*Closing The Door on your Ark Like Noah

Posted on October 10, 2024 by ADMIN

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Closing The Door on your Ark Like Noah.

Christ spake to the people by parables, and without a parable spake He NOT to the people”.

Meaning that everything that was relayed to us up to and through the Law era, to include the carnal Jerusalem an earthen Israel with all their feasts marked on calendar associated with the movement of the solar system as having to do with creation, was them using temporary, physical toys to learn about eternal and invisible realities “In Christ”. This is why they were called “children” nearly 1200 times throughout the Old Testament. However with the coming of Christ was the expiration of all those toys associated with the 6 days of creation and that Old Testament with its physical buildings, feasts, persons and offices. Even as Paul wrote. When I was a child, I thought as a child and spoke as a child but when I became a man I put away my childhood toys”, meaning that whole law era interlude by contending for the New Covenant founded by The Christ. He is the replacement for creation. He is the New Creation. And how do we know it is for us? Because to be in Christ is to be in the New Creation. “For if anyone be in Christ they are (of) the New Creation. Old things having passed away (in relevance) behold all things are New and all things are from God”. For those who are looking for a renewal of the 6 days creation itself, will be sorely disappointed to get to the closing of the era, to hear the Father say “depart from Me you workers of inequity for you are not mindful of the things of God but if man.” To mean the carnal creation.

If you think about it, the “Old” Testament only became “old” when the “New” Will and Testament came and expired it, for us to receive “The New and Living way to The Father”. The old only produced servants and slaves under Lords, but we don’t call Him that anymore. As Paul quoted “come out from among them and be ye separate. Then I will receive you and ye shall be My sons and daughters. Even as Christ told the disciples “I no longer call you servants because servants do not know what their master is doing, therefore I call you My friends because I make known to you everything the Father does.”

And a Testament is not in force without the death of the Testator, and for this reason, Christ willingly went to the cross on our behalf, not only to secure our inheritance, but to ensure the distribution to the heirs of a dead mans goods. And His death at The Cross was the removal of all barriers for us to receive our inheritance from that death . And just like a stuffed pinata hanging from a tree to be “stricken” till all the morsels of salvation came out. So too Christ took all of our short comings, to neutralize them at the cross. That “on Him was laid the inequity of us all and by Him being stricken, by His stripes we are healed.” To mean from the cross without any addendum’s or other forms of intervention, other then the “Comforter, Teacher, Helper” and other Parent so that we are not left orphans. And with these truths resident in us, ensures us, that we are the Heirs and Joint Heirs with Christ of “The Kingdom of God at hand” as a done deal.

You cannot add to it. You cannot take away from it. You can accept it or reject it, by which you will be judged. There are no future installments just a day of judgment for those who turn away from “such a great salvation that was spoken by Christ first and confirmed by those of us that have heard Him”.

Where does this put you? Hopefully reciting these like us as the rightful heirs.

That is why “All the law and the prophets were ONLY till Christ came and said, “now the Kingdom (at hand) is preached, and all can enter.” That was His invitation for us to enter His Kingdom since then as the replacement of the Old physical structures, to then enter the Kingdom of “Spirit and Truth” (for God is Spirit and truth and seeks such). We are the building blocks that proceeds and supersedes everything from the 6 days of creation, because before God ever said “Let there be light”, He was with our inheritance already completed awaiting our arrival to these truths. This is “The Kingdom prepared from the foundations of the world”.

Everything that we participate in now, has to do with what God had in the beginning before anything ever became visible for the creatures with physical features. For this reason ye must be born again and borne from above of the Spirit to participate in what we are talking about. Or just go about your lives looking for another Jesus and receive the same judgment as all the wayward rejecters of these truths. There is no second coming. That phrase is not found in scripture. Yes He comes again, and to as many as receive Him? To them He gives power to become His children, even to those who believe in His name”, at the moment they are able to do so. Have you done this?

So then with this understanding, everything humanly assimilated with carnal senses has trade in value into the eternal for the invisible replacement. (Have you been born again? Have you been born of the Spirit? Then learn to expire all the child like notions. Even as Paul had written “when I was a child, I thought like a child and I spoke like a child, but when I became a man (an adult in understanding) I put away my childhood toys” and that is why they were called children (kids) to mean all the law and the prophets with any and all articles associated with it! Have been expired like spoiled food in a pantry. That everything has an invisible lesson and counterpart. “For the law made nothing perfect but bringing in a better hope did”.

In this way we puff off the body of the sins of the flesh and not the flesh it self. For you see Adam was flesh before he became broken because he fell in the spirit of his mind. To mean that the reversal takes place with the removal of Adams curse from us and Christ became our curse for us to become His right standing with The Father.

