Josephs Coat and Mark of The Beast

Posted on December 4, 2023 by ADMIN

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Josephs Coat of Many Colors and The Mark of The Beast.

Josephs coat of many colors that he lost to the solders who cast him into the pit holds clues to the Garments of Christ that were divided among the solders who stripped Him naked at the hour of His carnal death. Like with Joseph, they said “here comes the Heir, let us divide His garments among us. And because the Garments themselves were of Royalty from their respective Fathers, we can understand that what they divided up were the garments related to a carnal mans aspects of Royalty unique to a Kings personal sovereignty as pertaining to this age. And if you remember when Christ was on trial about His Kingship, He was asked if He was King, and He replied “you have rightly called Me King, however My Kingdom is NOT from here”, thereby distancing Himself from that and any Jerusalem on earth.

This shows us His type of Kingdom and Royalty that we are reborn from and meant to emulate. He went on to say; or else I would dispatch a Legion of Angels and they would fight. However My Kingdom is NOT from here” meaning carnally visual and earthly, these are not His. Those are the traps for the gods of this age who left their first estate for something temporary. We say that because temporary things expire, and all the Law and The Prophets with their places, persons, offices and feasts days all had their culmination and conclusion at the cross. As for any such future rendition. This would become a trap because just as the Old Covenant genome of the last days jews had reached their extinction, so too, any such rendition would suffer similar consequences, but even worse because it is not the old testament concepts that they reject but the new by reverting to the old. Yes, the New and living way to the Father called “the Kingdom of God at hand”, of which the access point is the cross of Christ. It is this that they will NOT enter. Even as Christ told that wicked genome. He said “you are not entering the (Kingdom of God at hand) nor are you allowing those to enter who are trying to do so. This is why He told them “you do the deeds of your father the devil”. Christ made this distinction and extinction crystal clear. And for us on whom the ends of the age have come, we got the picture. We have no association with the fruitless works of darkness who keep peoples attention and affections ground bound and looking down, all the while their opportunity to press in to lay hold of the hope set before us, lingers and fades in a preoccupation.

Note; the core of that word is “occupation”, to be occupied and distracted. When someone is occupied as such, isn’t that just a form of demonic possession? Having an “occupant”?  Think about it.

But Christ went to the cross in order for us to reclaim our God given sovereignty, seen first with Adam and Eve, then stolen by satan, to be restored back to us through the gospel of the Christ of the cross, who defeated Satan by dying our death on our behalf, to give us a do-over to what we call “that which was from the beginning”. For us to be free from the task of taking care of a dead man as being the person in the mirror. Not dead as having no life, but having only a carnal life, but dead to the things of  the Heavenly Father that we have access to right here right now because He has NO limitations. Nope, those are yours.

We are born again to go on to pursue our Heavenly calling as being sojourners of a Heavenly sort that has nothing to do with timeframes related to creation, but a process and why we are called sojourners because the steps we take are in the eternal realm, as having to do with our ascension, having been raised up in understanding first.

For this is the “upward calling of God in Christ”, that seats us next to the Father “far above all principalities and powers, seated in Heavenly places and hidden “in Christ., known as Heavenly Jerusalem”. Even as Eve in the beginning was hidden inside of Adam and known as “the rib”. So too, Heavenly Jerusalem, the Mother of us all”, is hidden and tucked inside of Christ” being Adams replacement and the author and finisher of our faith. However His feminine counterpart was never to be exposed in a carnal way and is only made known now by way of revelation. This is  why She is the object and the conclusion of “The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ” and not the judgments and woes, because She is the veiled image inside Christ. As far as all the catastrophes in that book? Those were the carefully placed redirects for the disingenuous in the faith. That book is not meant for them.. Like the spies who went to rehabs house looking for two people, to be “sent out the other way”. This is why NOT many people know the Holy Spirit is female and also the Bride and Wife of Christ, the parents of those born again. What do the judgments and woes in the book of “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, have to do with the wedding feast of which we are already participating in? The Judgments and the woes in the book of the Revelation were like fireworks for kids meant to distract the disingenuous, and those not quite ready. This is why Christ was the first to proclaim that “The Kingdom of God is at hand”, as something different then what they were experiencing back then called the Old Covenant Kingdom and again today csnother Jerusalem on earth for carnal satisfaction. This is the delusion to displace the disingenuous..

Christ was the one to reverse the fall by gifting the New Covenant, resurrection based believers and get mankind back on track to be Heaven bound for Heavenly Jerusalem. This is quite opposite of that thing on earth that has distracted sooo many people. To understand this as we do, is to be “raised in understanding” to the New Jerusalem as it pertains to the new you, both of them through receiving the gospel.

