Creating out of nothing is unique to One

Posted on April 22, 2022 by ADMIN

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We understand that in the beginning God said some things and they came into be. That God from nothing more than vibrations from His proverbial mouth established things that are visual, factual and invisible. And John 1.1-3 states that “all things were made by His word and without His Word nothing was made. That they were made “by Him and for Him.


There is no other voice, vibration or out-sourcing of any sort used to make anything from nothing. Everything since then that has been made, had to be made of the elements that God already created and provided for us, and there is only One God that can do that. This is why He is called The Creator God and ruler over all other gods and powers. All other gods may be powers, but they have to use what God supplied to begin with as the raw materials to make anything else.


As the first law of thermodynamics states that; there is a fixed quantity of energy and matter in the created realm. That energy cannot be created or destroyed. You can convert energy to matter and visa versa, but that is not creating, those are just alterations.

For those of who live under the firmament, they are in a self supporting terrarium of everything they could ever need, that has the ability to recycle and reuse without man’s means or methods. Mankind cannot save themselves or the plane-net.


However those who reject the saving provided from the One True God, will find themselves looking to other gods and powers to save them from their world and themselves. To the degree that it appears that they are doing this, is to the degree that they’ve given in to this trap with “all lying signs and wonders if possible to deceive the Elect”. However we are not giving in to that. We Glorify Another.


Yes they can try to split the Atom/Adam by smashing particles. Even that is an act of defiance, looking for “The God particle”? But this is blasphemy to reduce God to the smallest common denominator when “it is in Him we live and have our being”. He permeates and surrounds everything everywhere all the time. “For there is nothing hidden from His sight and all things are open and exposed to the one we must give an account”.

You see there will always be an un-explainable aspect to physics because the governing factor is NOT part of the physics that it governs over. This one is YHVH God.


In the beginning angels served humanity. They had minimum power only to assist humanity with their godly endeavor of reaching their potential of godliness, but then the moment Adam and Eve fell from their heights of being made over the angels being imaged in the fashion of the Creator to rule. The now rogue spirits clamored up to the godlike place from where man fell from. They put themselves between God and man because Adams departure made that vacancy in the spirit, that was a realm angels were more familiar with and why they were instructed to help humanity. However angels failure to do so brought about the era of the prophets who were the new go-between God and man, who served them until the arrival of the redeemer and the redeemed such as us. For there is one God and one qualified link between God and men, the Man who is the Christ “.

This is why the Christ had to become one of us to reverse the damage started by “Gods image and likeness” known as Adam and Eve, whereby they bonded with another for what they needed as seen in the parable of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

The rebel spirits are now called; the prince of the power of the air that now works in the disobedient. This air is  not referring to oxygen or physical stratospheres. The Greek word for “air” is “pnuema” and also means spirit. this is why we call it “the spirit of the mind”. Which is also the place for our redemption and restoration to “That which is from the beginning” (meaning before the fall), as being the minds that are restored in the spirit from the fall to be raised back up in thinking.

The human body is merely a communication vessel and can be good or bad. The Only Begotten of the Father proved that when He became one of us and set a new standard.

As we always say, there were no broken bones or bruises when Adam and Eve fell, just an upside down way of thinking with a new propensity to strive for the wrong things in the wrong ways. Humanity now strives against death and how to avoid it instead of experiencing the life God gave us through Adam’s replacement called The last Adam and “The Christ “.

Striving against death is a life to labor against dying, to fortify themselves against it, being dead to the things of God. For those of us who know, we have embraced our new life in the spirit now. That the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Likewise you also, [a]reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ”.  This is us having hung our old self at the cross with Christ our substitute, for a fulfilling life in the spirit of something outside of creation. “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.” To not have to worry about death or dying and all of its problematic threats that hound people and occupy them insistently.  For this reason He is called the Christ for the redemption of humanity. “ as many as received him, to them gave he power to become one of His kind” of something not tangible to the mind without the spirit of Christ

For this reason He is called “the last Adam” showing us that the production line of those who live their life in the spirit is now and not at some future saving or another event for humanity to look forward to. The saving is as simple as the fall in that it happened with in the mind first by making a new decision. Everything else is academic.

In this inversion called the fall where there was created a vacuum in the upper eshlon’s of the mind of the life of the spirit, it was the robber baron spirits who assumed those heights that Adam and Eve once operated from, that they vacated by the enticement for another form of god-like-ness in a carnal way of something they never acquired.

Even as scripture said of Satan that “You were in Eden, the garden of God“. And ““You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones“. And since he was in the Garden, he associated with some thing’s in the spirit that were given to humanity to “rule and reign” to be like the Creator made in His image. Then Satan said in his heart, “am I suppose to help these ignorant wayward wanderer’s? Has God truly made them better than us? They are going to instruct us as our superior? Are we suppose to serve their every whim? To their own demise the answer is an emphatic and a resounding YES!! Yes they do serve God and His image, even while the images are ignorant.

The rebellious spirits can only do what God the Father allocated them to do, even while they think they are being defiant. We’ve calculated for that. Glory to God the Father for orchestrating such. “For all things were made by Him and for Him and by Him all things persist, consist and continue.

The Rogue Spirits Jealousy is their self implemented Jail they are stuck in.

The rogue spirits have no vested interest in humanity other than that the they don’t have their own bodies to use, and however true it may be that they can possess a way of thinking, they still need help from people until the cyborg body replacement is perfected and mass manufactured. But even then they plan on retaining a small population of humans as workers to endure a gene pool in the event that they need to rebuild. (Georgia Guide stones)

However this plan will NOT come into fruition because creation was not made with them in mind. They are dreamers. For them we have another place. This is their trap, to draw them out of the vacuum in the spirit and re-assert themselves into the tangible from which they will not be able to escape. (Revelation 18) Of which the rogue spirits have agreed to try to work together “with mutual imprecations”. (Enoch 6)

They will however be fully subdued by the Elect of God, when their purpose is over and our fullness in numbers has come. Then we will no longer have a function for them, and they too will expire and close for business like the prophets of old were with the coming of the progenitor called the Christ and also called the last Adam. (1 Corinthians 15)

This is what they’ve stolen and why Satan in his jealousy said in his heart “I will become like the Most High” showing his objective is what God gave the Elect. And Satan will accomplish this form of god-like-ness however not like God in the Heavens but as a temporary superior on earth which leads him and his cohorts to their demise. THIS IS THE TRAP! Once they’ve shown themselves to be “all in” through “mutual imprecations” they will Not escape but be viewable throughout all eternity as the engulfing  self consuming flame, and as the worm that wiggles and does not die” to be seen as the eternal excrement and a terrible woe. (Isaiah 66)

Satan and his minions in their jealousy traded their heights in the heavens for a godlike power on a temporal earth, to go up in the smoke when creation is recalled. ” But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [a]burned up”.

So in truth the robber baron spirits had zero power except what they could get by coercing humans to co-operate and serve them and their agencies as a servant. They have no corporeal body such as is common to mankind, but they do have corporal bodies. Some are called corporations. You see them even usurping governmental bodies and their agencies for their cause. “For we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood (on the physical plane- net) but spiritual wickedness in high places.” There are still some believers who have not received this yet while others have obtained the victory and are on standby for the final work of judgment of implementing eternal perdition “when God comes to be glorified in His Saints.

And like in the time of Joshua, meaning Yeshua and translated Jesus at Jericho, when he mirrored our true commander and chief, Christ. Those who advanced for battle were instructed to “take the ark of the covenant unto themselves”, and we did. Then to refrain from battle until the sound of the horn. Then using the tools of their trade they all shouted at the same time and the walls fell to the ground and consumed the enemies. These all symbolize the collective efforts of the body of Christ at the time when “He comes to be glorified in His saints” of those He’s adopted and have been adopted with their newness in tact and operational. These are not the first fruits but the final harvest. Then “the Kingdom will be delivered up to the Father”, the void will be totally filled with all the true heirs and progeny. The remaining will be judged according to their works, abilities and opportunities, similar to how Christ dealt with the women caught in the very act of adultery. After Christ silenced the Jews that accused her He said “woman where are your accusers? Neither do I accuse you so go in peace. The accuser was neutralized by the cross. Glory to God Amen! God’s creation will no longer be needed after this final harvest.


