures, and agencies. To come out from underneath them by rejecting their provisions. To then be found “in Christ” alone, the Savior of the world who took on all of our infirmities so that for us, we ignore all spell casters falsely called physicians.
That you can never truly be able to claim that you too, have put to death the needs and the deeds of the flesh, to live according to the life of God in the Spirit until you do. Why? Because you are still listening to the accusers promotionals by the prince of the power of the air-waves . That is the spirit of the antichrist that offers you an illusion that your works and confessions are keeping you clean. That the Cross was only ceremonial and just wait for another coming Jesus. That is Blasphemy!..
Having put that off, to put on the gift of the new you as joint heirs of God’s last Will and Testament, The New Testament of the distribution of the will and heritage for those who have followed suit with the Original Son of The Heavenly Father. That the law of the Spirit of the life in Christ has set us free from the laws of sin and dying.
That death is not an incident for them but a lifestyle. Even as Adam and Eve surely did die in the day that they sinned. But that death was a spiritual one and the reason scripture uses parables because “the carnal mind is enmity against God. It is not subject to the laws of God, nor can it be so that those who operate in the flesh like that, cannot pleaseGod”. It is our regeneration of life in Christ, He is Adams replacement that puts us tge redeemed back on track with God’s original intent in Eden. The production of reflections and images of “The Father of Glories.” (Glories translated dignitaries in Scripture too, but more accurately defines the recipients of what the Will of the deceased described.)
The point of all this, is that if you can see and receive Christ death as having already happened to you, then you cannot be motivated by the fear of death. All the scary presentations, threats and imposter remedies to save you from death, sickness, poorness, nakedness and needs of any sort, to no longer have any influence over you any more. Why? Because you become dead to the mouth of the lions and the liars who use concepts to compete against God’s promises. So that for us to use the promises from God to us as outlined in scripture, is us proverbially walking in the promised land. Get it. Promise land, land of promises, an invisible place only made carnally visual through the Old Covenant era teachings. And why the Israelites were called children nearly 1200 times in the Old Covenant, to include the adults and elderly because they were ALL child like in their thinking to need physical things scripture calls toys.
Hopefully you can see clear so as to not be childlike in your faith. That “all the promises from God are yes and amen in Christ “. This is Tge Gospel of The Kingdom of God At Hand in a proverbial way, but nevertheless Gods Kingdom is our Eternal reality that set us free from the laws of sin and death”, so that these are not like children’s stories or fables but instructions to help you rescript your thinking into the reality and truth that, God is within reach, still saving. That even NOW! The Kingdom of God is at hand. That “Tge Law of the Spirit of life in Christ, set us free from the laws of sinning and dying. This is the Gospel, that means, Good News. As for the other news outlets?