The Scapegoat

Posted on January 6, 2025 by ADMIN

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The Scapegoat.

Christ told Peter that “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat. And I pray that your faith does not fail.” Christ did Not take this challenge away from him but went on to say “when you return to Me, strengthen your brethren, My sheep.”

For you see that this is a lesson for each one of us, that we too would go through a sifting process of trials, much like the Scapegoat stuck in a sticker bush. Now it is not that the goat was left alone and helpless, or that Peter and the others were either. But that it is each one of our responsibilities to break free from the thickets, the sticker bushes and barbs in our lives that hold us back, and to get through the sifting process. Why?

Well because the gift of God that accords and equates to “Godliness”, is a struggle that each one of us must endure, for God made no emotionless robots. And that is all we would be if we didn’t participate in “such a great salvation first spoken to us by Christ and confirmed by those of us who hear Him”. This is about a godliness which is not a form of religious piety. No, for that is a stench of rotten fruit as we saw in the Sadducies and Pharisees in the time of Christ. That just going to church services and praying for God to help you, is likely you waiting for God to save you over and over from your current succession of  problems, when the Father and the Son are both seated in Heavenly places, waiting for their enemies to be made their footstool, because they gave us the tools to “work out our own salvation with fear and trembling for this is God working in you for His own good pleasure.” And God has given us “the Word of God” which are the testimonies of Christ and the elders as our instructions and store house of goods as garments for us to put on. We need their testimonies to “Fight the good fight of faith, to lay hold on eternal life”. And fight the battles that try to detain us and keep us ground bound and looking down at our circumstances and shut us out of “The Kingdom of God at hand.” Even as we are instructed to “put on the whole armor of God, that you may stand against the evil one, and having done all to stand, stand therefore… To mean this is your part.

So then for “Satan desiring to sift you as wheat”, is delegated as a personal battle we each go through on our own, with the afore mentioned tools.

So remember that we are each individually put in a position to be tested for our training and our resolve. Then to strengthen not just ourselves, but each other as well. And the main point here is for us, each one on our own in our own time, to be so intricately linked to our inheritance in Christ through Word and His Holy Spirit, so as to be filled with all the fullness of God, and all that entails, for it to be said of us too. That you “ran the race with endurance, looking to Christ the Author and finisher of our faith”. So at the times when you feel alone and weak? You are right where you are suppose to be, in Word and Spirit with the obstacles weighing down on you as your exercise..

So just as when Christ went through His trial and temptation of His forty days with the devil. His response to every trial He faced was “No! For it is written…  Then He went on to quote Old Covenant verses to subdue the threat that was meant to belittle Him, to make Him feel small in order to cave in and submit to the allegations from the accusor. For you see, that is all the enemy of your soul can do. You will have to endure some discomfort and physical and carnal losses. But remember, you are living in the time of your testing grounds for when this carnal experience is over, then let those who are unjust remain unjust or not. We are put here for our personal acquisition of the gift of Godliness, but if it is not learned of and put in play here, that if the end of the age of transformation and our transfigurations comes and goes, and you arrive at the end of the “race” looking poor blind and naked. You will have to answer to the Father for yourself when He says, what did you do with the gift I gave you to be just like My Son? Will you say, I was afraid and I hid it in the dirt? Will you have gone through your whole carnal existence and not have acquired and or put on the Gift from God according to godliness? Or of those who were suppose to go into the Wedding chamber. Some of them instead went to “the world” to buy their coverings instead of wedding garments supplied to us, to then try to enter the wedding chamber with their worldly coverages and were told “Depart from Me you workers of inequity! I do not know you from where you are from! Then for it to be said “take this wicked servant and cast them into outer darkness where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth”. Why? Because they did NOT know their time of visitation” had nothing to do with a supposed second coming, and failed to put on the invisible attributes to clothe their invisible part. That in their perseverance they did NOT “in your patience your soul”. But instead they stored up any and every essential needed to dig in here and save the flesh with all the acruments for safety, health and comfort of the flesh instead.
(Think here of “end times” or “last days, second coming” scary images driving people  to save themselves incrementally because they do NOT have faith in Christ for having saved us already at His Cross and think they can do a better job?