And because “we are a new creation in Christ, “old things having passed away all things become new and all things are from God “in Christ” and we are “in Christ”, this is true. So to be “in Christ” is to be encased in Gods Word and Holy Spirit and “no unclean thing can enter”. This is the measure of your protection, if you have put on Christ and you are walking in sanctification of what you have already received.

If you have put off or ignored previous protections given, then this cannot be said of you.

But to acknowledge this and to come clean in your conscience, is to openly discuss this with the inner unction we have called “The Holy Spirit. And just as simple and succinctly as you bring this out in the open, is just as quickly as you are restored, providing you are making progress. You may say, progress in what? In putting on Christ. You are shown a weakness? Praise God for you would not have been awakened to it if He wasn’t offering you your weaknesses replacement. Yes, “sown corruptible, raised incorruptible” in understanding. Yes! In the spirit of your mind. So that, old things pass away to be replaced. This is you “working out your own salvation with fear and trembling”. The fear and trembling is if you do not take the unction seriously.

And if you haven’t responded to the unction (The Holy Spirit) and the nudging goes away? It DOESN’T mean things are okay but that on that point, you have been given up. And to be given up on one point, opens you up to access from the enemy.

And this is a gaping whole in your cloak of sanctification where the enemy can come in. And if you have enough of them, like a boat with many holes in it will sink, so you too may be found floundering and wallowing out of control. You have to go back to where you left off before you were “taken captive to do Satan’s bidding”. In doing so, just like the boat with a hole, it is patched up just as quickly and succinctly as you verbalized it to the offended party. Yes, God’s Holy Spirit. And then your sanctification is mended just as a tent with a rip, or shingles on a roof, you can go through storms fully protected. This is true sanctification. And as many things you are shown and ad many as you overcome, is the size and measurement of what you have acquired of the invisible gift called the new you. Yes, old things having passed away, behold all things are New and all things are from God” as was Christ. Not the man but who He was before and after “He became flesh and dwelt among us”. And as He told the disciples during the last super, He said “I go away to the Father and ye see Me again no more”, just meant that they would never see His carnal body because”God is Spirit and Truth and seeketh such”. With this we can see what we have been given of the Eternal. And if you remember, the Eternal was there before God ever said, “let there be light”. And even after “the earth and all its works shall be burned for the Eternal to remain”. This is why it is said “if that which ye have heard from the beginning abide in you, then you will abide in the Father and the Son”. And in the Son is the Holy Spirit. This is the Triune God. That “in the beginning God said, let there be light, and the Spirit hovered over the face of the waters”….


And for this reason we can understand that as Noah’s ark was his picture of a safety mechanism from the storms of life and from destruction. For us to be “In Christ” is us being in the Ark and Covenant of Gods word and words. That if we have truly secured our Sabbath Days Rest “In Christ”, then He has become for us an eternally greater safe haven than any ole wooden ark! (And all the physical things it re-presents) Because Gods Word and covenant are eternally more safe and secure that any wooden vessel

That to be “in Christ” is to be in “our ark” that accomplishes so much more, because He is our ark of our Covenant that gets us through the storms of our lives, each one of us in our own order and time frame, to the degree that we need Him to be. This is why we are “In Christ” as our ark. “For all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ”. To mean His covenant is our covering. Even as He said “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye shall have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: so be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” And you can be of good cheer being”in Christ ” because He is our Noah’s Ark through the storms of life. This is also the same as “tabernacling with God”. Not in the tabernacle of meeting. But this is like the tabernacling Joshua had. Scripture says that “Moses would go in and out of the tabernacle of meeting, but Joshua the young (to mean new) never left His Tabernacle.” How about you? Can that be said of you too???

That Christ is the New will and Testament of the deceased distribution of goods because He already died for us to have it so. That “we have been given everything that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory by virtue.” And the word “virtue” does not make sense in the visible because you cannot see virtue. And you will never physically see what your inheritance is. That it is eternal, and your physicality is NOT. For this reason ye must be born again of the Spirit to have

Whereby it is through these precious promises that the correct cognition’s to associate with the gift of God in Christ. As Peter said that “We are partakers of the divine nature, having (from this realization on) escaped the corruption that is in the world through lusts” So that we are joint heirs with of the things that are His to have and to hold today. Like He said “I will never leave you or forsake you”, and “Lo I am with you always and throughout the ages, even unto the end.” Yes His coverage is that thorough and complete.

