Scripture, Scribing and Pre-Scriptions

Posted on March 12, 2022 by ADMIN

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Scripture, Scribing and Pre-Scriptions.

The root word of our topic is scribe “to write down as a direction, law, or rule,” from Latin praescribere, to write before, prefix in writing; ordain, determine in advance,” to prescribe.

The root word for prescribe is scribe and we have the scribing of scripture whereby  reading, contemplating and ruminating Gods scriptures in our hearts, soul, mind and spirit, is for the purpose to change us and make us new by scribing and writing on our hearts and minds eternal truths. It is to offer ourselves willingly in this way to be re-mapped and made into the image of God recorded in scripture, to be what we were foreordained to be in the beginning before the fall in the garden of Eden. That is the origination point for our mix up.

Romans 12 tells us “2 And do not be conformed to this world (which is our natural outcome): but be ye transfigured (and transcribed) by the renewing of your mind (as an active cognasent participant) , that ye may prove what is that good,  acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” It is in our minds and hearts where God writes, and “scribes” His very first principles, ordinances, prescriptions, concepts, and eternal building blocks and ways of thinking to make us new. That we are cleansed from our carnal heritage passed on from Adam in exchange for our re-imaged personal copy (of authorization of writ or scribe of a new way of viewing yourself in a way) of godliness, meaning God-like-ness. This is the gospel.

There is another type of scribing, first principal and building blocks that do not make us new, but advertise to keep you healthy and maintain you with their prescriptions. These are scribings of others authorizations in writing called prescriptions, generally signed by a physician and filled out by a pharmacist, taking basic building blocks of matter and chemical compositions containing industrial waste (Read the M.S.D.S. Warnings on handling their products as proof this is true) NOT to make you new, or renewed, but to preserve you in a state of being sick and dying for their profit and population control.

These are impersonators of benevolence “who left their first estate (and inheritance) written of by Jude, in regard to those whom “The Lord comes in His Saints to excecute judgment”. We are pointing out our obstacles and  opposition for discovery purposes. That you may “come out from among them My people lest you partake of their sins and recieved if their judgments”. These  promises are given for us to do our part in sanctification because our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to get hurt by them, and He doesn’t want us to get hurt with them as His judgment is played out. You’ve been warned!

Prescriptions are competing scribings offering similar promises of a healthy life as the gospel, when in reality mankind is getting sicker because that’s what their intentions are, for profit and population control.

If you look real hard, you can see contrasts in purpose between scripture and prescriptions. You can be re-scribed and re-written in your mind first by way of scripture to become a new mental construct and fulfill the scripture (like a prescriptions get fulfilled). With scripture it is written that “old things have passed away and all things become new and all things are from God” in this way,,, or you can get a pre-scription to try to preserve, make well and maintain the very thing you have that you can’t keep forever anyway. Your carnal body called the old man who was to be buried with Christ by the workings and oporations of faith, in compliance your vows at Baptism. And to further put this in perspective “flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of God” but the re-newed, re-scribed mind of faith does. This is what makes you whole, faith in God makes you well. And when the end of ones pre-scribed time on earth is over, why would they allow others to detain, entertain, and obtain you  from the prize, the reward and your inheritance you have just on the other side of your human cognitions?

Collosians 2 puts it like this ”

20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the basic (building blocks and) elements of the world, why, as though living in the world” (why in the world would you subject yourself to them?) “Do not taste, handle or touch because all who do such will perish with using according to the pre-scribing of men”. (Colossians 2…)

Basic elements are chemicals for prescriptions and they are elemental because they are basic building blocks re-enginered or re-arranged (GMO) for reasons the creator had not intended with unintended consequences. And further more from Colossians 2,

21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;  22Which all are to perish with the using; after the commandments (writings and prescriptions) and doctrines of men?” Can you see the corolation?

We specifically highlight “the basic elements of creation” because that is what most prescriptions and medications are. A “recombinant” is a re-combining and a synchronizion of miscellaneous DNA parts that the Creator had not intended not authorized.