And according to Romans “therefore God shall give them up”. Or, give up on them to let them run their course, to fail and repent and accept the saving supplied to us from the Cross where Christ paid for all of mankinds departures….

These are the ones who went to the world whenever they were made to feel like they needed to be covered by whatever services and products available for whenever they were told they needed to be “covered” for this and that of else…!

Now think here of Adam and Eve naked and seemingly alone in the Garden of Eden for their test. And whenever you are made to feel like you need their coverages for whatever products they present to you, you can be sure that they will motivate you with a fear, threat or belittlement, but you can be sure if you bite into their products for safety, health and riches, they are likely binding you in terms and conditions along with submissions which are legal instruments because you trade you God given sovereignty for their contracts that secure them against any real reliability to really do what they offer.

And the most agregious error on your part, is like the “scape goat” caught in the thicket, you become all bound up into “terms and conditions” that make you agree to waivers of liability. So that in a court of law, their contracts (think about the word contracts as with a lady in birth going through “contractions”. This is you, like the scape goat stuck in a sticker bush needing to be saved. Or like the Fairy Tale in Gulivers Travel of the man who fell asleep to have a bunch of little imps cling all over him so that when he woke up, he was totally bound so as to be unresponsive. Is this you?? Is the “internet” your thicker bush? Are you all down up into legal jargon, being words and documents? For you see, there is another set of words and documents that describe and define your God given tools to overcome these obstacles. And because Christ came to restore our life according to Godliness, you can be sure that Satan has a perfect imitation to entice you with so as to keep you ground bound and looking down at your carnal circumstances. You will never get out without the gospel message of redemption. To mean to be redeemed and restored to your original purpose of the image of God through His contracts that bind you to the Godhead body as a family member. Even as we learn with the Prodigal Son who was seen by the Father from a distance. The Fathers living reply was to restore that Heir everything the Father has. And that is what our Heavenly Father can do with each one if us. We do not have to rely on the worlds agencies to provide us with coverages. That is the Son feeding on slop with the swine and pigs. You may have an illusion of savings, safety, health, wealth and whatever but those are all part and parcel with the sticker bushes. And again “Satan has desired to sift you as wheat. When you return to Me, strengthen your brethren”. This is it.

“To as many as received Him, to them He gave power to become His Children, even to those who believe in His name “. And His name is Savior. The one who saves us from all obstacles, who also called us to “Follow Me that where I am you may be also. Once again showing us that we do our part, to learn that He has paved the way and paid the price, to reward us all along the way. However, if you want to follow the idols if the age with “likes” and “subscribes”, then God will let you have them as you gods of idolatry. But remember that “our God is a jealous God”. If you choose other godlike agencies to serve you, when you can find a similar promise in scripture, you can be sure that you are like the prodigal son feeding among the swine. That until you begin your quest and your journey back to the Father, you need to start casting off the surrogate services you’ve acquired in your ignorance of these truths. This is what it truly means to be saved according to the Gospel in Scripture. You can start with this promiyfron the Father who said “I will never leave you or forsake you”. If you are feeling forsaken, it is not because God did not deliver in His oromt, but that you likely turned to other saviors or types of savings. Those god’s and agencies did that. But as for our Father, His arms are wide open. This is what a Savior does. “Come unto Me all you who labor and are over burdened and you will find peace for your souls

In your patience posses your souls, find comfort for your souls and let God’s Holy Spirit pull all the stickers from your souls that poke you and prod you like a lost sheep. Or like the prodigal son me eating pig slop. Or be freed from the little impish threads that have sown you up while you have been asleep to these truths. Awake and put on righteousness one revelation at a time. And as the Psalmist said “I shall not be satisfied until I awake in your likeness” of godliness, to mean God-likeness, to mean your God given sovereignty.

Let us like and subscribe to Christ and click and follow Him. As He told His disciples to “follow Me that where I am you may be also”. Who also said “come unto Me all who are laden and heavy burdened and you will find Rest for your souls”, as different and more fulfilling than the internet the under-net, the one below that intercepts with illusions if possible to deceive the Elect. So cast off the works and the gods of this age while you still can, and be saved from this wicked generation by coming out and being, then you shall be My Sons and Daughters. (2 Corinthians 7.1-2?)


Kingdom at hand