This pretty much describes the fall of man and the rogue spirits mad dash to assume these vacancies and the Elects re-assertion over the rogue spirits who will not muster up a resistance as seen in Joel 2.

This is why we have the gospel that restores all things back to us as we await our arrival to participate in the fullness of time being the product of all time as described in scripture. That “you do well to pay attention to it as to a light that shines into a dark place until this day dawns and the morning star (called The Only Begotten) rises in your hearts, knowing this first that prophecy of old never came by carnal men, but those justified as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”. And so we do. The Father is delighted when His offspring does what He does, or how else would they be identified as being His? We say this because there are no physical features or language place or culture that God prefers over the others, as we see here at His Throne people from every class and culture, every skin color language and dialect from every generation throughout all of time of His creative realm bar none. (Revelation 4) Warning: don’t be found protecting a certain class of people over another. That view can only detain you from the prize. Neither be caught up into a preferred place on earth as more important to God. If there were creation itself would not be slighted for removal. But we know that “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of God”, but the regenerated mind of faith does.

As a matter of truth, it is the rogue spirits mad dash to occupy in power to rule on earth at a specific place for a specific time. That is the trap for the rogue spirits, to entice them to be earthbound, for them then in turn vacate the heavens, to leave them open the same way Adam and Eve did. However these are now left open for the return of the Elect into the vacuum . “The wheat and the tares mature together”. The first shall be last and the last shall be first”. And we are right on time. And maybe for you it is in, the nick of time,, if you are called to this too. For when the sinister spirits have reached their fullness, so have we! We have our “re-empowerment now! To where? To that which was from the beginning, before the fall. Gods creation has reached His intended purpose of beggating offspring uniquely like Him to co-rule like Him, on His behalf for our cause….

The Words from God that create are vibrations.

We can understand with sand placed randomly on a surface on the top of a speaker, that when the volume is turned up holding one note, that the sand takes on specific patterns. And to slowly change that musical note, the sand changes to another pattern. In this way one pattern is replaced with a new one. That the new sound produces another pattern.

This shows us the concept that when God said something, it became the thing He said because He could change His pitch and array of sound so as to create in this way. We see this again in the creation account where “God said, let there be… and it was so” God fashioned the earth, the heavens with luminaries, all the plants, animals and such and then crowed His creation with mankind to rule over it like God does everything else. That when God called something to be, he used significant sounds and patterns of speech as His tools to do so.

So in reality the name of a thing that He spoke it to be, had to do with the vibratory frequency that He used that makes up its composition because a name assigned from God is sound, and from the creators mouth the name he calls a thing is the very ingredients to manufacturer the thing that He said. The word frequency indicates a timing factor, and that factor measures how close the sound waves are to each other. A soft hum with minimal disturbance would manufacture soft, fluffy or even invisible like a whisper. However the cracking of a thunderous roar could be understood as stacking mountain ranges. That whatever God called it, so it was.

This makes for a fascinating study into the names God has given throughout scripture. Especially with the names of God defining what He was doing for whom the name was intended. In truth when God gave Adam the task of naming the creatures, Adam was essentially given the task to dress them, and give them a purpose. In a sense Adam was a co-creator.

Here’s an example. Gods Son was sent as a savior. Meaning to save. His name was an advertisement for a mission He came to accomplish. But after the service is rendered, does Christ remain a savior? And of the one in Revelation riding on a horse with His garments dipped in blood whose name no man can say, whose name is “the Word of God? That is because we are still pronouncing Him today. No ones carnal life is long enough to say God’s full Name.

His name? Is that all we know of Him? That He is the Christ/Savior? He said “I go to the Father and you see me again no more” speaking of that time and that task, but He is still the “I will be with you always, even throughout the ages”. He also said follow Me to where I am that you may be also”.

Who also told Jacob; your name shall no longer be called Jacob (Yah- cob). You are now called Israel (Yah-sarah-El)  for you have wrestled with God and man and have prevailed” because that is what the name describes. When He wrestled with Yah and prevailed, He recieved his godlike status. So the proclamation of God makes it so. The thing that He orates and vibrates is what He creates.

Music is a vibration and can be calming and soothing, or agitating and irritating. Music is emotional even without words and said to be “the language of angels”. Not that they could create, but they can set a mood a temperment and an emotion for motivation.