Included among them are gene mutations which is the sin in the time of Noah. Noah had the only clean genome (gene-gnome) being “the only righteous in his generation . A reconstruction of cellular design, being man-u-factured  or demon-factured, supposed “cures” to save you from sickness desease and death. Isn’t that what the gospel promises you? “Healing all manner of sickness and desease”?

And if the medical community today, represented by a logo of a staff or a pole with a snake wrapped around it (think of Moses and his staff with a snake wrapped around it). If the medical industry uses that symbol and names like Kaiser Permanente which means king eternal, and the name “providence” as if someone else can control yours, and the colored cross and shield, to name a few, bearing in mind that all these manmade for profit organizations are all about monthly payments serving mammon and money. What the hell have you gotten yourselves into? What about the healing of the cross of Christ? You insult the Spirit if grace by your departure and ignorance of His New Will and Testament that outlines your coverages from Him for protection from another. This is why people get sick. When you reject God you don’t get the next best thing but the opposite and here’s your proof.

You exchanged the ultimate gift of love being a life for a life. His life in exchange for yours, then you take yours back and offer your life for another type of saving? Who has you covered? That is spiritual adultery, that is sin. That is why sicknesses multiply.

You were warned of last day counterfeits, provisions and (health care) providers, savings and saviors “with all lying signs, wonders and propigations if possible to decieve the elect”. We know what we have. “Do not touch handle or taste for all who do will perish according to the doctrines (another word for prescriptions) of man”. How much more clear can scripture be? (Colossians 2)

The unfortunate thing for the masses is that the pharmaceutical industry is protected from scrutiny by the powers of this age. All one has to do is take the name of your FDA approved drug and look up the M.S.D.S. info, meaning the Material Safety Data Sheet, and read the precautions and handling procedures therein, along with the symptoms of exposure to them, and if you have to wear body protection of any sort, you should not be putting them into your body. You will likely find that the side effects of their drugs usually match the very “symptoms” of the disease they say they are trying to cure. Meaning as the symptoms get worse you are given more and the more you take the more the symptoms worsen. But the professionals don’t see that. No because they were brain washed by passing the MCAT exame to pursue their career. To pass you have to associate a drug with a symptom. Natural remedies are not part of the program, just their molecular modifications. And they are better than the natural or lifestyle changes?

Part of the problem and delusion is that in order to be a doctor of any sorts, you must first pass the M.C.A.T. test which is really just an indoctrination of correctly associating certain drugs to certain symptoms to pass the test. Think about it. Do drugs cure everything?  Well if you said no, you just failed the MCAT test. That’s how they get you.

Two more points. Do you know that pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakia and means whichcraft? Do you think that is just a coincidence?

And why do we have an FDA? A food and drug administration? (Administer means: dispense or apply a remedy or drug).

To administer what? Drugs, law and agency protected for financial gain drugs, chemicals, and to recycle industrial waste back into foods and medicines. (Good and Drug Administration) They are the ad-ministers of death for profit and population control. They get you coming and going.

There is only one saving one cure and one remedy over the fear of sickness and death of this life, the Gospel of Gods Only Begotten Son. For God so loved the world that He sent His Only Begotten into the world that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. This is our prescription for you, and it’s free. (Isaiah 55)

What do you suppose the “pharmacia” witch doctors are trying to do? So you may ask “you mean to tell me that all the doctors are bad. No but many are and many more are decieved. They cannot practice (a word that means they sre not a professional) without passing  the MCAT test, which is an indoctrination of assigning drugs to symptoms for cures first, before they can enter, NOT the medical field, that is where they hide. But the whole health care system. It has been hijacked.

We were warned of a coming time of deception of epic proportions “with all lying signs and wonders”. We are in a thicket of lies from the main stream media. Media is a the root word of “mediums” we’ve been instructed not to seek or use. Isaiah 8 and Deuteronomy 18 and Leviticus 26 to name a few.

The word “salvation” means to fix up, restore and return to original. To redeem and save from harm and injury. If you can believe that. But remember. You cannot serve God and Mammon, and you cannot partake of the things of God’s and His enemies. You have to make a choice.

The Kingdom of God is at hand and starts with a confession.

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand