Posted on January 30, 2014 by ADMIN

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I know you know these things but it’s good to keep it fresh.

Col 1.13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His Son.
2 Pet 1.3 His divine power has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness.

2 Pet 1.4 We are partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption of the world.

These are all past tense.

Since we have these things our spirit is already where our body wants to go, but our body will never go there.

He has (already) qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance. We don’t need another day.

We are a digit, A singularity, a human, defined as a person in place and time. This is our old nature. It was Christ who became a man for us to become like Him. We knew Him once as a man, a digit, a singularity, but henceforth know we Him like that no more. He is no longer a singularity and if anyone is “in Christ” they are no longer constricted to their old humanity, but are a “new creation” in His image, being ubiquitous. Not being restricted to this creation of time and space. God is spirit and He seeks those to worship Him in spirit and truth.

So being “in Christ”, “in the Spirit”, we have been quickened, we have been translated, we have been Raptured, we are where flesh and blood cannot go. This is why we “know no man, who is a believer, after the flesh” being a digit, a human. “For we have this treasure in earthen vessels for the excellence and the Glory is of God and not our digit. And since we are “in Christ”, “in the Spirit”, we too are partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light right now. Col 1.12

Our carnal desire is to be with Christ in our bodies but this can never be. Flesh and blood does not and cannot inherit the Kingdom and this body does not go there. It is not for the physical eye or the physical ear.

If we were Raptured, or taken away from this world in our current condition, we would freeze in our current condition. “Let him who is unjust be unjust still he who is filthy let him be filthy still, he who is righteous let him be righteous still, he who is holy let him be holy still” Rev 22.11. God would have to re-create the same current earthly conditions to finish His work in us. That is why we are here.

This is why eschatology and end times fascinations can be dangerous by being an escape from the greater work God wants to do in us now. Eschatology focuses on and speaks of another day and derails the work of the Holy Spirit now. Today! If you hear His voice. For there remains a rest for the people of God.

If anything is unfruitful, it is a teaching to the body of Christ that morphs with every new fear, to keep people spiritually paralyzed and focused on that and not real growth. Who does that sound like? I mean Nibiru? Blood moons? What will they think of next? These are carnal fascinations with no eternal fruit.

So why do we need a rapture? To be saved? To be delivered from this evil world? To be quickened? To be translated? This has already happened if you are “in Christ”. And if you are already in His will, why would you want to go somewhere else?

What shall separate us from the love of God “in Christ” Jesus? Height? Depth? Government powers? Demonic principalities? A sword? A famine? Martial law? Through all these we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

As in Daniel there were 3 men threatened with fire, and their reply? God is able to deliver us from the fire, but even if He doesn’t I will not worship your image. It was in the fire where the forth man was seen. We know who He was. Fear not these end time images they present for they will expire and they will present another. We are where we need to be. In Him.

2nd coming His Kingdom At Hand New Creation Putting Christ on Resurrection

Kingdom at hand