Noah’s Ark was a parable of “Gods Covenant” for us to understand His Words as our Ark. Because Gods covenant was in the Ark, that is what made the Ark holy by housing Gods Covenant. But it too was itself just a parable. Gods promises assembled in us, and in this way, we become our Ark for our Covenant with Him, our safety zone and savior and source for “everything that pertains to life and godliness”. That in Him dwells the fullness of the godhead body, and we are completer in Him? WE ARE THAT ARK OF THE COVENANT UNTO OURSELVES. We can weather the storms of this life by implementing the very words that He has invested into us, to be as instantaneously as valid and powerful as when the Father first said “Let There Be!” As Christ said “ask the Father in My name” To mean use My name as if it is yours because you are joint heirs, everything that I have is yours. And “the Father will honor your requests as if it were Me doing the asking”. Even as He said to the disciples (and us) after the last super. “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

This is what makes us joint heirs. Do NOT use stammering speech when you employ word. This one receives the gift and glorifies the Gift Giver. “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”? What do you suppose it means to “go to the Father and ask Him anything as if it were Me”? And “In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead body, and ye are complete in Him? Can you receive this? Because this is your “Ark of Te Covenant” And safety vessel from all the storms in life. Please to not be found insulting the Spirit of Grace by adulterating your spirit by giving into all the insurance policies hurled your way today, for each one is an adulterous act and a rejection on your part of the Salvation of God and paid for by the blood of Christ. Be covered by that blood and that policia police.

This for us is the equivalent of us being renewed in the spirit of our mind, (describing our invisible part). because that is where we store our goods as being Gods Covenant too. This is the place where the promises of God are kept and . Gods promises abide in us and in this way we abide in Him, meaning His words. This is our co-union and communion as being one In Christ. As Christ told us, “if you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you shall ask anything you want and it shall be done for you.” That we have literally in-vested ourselves into Him by submitting and subscribing to Him who “In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

There may be many of contending man made agencies, services and products that content with the promises of God, and however fuzzy they may make you feel by using their services, you can be sure that if God gave you something, and you found a better deal elsewhere, you can be sure He is going to let you have it because you’ve likely already signed up, submitted, gave a down payment and have figured for yourself that you are covered by those sets of services , but you do not know that “you are poor blind and naked”.

That as the Son abides in the father and we abide in Christ? To then buy into other providers with coverages contending with the promises of Gods New Will and Testament? To think truthfully and be able to say that it puts you in a safer place than The New Covenant like Noah’s ark just portrayed in parable form, of what it means to be “in Christ”. In the New Will and Testament’s our Ark and safety zone as the Testament pertains to the distribution of the testators estate, as evidenced by His death at the cross.

Warning! If this is you? And you trust in the services and product providers from man? And God is a jealous God? We can promise you that you will get what any harlot deserves for breaking faith with The New Covenant signed in the blood f the Lamb of God who takes away the sin (and all its threats) of the world.

11 For the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, 12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. 13 Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. 14 And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. 16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples. 17 And I will wait upon the Lord, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him. 18 Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. 19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? 20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. 21 And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward. 22 And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.

And that is where we are today. Health care, insurance premiums, anything that promises you anything that is offered free through the gospel, is adultery and crimes against God that He just gives you up to your provider choices because having made you in His image, with that you get your own personal sovereignty. And you would rather pay? Then pay you will, through the nose.

That is where we get our inheritance. The New Covenant is the writ of our ark and covenant more safe and secure than Noah’s Ark of his Covenant for ours was founded on better promises and paid for by the blood of Christ, to never again need any other payments, installments or updates of any sort.

It was Noah and his family that made certain preparations, mind you the expected storm was not evidenced by that culture. So to those onlookers, such preparations seemed to be senseless. Keep in mind the warning for us that “it shall be as in the days of Noah”. That people would be given into marriages and just living life as it would go on forever because of the economy and other visible factors, all the while they were like Sodom and Gomorrah, to be totally surprised when the flooding came.

Kind of like today, however our flood that is carrying people away is “the flood of lies” from Satan the father of lies. people away, but by a flood of lies but news media (mediums and wizards). These would carry people off in every which way and any way possible to keep them from the truth of the gospel as “The Kingdom of God at hand

So to “close our Ark” and our covenant, is done by us in privacy and secrecy totally dependent on the Word of God because the Word of God IS the covenant, a covenant more enduring with greater permanence to keep us safe and sound from the things outside. And however fairy-tail like this may sound, it is the words, the sayings and the promises in that Covenant that cover us. That the promises of God collectively qualify as our Ark and our separation mechanism from the wore out dying world. Not worn out from a mans perspective but as far as baring any fruit to the Father. The fruit that the Father is looking for are those patterned after Him. For this reason He sent His only begotten into the world to set the record straight.

For you see, it is the people who don’t know the true God, who need to cloak and cover themselves with a plethora of coverages and agencies in the event of every scarry thing imaginable. But for every promise from God in Scripture even today, there are many counterfeits in the world to wrap you up.

So whereas we are wrapped up on Gods/

For the calls to “come out of her My people lest ye partake of her sins and of her judgments. Then having concluded that task we said “Come my people enter your chambers for God has measured and found them wanting”.

The Kingdom of God is still at hand in this way only. All the other coverage providers you use are your adulterous acts awaiting judgment.

Kingdom at hand