Satan Has Desired to Sift You as Wheat.
Luke 22. 31 And Christ said, “Simon, Simon! Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. 32 But I have prayed for you to stand firm in the faith and not fail; and when you have returned to Me (from defeating Satan), strengthen your brethren.” So that they may learn to take on the same obstacles to get the same results.
But at first it does NOT sound to encouraging. “I pray that your faith does NOT fail”? To indicate that Peter would be left on his own. And he would be, for you see there are scenarios we have to go through to ensure that we’ve received the latest updates according to the progression of our walk and growing in power of the Holy Spirit. This happens to each one of us in our own order, in our stage of progress. That as much as “The Body of Christ” is a collection of words, as Christ is thee Word of God, and this is how we “put on Christ”. One revelation at a time and one skirmish after another, until it can be said of you as being”seated far above all powers and principalities in Heavenly places in Christ.”
It is to ensure that we know what we have inherited and how to use it, meaning WORD. That we know how to allocate words from scripture as us “working out our own salvation.” That the “promises of God are yes and amen” in us in this age, in our temporal circumstances of the flesh for us to experience these scenarios for our fortification. That if we fail at these, we still have the opportunity to repeat them until the new feature product is opporational, tested and approved.
This is why many people are stagnant in their faith because they do NOT “work out their own salvation with fear and trembling.”
To become “built up a habitation of God in the Spirit” in perfect piece. This should be our focus in this life. This is what it means to be “Holy” as pertains to our life as being “renewed in the spirit of the mind”, where the pro-verbial phrase that “The Kingdom of God is at hand” takes place.
Because if we don’t put on the promises of God” now, the lessons we need to help us the use use of them, does not exist to do so later because. “The earth and all its works shall be burned for the Eternal to remain. That the saying from the last chapter of The Holy Scriptures in the last book called The Revelation, that many erroneously believe is still to come, we have this chilling warning. This is what the Angel says to us again today! “10 And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book (called The Revelation), for the time is at hand. 11 Those who are unjust, let them be unjust still; those who are filthy, let them m be filthy still; those who are righteous, let them be righteous still; those who are holy, let them be holy still.”
That this is said as a closure of time for our transformation forever .
That the Eternal spirit and truth, is really what our inheritance is about and not our carnal nature. This is why the Hebrews of the Old Covenant were called children some 1200 times because they could not convert to advance into The Kingdom of God at hand”. That all their putting up and taking down the tents and tabernacle in the wilderness wandering, was them practicing with visible physical toys of walking in the promises. That we must “put off the body of the sins of the flesh”and not so much the flesh itself but the fears and feelings of abandonment as tho you were left here without the ability to overcome. Even as scripture speaks of rewards to “those who have overcome”, to mean Satan, sin and death before they physically die.
That we have this one life to ‘put off the body of the sins of the flesh and put on Christ, which means the same as to “be in Christ”, and then comes judgment….
Reincarnation is not part of the plan. That “It is appointed unto man once to die, after that comes judgment”. And “If we judge ourselves, we shall not be judged”, to mean condemned.
And just like with sports we must play by the rules. As Paul said “be not like a boxer who beats the air” and “let us run the race with endurance looking to Christ the Author and finisher of our faith who for the joy set before Him (us) endured such hostility from sinners, lest we become weak and weary in our souls” that we get to keep as well as everything we’ve stuffed into it. This is our eternal inheritance.
So then back to our title. “Satan Has Desired to Sift You as Wheat, and “I pray that your faith does not fail”. Do not be like Esau who for one morsel of bread gave up his birth right”. To mean he squandered aspects of his eternal inheritance in exchange for food for a hungry tummy. That is reprehensible, to see the promises of God, to leave them lay there and go back to your old habits and ways of doing things as tho God left you here without having saved you.
Do you “like and subscribe”? Just because these services are seeming free? They cost your soul dearly. Those are tools of submission to agencies that are alien and competitive with the promotion from The Almighty God.
It goes like this, if there is a promise or provision in scripture, or if there is something given in Scripture to any others of faith in Christ, those are shown to you to nudge you on to get the same things for “ALL the promises of God are yes and amen through Christ”.
Finish with “Run on such a way that you receive first prize “. That all who do this please the Father. And just in case you think it’s only like money in a bank to use later, as pertaining to your inheritance, think of the Angel that revealed Heavenly Jerusalem to John in the book of The Revelation”. It was at the end where John bent down to worship that Angel. And that Angel simply said “see that you don’t do that, for I am (just) one of thy brethren of those who seek Christ, worship Him”. And the point here is that if there is one person who made it to the end before some supposed second coming, end of the world or second coming Jesus, then that means you can do it too. That you are required to. That Christ, the Son of God as man, and on our behalf, blazed a trail for us to follow in His footsteps. Or even like the virgins who went to the world to buy their wedding attire, to return and hear the defending words of “Depart from Me you workers of inequity for I don’t know you from where you are from”. Ouch!! Oh the burning sensation of lost opportunities. Could’ve should’ve would’ve if you only knew? Now you know. “In due time, in our own time and in the nick of time we are right on time, each one in their own order. 1 Corinthians 15
As spoken first by John the Baptist speaking of Christ and being “in Christ”. The Kingdom of God is at hand.