Our Foundation and our City

Posted on September 8, 2014 by ADMIN

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When the signers of the Constitution of The United States of America did so, they knew that they would not enjoy the freedoms they had laid down their lives for. They sacrificed their blood for their grand children and future generations. You may say that they are the very foundations on which we stand if you are an American

This is also true of the prophets and the apostles. They were set aside last for death as Paul said and; “We have become poor so you may become rich”. The signers of the constitution did not do so for us to continue to die but to enjoy the freedoms. And this is a picture of the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Meaning those who are “in Christ”. And this is speaking not of a future state of being but one of the spirit now. We have liberties and access, or better yet “keys to the kingdom”. This is a current reality, the Kingdom. 
Ephesians says that now “we are citizens and fellow members of the house hold of God having been built on the foundation of the apostles, Prophets. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone. So it is not as though we look up to that foundation as something that comes latter, but to walk on it now,  for it was laid for us to stand on it as a platform to live on. 
This is what is meant when Jesus said that “all the law and the prophets were until John. He who is least in the kingdom is greater than he”.  These men gave their lives for us to enjoy “the glorious liberties as children of God”. Peter describes us as “coming to Him as living stones, chosen by God and precious 
If you are “in Christ” you are in the kingdom as it states in Ephesians 2 and as we have just quoted, and from 1st Peter 2, then you are greater than the prophets and apostles in their physical state. Even as the book of Hebrews 12 talks about those who wandered the earth of whom the world was not worthy. You see 1 ounce of eternity is of grater value than the whole created realm of time and matter, EMC=square, big bang stuff. This all has an end and burns with a fiery heat, but eternity does not. So someone who is in the Kingdom is greater than all this.
This may be hard to accept if you are looking for an earthen city, or a place having physical features that you are used to seeing on earth. But Christ said many times that His Kingdom is not from here, not of this creation, not seen with eyes for this world. His Kingdom is as eternal and ubiquitous as He is. The Kingdom places and articles are features and characteristics of His very nature and make up. They were with Him in the beginning because it is Him. He comes and His reward is with Him because it is Him. He said “the Kingdom of God is at hand” because it is Him. And if we accept Him as He is now, as He appears now, as He comes now ubiquitous and invisible, He rewards us now. We are granted greater liberties into the Kingdom by the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 1 talks about invisible attributes of God. That if we put these on, we put on godliness, meaning God-like-ness. In so doing we are “supplied an entrance abundantly into the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. And this does not speak of a future reward but a current reality of life in the Spirit of the living God. “To him who has, more will be given. To him who has not, even what he has will be taken”. Are you getting this?
This same place is described by John the revelator as the city that comes down from God in heaven, the true Jerusalem. Not a coming one to carnality but the one we awaken to as we seek the things above, above the foundation. All the works and words from the scriptures are to do just this. Take us to the Kingdom. 
What was pictured in and culminated at with Solomon in JeruShalome, putting the ark in the Holies of the house of  God, the general assembly having been gathered to and celebrated the feasts of trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. All the places and articles and people were assembled as one. Then the people were sent their way having been to the grand finale. It was all over to start up again the next year. We have that. That was the gospel message.
They spoke of and walked out what we have in the spirit. They played out the very nature
and characteristics of the invisible God in whom we now dwell.
What they played out on earth was sown corruptible and raised incorruptible in our hearts, mind,and spirit so that we can worship Him in Spirit and truth. Where He is as He is. For “as He is, so are we in this world”. And “We have this treasure in earthen vessels” in the here and now! That which is perfect has come to the one who has faith. 
All the gifts and promises of God are as invisible and ubiquitous as He is. And the new you, the true you is just like Him for “we see Him as He is” if you can receive Him. We grow up in understanding to a perfect man, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, up into Him who is the head of the body, Jesus Christ. The same yesterday today and forever. The one who cannot become for He already was. And the Kingdom is with Him for it is Him.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. 


2nd coming apocalypse atonement Correction and reproof end times eschatology Eternal Day false prophet His Kingdom At Hand Israel Jehovah Jerusalem man of sin New Creation Putting Christ on rapture redeemer Revelation Sabbath salvation savior tribulation Yeshua YHVH transfiguration

Kingdom at hand