Those who have heard of star forts, can understand that the patterns of the ancient star forts themselves are likely positioned and built according to the resonance, or vibration of the very ground it is built upon like sand on a speaker. These would be places of peace and harmony because of the harmonic protective barriers, which are likely copacetic with the laws and the mutual attitudes and behaviors of the occupants, like a common spirit.

Maybe there is a corolation in let’s say, Los Angeles, meaning the city of, fallen in purpose angels, and the manipulation of the movie and music industries. Because of it’s negative sounds and vibrations broadcast by “the prince of the power of the air”. This influence is viewed by many as the city of fallen angels. It affects and infects the whole world, and has been used to change thinking, knowledge and behaviors by promoting un-godly thinking and behavior by what it glorifies. Think about the music and the movie industry that breeds selfishness hoarding and sedition.

So it should not be too hard to believe then that sounds and noises affect structures on molecular, cellular level too. Earthquakes and directed energy weapons can similarly bring down structures and re-position property.

Since God created with vibrations and sounds, music can be soothing by harmonizing with God, or be destructive. For example this is what happened on 911. This all takes place in the spirit first, meaning the invisible, and we know that is invisible to the eyes and ears that are common to humanity, but we know that “it is with the heart and the mind that one must see and hear to understand the things from God”. That is why scripture says that “we have an unction from the Holy One and we know all things”. That intuitively from inside ourselves we hear the Spirit of God and have peace. Peace is the bi-product of harmonizing with God.

In this way star forts are like ear ports. We can play out any of these sounds or words, and build mental constructs. Then once the construct is recieved in the mind, it can next turn into a strong belief or an action. Meaning that the repetition of hearing and even singing along with the vibrations passed on as music, has the ability to organize ones thoughts to next affect behavior. In this way, unbenounced to the participants they play a part in manifesting that resonance into being. Similarly to how the Creator God creates. You’ve heard the saying that “there is power in words”. Yes words

Many are familiar with the account of The Tower of Babel. The inhabitants said “come let us built a tower whose heights reached the heavens”. Not that building was bad but presumably they did it in competition with The Almighty God, imitating His covering and provisions for stealing man’s efforts much like Pharo in Egypt did to the 12 tribes of father Israel. That they may reach the Heavens? What to presumably tell God, move over you’re fired? That is what that represents.

So what did God do? He confounded their language so that they could not build. Why didn’t God just destroy their equipment? Because the building starts in the mind then conveyed into ideas to share, to all who participate, hence “come let US build”.

The punishment among them was that they were separated by vernacular first, then by contention they all went their own way.

We were however warned in scripture of another time when languages would no longer be confounded by barriers. And along with that would come another called “Mystery Babylon”. Not necessarily with the same language, but with the same intention. This group not only understands what we have described thus far, but also know that just as Star Forts hold a vibratory power and resonance, so do logo’s. That is right. Logos are strategically used to resonate NOT just a sound, but the invisible entities who broadcast their own frequencies to and through the logos or labels they place on everything they can, much like the dominant male dog pisses on other dogs piss to make the statement that they are biggest. Many logos have multiple others embedded in them showing that they are all in bed together for the same outcome.

The word logo on Greek means word. And more importantly from John 1.1 In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God”. And this is the reason Gods Logos is a vibratory source, power and plans of the Father. Here is The Source.

So, much as the star forts assembling to a sound, so too Gods people assemble to the gospel. And because God and his Son we also call the Logos of the Father. That they are everywhere all the time. When we harmonize with them in concept, we become one with them “in Spirit and Truth” because we accept their words and concepts in their vibratory form and are changed. Much like being our own little star forts any where we are because He has said that ,”I will never leave you or forsake you”. And that resonates with us. We harmonize with that. We agree.

So we’ve skipped along these truths to bring you to a point where you may learn some of the secrecies of “Mystery Babylon”, her ways, her mechanism, her instruments and programs world wide.

And let us add here from Revelation a stern warning saying;

“Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! 3 For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the [b]abundance of her luxury.” (Trading Ezekiel 28)

4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”

Meaning that we are not to associate with them, we are not to be in agreement with them, lest they should say they have made us rich….

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand