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Gods Glory seen in Christ – The name Jesus, is from Iēsous, Joshua and Yeshua, and means "salvation" The meaning is more important then the spelling. So we call Him The Christ.

Gods Glory seen in Christ

Posted on October 26, 2014 by ADMIN

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 The Glory of God is a collection of all His invisible attributes. In the time of Moses it wasn’t until the tabernacle with all its furniture and utensils were set up. Then the priests and the sacrifices were ready and the proper times came and all was collected and assembled, that the Glory of the Lord rested upon that image whose glory was passing. That image expired in the person of Jesus Christ whose Glory excels. If you take away one concept or characteristic or attribute that belong to God the Father, the image would not be complete then therefore could not reflect His Glory. God just is. And He is always un-changeable. Of whom there is no variation nor shadow of turning. (Jas 1.17).

This is why it says in Rom 3.23  that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. It is that none does what he is made to do. Adam and Eve acquiesced to Satan and lost their purity, became tainted and marred in their mind and understanding which then distorted all of creation. They believed in another and lost the glory given to them. Then being defeated they were under the power of another. They dis-believed and became disconnected to the Head. The lie that “they may become as gods” is a lie because they already were. And this is where we get duped and confused. We as believers forget that we too are given everything that is “In Christ”. We are partakers of Christ our risen and seated Lord. You see Adam and eve misunderstood what they already possessed and fell for the lie that they could become like God without God. They sought a manifestation of god-like-ness from another.

You see in the beginning man was made in Gods image. Man was made to reflect the glory of God to perfection. Even now scripture says that the body is not for adultery but for the Spirit of God. Man was suppose to display the assorted characteristics of the heavenly Father completely. But all have fallen short of that God given roll. Well, until Jesus. He is the express image, exact likeness, the Fathers fullness the one who said “He who has seen me has seen the Father”. Which is another reason why He is not a becoming one like at a second coming, but He who was from the beginning because He never changes. Jesus Christs words and behavior are exactly like the Father, even before the resurrection and ascension. God the Father would not have responded any differently in any situation. The son did a perfect job.
Christs enemies are put under His foot as displayed at the cross. This is why it is said of Jesus that He is far above all powers and principalities”. He is so much higher than any battle or skirmish of any sort. There is no Glory for a Jesus who must live to fight another day. The enemies are a product of the mind of man and manifest in this creation that tainted it and are responsible for the atrocities even up to our day. The principalities must be defeated by a man. That is why Deity said when looking upon the demise of man; whom shall I send and who shall go for us? And the Son said; here am I send me (Isaiah 6.8). And he came as a man to show us that the victory can be done in us by the renewal of the mind. This is called Galgatha. 
And Jesus said “Follow Me that where I am you may be also”. That is the whole objective of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is of Him that we are instructed to “put Him on”. Become like that one. Some erroneously ascribe being like Christ as a one time physical event at a second coming but the invisible never becomes physical and it is His invisible attributes that we are to put on now. However it can manifest through the physical and this is our calling. If we do not see Him in true victory and glorified, by which glory are we being transformed into? (2 Cor 3.18) It is this carnal perception that needs a second coming as a visible display in order to believe, they believe in a new physicality. But God is spirit and He seeks such as are spirit, the time is now to worship Him in spirit and truth. (John 4.24) 
God in His creation of time and matter established contrasts first; let there be light! How can one understand light without dark? But God is light and in Him is no darkness. God is love for he who loves God, loves his brother also. It is as we understand Him as directed by the Holy Spirit of whom it is said by Jesus; when the helper comes who the Father sends in My name, this one will take what is mine and declare it to you. This is the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives of our pilgrimage. To break down the Invisible attributes of God into bite size pieces in order for us to understand Him in greater parts. And like Mary who remained at the feet of Jesus. She chose that part which is needful, which will not be taken away. You see she got to keep the attributes she understood.
Like Jesus said to the disciples; I have many things to say to you however you are not able to bear them. And we can’t understand it all at once, but we hear and we believe we keep. We retained greater and greater portions in our transformation of what we already are “In Christ”. And we may grow in understanding but do not confuse that as not having God-likeness gifted us yet like Satan convinced Adam and Eve. You see the gift
Have you too been duped by another gospel like Adam and Eve that godliness has been withheld? Like maybe for a Rapture or a second coming for our transformation? If so you error in not knowing the scriptures and the power of God. What He has given to us is “the exeeding greatness of His power to us who believe that He displayed in Christ Jesus when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him far above all powers and principalities in this age and the coming one and seated Him in heavenly places. (Eph 1.19-21)  It is right there in His word. Can you believe this? The gift relegated at the cross by faith and not a product of a second coming?  
Who is the real Jesus? You know cults use that spelling too? Jesus. There is no power in the spelling of that name. It must be connected to the Glory of God. It is the victorious glorified Jesus who is exalted, possessing the victory to not have to fight another day, who reigns in full power now, not the second coming Jesus. If your Jesus is connected to the Glory, then this saying may be fulfilled for you to “ask anything in my name and I will do it for you, that the Father may be Glorified”. And “The Father is Glorified in that you bear much fruit”.  That you grow and excel in things pertaining the Kingdom of God. It was said of the disciples throughout the new testament that they remembered these things after Jesus was glorified. The scriptures came alive for them after they received the Glory. And you?
