Fix, Thou hast prepared a body for Me

Posted on August 20, 2020 by ADMIN

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­Thou Hast Prepared a Body for Me.

Speaking of Gods Only Begotten Son scripture says “Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me.”

This was spoken of about the pre-existing Christ who would come into the world to perform the work of salvation.

It was necessary for Him to become a man to perform salvation because a man made the breach between God and man. It was Adam that was cautioned not to eat of the tree of the forbidden knowledge. God said “in the day that you eat of it you will die. And so Adam died to the things of God that day. The Holy Spirit that God breathed into him to become a living being, departed from him on that day. So you can understand for life to be renewed, we need to have the return of the Holy Spirit. This is the reason a body was prepared for the Son of God who was with the Father, therefore “He became flesh and dwelled among us”.

You see all spirit beings need carnal bodies of some sort to interact with God’s creation. It was because in the beginning God breathed into man and he became a living being, it was that breath which was God’s Holy spirit that gave him life who then departed.

God said “in the day that you eat you shall surely die”, and he did. In this way death was passed on to all of humanity. None are born with Gods Holy Spirit.

It was that day that they lost the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit and became dead to the things of the living God, but the whole creation project did not need to be scrapped, it could be salvaged. With the salvation of a man, the world would be restored to it’s original purpose of “bringing many sons (offspring) to Glory”.

Creation itself did not need to be restored or a do over because creation is not what was broken, man was. You see creation reflects back to humanity their own condition. Creation serves mankind. That is why “God sent His Son into the world not to destroy the world but to save it”. (John 3.17) So you can understand where the problem lies. Humanity.

That is why God sent His Son into the world. That is why He named His Son Jesus, because that name traced back into the original Hebrew language means “saving” and “savior”, meaning the one who saves and restores. The name of God’s Son is salvation and that was central to the work He had to do. And before His departure He told the disciples “I will not leave you orphans, the holy spirit whom the Father sends in my name, will teach you all things. This is the restoration from The Garden of Eden. And the Son of God who came into the world, was the only one qualified to do so.

You see Jesus at His baptism where He received The Holy Spirit and The Father said “this is My only begotten Son in whom I am well pleased”.

It was for the first time since that fateful day in The Garden of Eden that “in the day you eat you shall surely die” that a human became truly alive by being restored to the things of God, by being made alive by His Holy Spirit.

“God is Spirit and God is truth and seeketh such”. And “To as many as receive Him, He gave power to become His children”. Yes, He gives them the Holy Spirit.

Yes just as asurredly and precisely as the death happened to Adam and Eve for disbelieving, meaning spiritual death, so too life happens instantaneously, “in the blink of an eye”. Meaning life in the spirit, by believing. Even as Paul said “for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law sin and death.” The curse was reversed.

In this way we are born again and have our own individual do over, born not of the flesh because that didn’t change, but of the Spirit.

Unfortunately for many, they are waiting for the next Jesus to save them, and they call it a second coming. By doing so they are distracted by looking at current events as though they could detain the work of God.

It was Paul who told those in Galatia that “cursed us everyone who hangs on a tree speaking of the cross. In this way The Christ of the cross becomes our own Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. This is our life in the spirit, as we eat the delectible delightful fruit of Gods Holy Spirit, inspired by scripture, for our own individual empowerment to participate fully with the things of the living God. Even as Christ promised “to those who overcome I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” We have that promise to activate now by faith.

Gods Paradise and The Garden of Eden is Gods Holy Spirit. We who know this and participate in such, have overcome the world according to that promise.

Reread the promises to the overcomers from the churches in the book of the Revelation. Overcomers have all these things because “who is it that overcomes the world? But those who have the Son.

Our aspirations are Heavenly because we hear The Voice.

Scripture says “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”. This was referring to the cross of Christ being that tree with our curse. That tree is our tree of life to sustain our spirit and how we become godly, meaning godlike, meaning Spirit and Truth.

This is why. We are exorted to “submit to The Father of Spirits and live”. This is The life of the spirit. As Jesus said “whoever believes in Me shall never die” because our human person may give our new person a source of interaction with creation for the continuance of our own developement, but that is not who we are. That thing came “from the dust to return to the dust” when our transition is complete.

We are born again for our own do over, born again and born from above “for that which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit. (John 3)


Fix Part 2 The Fallen spirits.

There is another form of spirits that seek bodies to inhabit. They have to take on a body with carnal senses, presumably human. And however true it may be that Christ became flesh and dwelled among us. And He said in the Psalms “a body thou hast prepared for Me”, we don’t need to assume that the fallen angels who are on the earth today need to be in human bodies as much as they like them.

Even as the man was called Legion “because his demons were many” who were cast into a herd of swine, because they presume that to occupy pigs was better than to be without. But even the pigs could not stop the continuous fall of the bodiless rebellious spirits. As the account goes “they rushed head first off a cliff”.

It is the fallen angels who are in a continuous fall who get momentary reprieves from that fall to rest in any body they can, and that includes pigs. If you recall the times of Noah, the self proclaimed sons of God came into the daughters of men and begat monsters or giants

In our day however, the giants have a particular affection for bodies of another sort. corporations and internet conglomerates are bodies too.. The interlocking of all it’s features gives them a ubiquitous nature much like they enjoyed with God before their rebellion.

Yes humans are the highest order of Gods creation. And the highest accomplishment of a mankind independent from God, is to come together as portrayed and fortold of in Babylon saying “come let us build a tower to reach to the Heavens”. You see any such collected efforts that reject God then become like God having a sense of all knowing, becomes the enemies of God. These are the counterfeits and anti-Christs.

We see that what Babylon boasted then, is boasted again in the form of the internet with its ventricles, or sensors, senders and recievers everywhere. Let us track and control everything all the time from every location and language.

It is not just a computer, but the interlocking of all computers, laptops and cell phones, with chips, sensors and readers everywhere called “the internet of things” possessed with demons.

This is the brain, or collective consciousness of new Babylon that all the world comes together in, for each to possess their own form of god-like-ness through them and not the gospel

It was called Babylon, the city of Babel, meaning people who talk but make no sense. But this they were renamed after God confused them

Today they being fused back together to be one language and one mind again.

all make sense on the internet. Yes all the world’s languages have their voices with interpretations in their own dialect.

You see this same thing in Jerusalem of old where they all spoke in tongues and dialects from whatever region they were from. Yes, God’s Heavenly Jerusalem has every nation language and tribe represented their as evidenced in Revelation 4. So you know which one is the cheap imitation. How do we know? Because we are from a different conglomerate called the body of Christ” and we have “the mind of Christ”. We can discern the cheap counterfeit.

So you can see that as the old Babylon had counterfeit concepts of a collected humanity, then it should be no surprise t you that “the dillusion with all lying signs and wonders”, takes on the same features today. We are warned in scripture not to be decieve by the Antichrist system with seamingly god-like capabilities. What you need to know is how all this fits into God’s plan.

You see Christ had a body prepared for His Spirit, so too the anti-christs. But they don’t have to take on human form, or the form of Roman statue’s. They just need a voice and mechanisms to interact with humanity to steal people’s God like abilities hidden in side every person. This is the ploy. But make no mistake, they are here in full swing collecting, stealing and decieving. And they will use any device or instrumentation that is connected to the internet to accomplish their cause.

The idea of occupying humans is okay, and they have lived on in the same bloodlines for ages. But they want something that lasts longer than human bodies, as long as they know they can step in and out of them anytime they want. For this they have A.I.

Think about the man called “Legend, for his demons were many’. They settled for a herd of swine, how much more the various mechanisms of the internet, and even synthetic psyborgs. A.I. or, artificial intelligence is not artificial. It is demonic. It is legends, a plethora of devil’s. It is the accumulative of all that is evil, disguised in benevolence. For even Paul said even Satan disguises himself as a messenger of light, how much more his agents?” Yes instant messenging is not an agency for God’s messengers. God does not need the airwaves. Satan and his minions do. That is why he is called “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”. So you know where the rebellion takes place. You know where their nests are, and their hives are. Google nest, Echo Hive?

Think about it. If they took on other body forms they would be smaller and less effective. They are a conglomerate. And think about it, any entity that is a conglomerate, is a collection, and the collection and centralization of all conglomerates is as godlike as something can get.

The harvesting of all human endeavors, the repackaging and profiting off of those in allegiance to this entity, these are all in servitude and slavery to that cause. However benign that entity may seam, or however benevolent, however godlike, it is not God. It is however designed by God to give to humanity an option for those who reject God’s benefits packages, according to your need, not your lust.

We opened up with a body being prepared for The Son of God. Here is a competitive body with a collection not of the body of Christ, but a collection of demons. The body not of Him who was and is, but must become and go into perdition as outlined in The Book of The Revelation.

The fallen angels are having a hayday in our day because many are expecting fallen angels to still come in a visual firm, but they are already here.

The capstone of the pyramid depicts the www. all seeing eye in the sky. The collection of all survailence, administration, benevolence, industry, commerce currency, public records, individual information and governing powers, for the orchastration of all commerce, to sculpture truth to be suitable to them, and decide everything for everybody everywhere all the time.

And how was this godlike entity given power? By each person accepting these apparent benevolent services one app at a time, agreeing to terms and conditions, giving people full liability for the consequences.

You have been warned.

“Come out if her My people, lest you partake of her sins and partake of her judgment for God has remembered her.

And from the book of Hebrews 12 referencing God’s mountain made without human hands, and not the Masonic one made with  33 degrees of bricks. As the Lord told Moses ” in the day you use a tool on it, you have defiled it, you shall not associate My Name with such.

The Body of Christ vs the body of the antichrist. Yes God has prepared a body for them too. All who agree to be directly linked to this, for a collective consciousness and mutually pledge to terms and conditions to be of one mind to serve that beast will all be bound for the eternal fire.

This counterfeit us the trap. It genetically modified all it’s accomplises. There are souls allocated to God’s sequences only. Satan gets the others.

“Where one goes, they all go”. They are in lockstep into perdition and none shall escape.




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