The old physical Jerusalem concept appeals to the thinking of the carnal nature mankind adopted from Adam. And the place where the fall took place is where this all happened. And the fall has to do with being distracted by carnal presentations that mimick the invisible.

This is why we are mandated from Romans 12 to “be ye renewed in the spirit of your minds, that you may know what God’s good, acceptable and perfect will is”. This is where this all comes together.

For God made Him who knew no sin, to become our sin for our cause and effect. For Him to neutralize the carnal distractions for us to have His righteousness in us”, credited to us, so that we can “press in to attain to all the riches in Christ, in contrast with the old person we were when we operated by our old programming mode from the fall.

We say this takes place in the spirit of your minds because when Adam and Eve fell, there were no broken bones, bruises or spilled blood. Only un-sooth-able sorrow. Yes, gut wrenching sorrow and agony….

With these clues and these accounts as to what our duty is as becoming saints, we can learn to understand what the game plan is of satan and the lower case gods of this age in their final quest at circumventing the maturation of the Elect. For you see, what they do is NOT about taking over the world, for they had done that with Adam and Eve. And Christ brought in the Thousand Year Reign with the fullness of times and the fullness of the Gospel, whereby He sent out the disciples to the ends of the world “preaching and teaching everything I have commanded you”, to include the Gentiles and “to the ends of the earth”…

And then from that point, even what was left over from the jewish seed that were not in that Jerusalem that was soon destroyed, whichever ones were left, were also included in the collection of “all the nations”. God is no respecter of persons and that includes the Jews, because Christ performed a reset and a restoration to “that which was from the beginning” before the fall. Because the promise given to Abraham was that He would be a father of many nations. And this happened before the Law which was added to make sin exceedingly sinful, because that was Gods original intent. That “all the nations” each one equally as valuable as the other without favorites.

God made promise to Abraham saying “you shall be the father of many nations”, of which the Jews were just one of many, one who already had the opportunities to receive an eternal inheritance, of which they rejected, and subsequently crucified the Lord of  Glory, and received in themselves the consequences of doing so, a certain extermination. “Till not one stone shall be left upon another”. As the armies of Titus completely surrounded Jerusalem to ensure the task was complete. This was NOT a simple chastisement because they “killed all the messengers that were sent to her” was the allegation from Christ as He wept His last tears for that wayward people, to be labeled as expired. Meaning extinct. Make no mistake about it. God was done with them.

Having already replaced that Old Covenant with the New Covenant, that like with wine, they do not mix old and new, and the New was to be sent to the people of the whole world telling His disciples “go ye to the ends of the earth teaching and preaching everything I have commanded from the old. This was a new thing distinguishably different . And John 3.16.  Therefor just as assuredly as He healed the sick, made the cripple from birth walk and dance, opened the eyes of the blind and raised Lazerus from the dead, so too the Disciples, became the Apostles, who completed the command to “go ye therefore to the ends of the age preaching and teaching all that I have commanded you”? That has already been fulfilled as was the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ because that book opened and closed with the saying “do not deal the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand”. Meaning it was happening to them. And because we are not them. That we are after them. Meaning that the last warning of the Book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ, we were left with this one caveat to iron out that says that “satan will be released one last time to deceive the nations”. There were no clues but be warned. Satans last deception will not enforce “the mark of the beast” like his last deception having to do with the expired book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ”. No the judgment satan received from that “expired” (meaning last breath, expire? Get it?). That time was too harsh and too fast.

Satan now knows that if he gives humanity more of a soft sell to give up their God given sovereignty one edict at a time, that he can get away with more. So now he has terms and conditions for services, savings, safety’s and provisions that make him the provider, or better yet. The controller over provisions made available through the internet.

Christ gave us The New Covenant with no replacement ever referred to as it getting old too. We say this because people are trying to re-incert scriptures expired and brought into fruition with Christ judgment in that bygone era. The Old is not coming back That is the delusion with all lying signs and wonders. Look in all of scripture. There is not a 3rd covenant ever spoken of, and the old is expired!!!

It was through Christs “in that day”, in contrast to Adams “in that day ye shall die” that the gospel according to god-like-ness was renewed to its original intent to be for all of humanity that earthen Israel and last generation (genome) of Hebrews called  the Jews (sons of Satan, brood of vipers, whited tombs full of dead mans bones”, showing us that they were completely apostate to be destroyed. Showing us what to expect at the end of the thousand year reign, and also called the age of the gentiles too.

And we are there! We say this because the Jews have been reinvented are back trying to reinsert the concepts and laws of the old covenant kingdom they were annihilated for for promoting them at the last reset.

You will know when we are at the end of The New Covenant era because it will revert back into the Old Testament expectation of a carnally visual Messiah in the fashion that the last era Jews were destroyed for. And if God honors this bunch of deceivers, He has to apologize and make reparations to the Jews of old. And that is NOT going to happen. And if they were destroyed for their ignorance, a word that doesn’t mean stupid but that they ignored what they were told and what was written about the coming Messiah. And the patience of God had expired with the Law era. No if and or butts about it!

So if they were condemned, and we have “a more sure word then what they heard’. what do you think is the punishment of these final days unbelievers claiming to be believers?

The last days started with the institution of the New Covenant because of the blood of Christ (Hebrews 1.1) And the last of the New Covenant era looks like the last of the Old Covenant era, but much more condemning because not only does it condone the old for want a messiah they could shake his hand and congratulate him for a great campaign, but they do it with greater testimonies than the inaugurated the New covenant. If they rejected Christ back then with the old testimonies they had? With us having the updated testimonies and contracts, signed by the blood of The Son of God. To then go back to the last days Jews?? There will be no mercy. You have been forewarned.

That is why Peter said that “it would’ve been better off not knowing the gospel, then to know it (have it) and turn from it’. But as a true proverb is written “as a pig having been washed goes back to wallowing in the mire, and a dog back to eaing its vomit, so too these go back to their old way of doing things and will be judged more severely. (2 Peter 3)

So today’s end times seekers look for a savior like they did at the end of the Old Covenant. This is the do over “with all lying signs if possible to deceive the Elect. Why? Because they can back it up fully with scripture, but only the expired ones. That is why it is a lie and a delusion which is a conjunction of two words, dilute and illusion. Hence a delusion, being diluted scripture to do so.

We are the Elect, exposing this for you to have you “come out of her My people” again. This is the only “second coming” type of opportunity and warning you are going to have to extract yourself from every and all such claims from the “end times” seekers today.As they look to a modern Israel (The name of a man, to become a people who in their last day became a land) “who say the are Jews and are not but from the synagogue of Satan”.

And they are impersonators because of the genocide of the time of Christ, and whatever was scattered was too few to reassemble. But one of the most condemning facts about the jews of today claiming to be from the Jews of old is that the Jews of old were Shemite. This means they were black!! So YES! We know those who say they are Jews and are not. Satan was the first liar, the father of lies. And every lie and liar is from the wicked one.

And if you think about it, if the Jews get away with there presentation of a renewed Kingdom according to Old Testament and expired prophecies, then what do you suppose Christ came here to expire at His first coming? Check your bible. There is no phrase called “a second coming”, in all of Scripture!!

And from Romans 3 about the Old Testament Law era, “how many were righteous. None, no not one”..

And because Satan already had his day of deception as described in the book of the Revelation that opened and closed with “seal not the prophecies of this book for the time is at hand”. Meaning it happened to that generation, to be played out back then, So that the New Covenant era that went into into effect by the blood of Christ to bring in the New!, to replace the “in that day ye shall surely die”!

“In That Day” explained

It goes like this. Adam lived 970 years to equate with “in that day ye shall surely die. And as Peter wrote “for one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day”. To have “The day of the Lord” also called “the day of Christ”  and “in that day”, would also be a thousand years as well. The carnality of Christ lived until He was 30 to complete Adams 1,000 years because Adam was 30 years short of a thousand and Christ finished the old to conclude it (expired) for the new.   So instead of “in that day ye shall die”, with the reversal of that curse. For us in The New Covenant we have “in the day of Christ we shall live”. To which we attest, we are alive “in Christ” and able to testify to you that, we have received our inheritance. Just as assuredly with any inheritance. As long as the testator lives, the inheritance is in holding. But after the death of the Testator, the heirs receive the inheritance and so we did because in this case, the Only Begotten Son of God who was slain at the cross. It was that death that brought us life. Not just any life, but eternal living that begins the moment we believe, and reinforced over time as we are sojourners on a journey but not on earth  , as often as we enter in. Are you with us?

So then giving in to the end of this age of grace in its final stages has a reversion to a deception, that has its timeline exaggerations as well. Because of this we know we are after “the day of the Lord” that replaced Adams “in that day”.

The Book of the Revelation was meant for “that generation”, not ours.,,,

The book of the Revelation opens and closes with “the time is at hand”. And attached to the end is this clue too, that “the bottomless pit of hell would be opened and Satan would have one more opportunity to test the resolve of mankind, to b by offering them a competing source of godliness equated as being “as in the days of Noah”. That humanity would be eating, drinking and just living life as commonly known. That the last days deception would come like a thief in that the doors would  be closed and the time would be up like the virgins in the wedding parable who spent their time in the world and now not able to get in. Woe are those with that mindset

Now still has to reach its fullness to forever be the burning spectacle of how nt to do it for all of eternity as described in Isaiah 66…

So the lesson here is to expose the enemy of humanities plan to keep all their own personal sovereignty’s from being reached. For him and his know that the longer they can delay, circumvent and subdue humanity from acquiring the gift of godliness as defined in Gods Holy writ, that they can continue, That means they need to keep people subdued under the absurdity of the mundane. And the mundane is daily living and activities. To keep them involved in, and wrapped up and pre-occupied with just living and staying alive. And whereas in the last reset they were more forceful by mandating what was then called “the mark of the beast”, they have broken down mans sovereignty into pieces, to present a soft sell instead of a mandate to do or die with the mark,  and take it from them more slowly, one aspect at a time, one contract at a time, one terms and conditions (conditioning) after another until their personal God given sovereignty to say yes or no…. Their sovereignty, royalty, kingship and kingdom become totally forgotten in the storm of distractions. And you may say which distractions? To which we say the presentations of “wars and rumors of wars”, entertainment and just scratching peoples itches whatever they may be to have them avoid what will be painfully obvious to them the moment the opportunity ceases to exist. That the whole purpose of their lives here is to discover who they are, or who they could be if they just “sought to lat a hold of why Christ laid hold of us” and why “God so loved the world that He sent His … have everlasting life”, being imaged like Him. And for godliness to be real, each person is responsible for their choices and instead of the forced mark, they give into the terms and conditions by way of submitting to them. And with each submission your personal sovereignty becomes smaller and smaller and you become more and more blind to the potential inside of you of being made in the image of God. This is the purpose from the beginning and why Christ restored what Adam lost, “To as many as received Him, to them He gave the option of becoming like Him, even to these who believed in His name, who were not born of the flesh but by the spirit. But in these last days, many think that their sovereignty to be like god is the empowerment of the internet that even in its own presentation pretends to be godlike


Cloud of mystery as seen with Moses at the tabernacle door.  To be miffed and mystified fear that held them back, of which fear is the mode of operation for those who have rejected the gospel for an alternate presentation of godliness/ That people seek to complete themselves with the wares of this age, Of which, all of them are temporary and of no value when your physical existence expires, and you know that for what you are doing with their coats of many colors is the soft sell of the mark and a false sense of godliness. How do you know? Because they all have expiration’s and renewals associated with them but ours are eternal and ours are free. No terms conditions or recalls


That is why it is said “let you yes be yes and your no be no. Anything more than this is from the evil one. That all the clauses added to contracts terms and conditions , are legal and binding. Clauses are claws on your soul that keep you ground bound and looking down. And just like with electrical currents, ground is down. And if all you can see is your carnal existence, then you quite likely have not been born again or borne from above because your focus is carnal and that is what Gods Son gave Himself to do for you through confession. That as He died, we dye too. We see our old person dead there and we become unresponsive to the enemy of our souls threats of you being naked, because if you have not received the gift of God according to godliness, then you are doomed by self preservation. And why scripture says that “Those who seek to save themselves will loose themselves”, and THAT is what terms and conditions in exchange for promises and such do. They keep you negatively polarized and paralyzed to learn, repent and believe the gospel. That John 3.16

And if you don’t believe that, then why do we have more drugs cures doctors hospitals and such and more sick and dying then ever in recorded history

So just as the one was bound to be loosed, so too you need to be free from being bound to the soft sell of the mark called terms and conditions.

The wicked servants say in their hearts, My Lord delays His coming, as if to be on standby for another hand out to help them.

Like the unwise virgins who were invited to the wedding to then go to the world for their wedding attire. This is equivalent to those who pack themselves in the savings, safety and security agencies of this age, to be bound (as in demon possession) to terms and conditions, from covering providers from the gods of this age as though they need to stay plugged in until another visitation from a man named Jesus comes back to rescue them as in a second coming savior, which spits in the face of Him who already gave His life so that we could have His now as transcribed through the gospel as we do for you today because “Today”even still “is the day of salvation”. Harden not your hearts as they did in the wilderness wanderings, which may be a picture of you with one foot in on Sundays but everything else like everybody else pulled hook line and sinker through all the delusional lies from the internet as a barrier between them and heaven itself in the upper regions of the mind and not of this creation. For it is the re-spirited mind of faith that has been expanded by the power of Gd through the gospel and the Holy Spirit. To in turn be expanded wide enough and broad enough for God Himself to comfortable habitate their for constant interaction with us where it counts. Even as Paul spoke on Romans 12 to “be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind, has to do with a way of thinking quite different from those who look to the clouds of creation for another Christ and saving they call a rapture.

Kingdom at hand