Ground bound, fallen angels.

Posted on February 7, 2021 by ADMIN

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Angels do not have senses collected on a face like people. Of themselves they do not have receptors. They can’t see, hear and feel like humans. Humans are much more advanced.

This is why they try to interact with and inhabit humans. Pigs make suitable hosts too. But because un-spirited humans are good tracking agents for fallen angels to spy with, to impersonate and control others. They can see from a humans point of view, but only as a matter of being an onlooker through whom they inhabit, using the humans receptors and perceptions. In this way they experience a life they never knew, a form of god-like-ness they’ve only imagined. That is why they are jealous of humans.

It was to Timothy that Paul said of some “that they may come to (or recover their) senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.”

So unbenounced to some, they have Satan as a co-pilot or even in their driver seat using their eyes ears and such to collect information.

Demons cannot experience what people do first hand, but can only live vicariously through them. Without humans or host bodies, they are left in the dark. That is untill now. Now they have a new set of sensors greater, more expansive and comprehensive than typical humans.

Because of modern devises, demons have access to senses and perseptions broader reaching than humans.

In times past humans had the optimal senses that made demons jealous.  But today they have the internet. Satan being called “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of disobedience”, who is up to his old tricks, is at it again today.

Satan and his minions find governing, or godlike abilities over mankind through these sensors with data gathering capabilities for complete oversite and total control through the unsuspecting masses, who turn over their God given personal information and personal sovereignty to demons through bindings called terms and conditions and are just plain ignorant of the gift from God in Christ. Instead of developing God’s gift inside us, they take the low road of pleasing their carnal nature and do not realize that they are engulfed in a trap.

Just as Adam and Eve were sited with crimes against humanity, meaning themselves, for opening up to competing services from God by believing a lie from the father of lies, and turning into a series of lies today of supposed products and services offered by Satan’s outlets for people to totally control and govern themselves without God? That is the trap. Feeling totally self empowered now, this is the illusion. It is Satan and his cohorts who are empowered by such inventions as they steer the masses through generating fear for sales.

To be enamored with another to complete your ability to take total control of your personal sphere, for personal protection, safety, health, and wealth, with the foresight to predict, project, forecast and read the future better than any crystal ball, is the epitome of rejecting God and His various gifts He has reserved for us.

We are warned from scripture of the god of this age “whose coming is according to Satan with all lying signs and wonders”. Presenting itself as the distributor of services to make people godlike without scripture. This is a false god-like-ness and a trap.

This is a total coup against God for obsconding with God’s creation, of which we can understand that the final implimentation of this plan, the ultimate subduction of humans made in the image of God, to have their genetic predisposition altered to reflect another author and alterer of genetic combinations. And because God did not authorize those sets of gene combinations, they are not His, He is not the author of those persons. Someone or something else wrote those gene series sequences.

That these people in their original construct, with their God given personal sovereignty, and using that sovereignty, they believe in, trust in and allow another to change their DNA, thereby searing their date of damnation by taking on the image and the seal of the false god of this age, his crown and Corinna, that eclipses reason and the image of God by covering their identity with a mask. This is the eclipse of reason and people’s God given sovereignty for the mother of all fears, your life. Their cure, or their saving for humanity, eclipses the minds of those who’ve rejected the savior of the cross for another savior called a vaccine.

For not only does it change people’s DNA, they’ve reprogrammed them through their various agencies, and chip them to hook them up to the internet of things, so they can track and control in absolution.

Scripture says that the purpose of creation is so that “in the fullness of times, at the peak of the harvest, that God would gather together in one, all things and all souls that are in Christ”.

That at the fullness of time, in the harvest, that the wheat and the tares grow together. We have this parable.

“The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept (to the immediacy and current reality of God), his enemy came along and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares (to the internet of things) and bind them (with terms and conditions) in bundles to burn them, but gather (to My Word and Spirit) the wheat into my barn.” 

Here we have a picture of the harvest of humanity. The wheat are us who are collected for God, and the tares are marked, collected, bound and bundled to burn. That both collections happen at  the same time, both just slightly skewed from human perseptions because it’s a spiritual binding and gathering. A show of who belongs to who, thing.

And as kind begats kind, this harvest being a spiritual kind, you are either God’s kind, or Satan’s kind who is called “the God of this age. But not because of God or by permission of God. But because God in the beginning gave creation to mankind, and the first humans then in turn gave it to Satan through fear. This teaches ud two things. That you cannot blame God for this. And you can see on the forehead those who are given in to fear.

Each person in turn must choose who their service providers are. God, His Christ and His Holy Spirit, or Satan’s with his savior or saving called the internet of things and the vaccine with his spirit who is “the prince of the power of the air that now works in the sons of the disobedient”.

Whose mark and whose image did you receive? The one outlined and scribed in God’s Holy writ and written on your hard drive called your brain and your soft spot called your heart? Or the one scribed and embedded in the vaccine with animal and aborted human baby DNA to be injected into your bloodstream and contaminate you gene combination, bypassing all your God given filters of bodily protection.

And this is all done with your permission. Therefore you are guilty. Gods saving and Gods warnings were rejected and you trusted the competition,the god of this age and Satan. Many will perish with these demons in eternal damnation for doing so. No mercy. Not my words but Gods. You have been warned!!!

The Kingdom of God is at hand.

Ground Bound Fallen Angels. Extension


Satan’s elect have artificial intelligence over them, to rule over them and collect their information. Just like strings on a puppet, fallen angels are given power over unbelieving souls to lead them about because they are dead to Gods Holy Spirit, they are aimless. The prince of the power of the air has them spellbound.

Demons have access to many more senses and sensors by living vicariously through the internet. They seem godlike, and so they offer their services to humans. You see they don’t offer a godliness greater than the Creator presents to us through the gospel. However they offer a form of god-like-ness similar to the tree in the garden of Eden as shown here.

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” or more commonly thought, you can know what you need to know whenever you need to know it. They give you insides into everything they have sensors in. 

But this isn’t unique to the internet because it is the imposter. In reality devils cannot offer us anything God doesn’t promise in His word. For even scripture says “you have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things. But people sell out for the bling. They want the physical things.

1 John 2 says “15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.”

So you know which form of God-like-ness you are going after by the provider you subscribe to. God’s through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and God’s Holy Spirit, or accepting various terms and conditions from the assorted internet providers and services. 

In this way they become godlike and all knowing. For this reason people worship, or serve this beast, the anti-thesis of God. God “was and is and is to come”, meaning eternal. Or the beast who “is not, but must become, and goes into perdition”. Meaning he has power for a time.

Dust being the by-product of fallen man because God said to man “from dust thou art, to dust you shall return”. And because demons were created to serve man, they had no agencies to rise above Mankind, untill they fell. Those angels designed to serve the higher order of humans, seeing them below from the fall, couldn’t resist the opportunity to rule them as their jealousy insisted. In this way they are blinded by their own lust. Because they were made if spiritual composition, if things humans are blinded to, their judgement is more severe.

This was the need for redemption for mankind, for returning them to their God given purpose. But fallen angels have no redemption, becausethey were the instigators.

Humans were tricked by satan because of his jealously, and because man fell for it, them and fallen angels both have their polarities reversed. Their focus is in the lower subsectors called creation. Instead of cooperating with each other they are now at odds with each other. Even as God said to satan in Eden “on your belly shall you go and dust you shall eat all the days if your life, showing us Satan’s real power. And because of this, God the Father also said “I have put enmity between her seed and thy seed. You shall bruise his heal, but He will bruise the head”, showing Satan’s defeat. But more than that, God painted a word picture of the final battle so that we would know what to expect. In our day Satan is trying to pull rank by imposing mandates.

However we know whatever power he tries to ascert he stole. For this reason Jesus said “get behind Me Satan”. More aptly put would be “get beneath me Satan” because “on your belly shall you go” and Jesus also said to the Jewish leaders “You are from beneath; I am from above.” Showing us Satan is not so much behind but below. Therefore he and his minions can only nip at our heals. But we walk on them to get to where we are going. “The god of this age comes and has nothing in us.” We are on different plains going different directions.

For this reason we can look at them like bugs crawling on the ground because from up here where we are, that is what they look like. Get behind me Satan? No, stay beneath, we can use the traction.

Satan does have have access to the darkened minds of those who sleep in their Adamic slumber. Without access to human receptors demons are more like crawlers. They can feel things like images and textures. Like a blind person running their fingers and hands over objects. For this reason they love objects and logos. And because they have some humans trained to use these logos, those humans become co-conspirators against God and His image. They seek to detain other humans who by and large are asleep to these operations.

Much like a dog marks its territory, these logos serve the same purpose. Demons gather to their logos. Think of the pentagram, the pyramid and the oblisk to name a few.

This is why pyramids have hydroglyphs and corporations have logos. Reading words is a arduous task that require crawlers. Logos speak volumes. We know this because we know The Logos of God call The Only Begotten. There are human receptors and angel receptors. But all things are open and exposed with the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. And because we are in Him, we see things from Gods perspective with His perseptors which are far superior. We have an unction from the Holy One and we know all things. Because of this we learn to see, hear, taste, smell and feel with our new God given sensory perceptions of the spirit. In this way we know we are In Him.

Knowing these things we can understand the purpose of “the internet of things”. However powerful fallen angels feel by the control of things through the internet, this is all impossible without humans help. The fallen can’t build anything. They only harvest and steal.

It was humans who built the internet with all its fixtures and sensors, however it is demons who have free reign over its signals. Sometimes they are referred to as web crawlers. These are used to harvest your information. And web bots, these run repetitive devices much like a messenger. Oh, and yes they have messengers too. Messenger is another word for angel, so instant messeging and such are performed by these. If this sounds strange, you need to go no further than to ask these Android’s questions that require critical thinking to find out they have it. Oh, and seriously, goigle hive? And echo nest? Seriously there are many. And if you think about it, how is it that millions of people with hundreds of languages and thousands of dialects can ask the same agency a question all at the same time and all get simultaneously immediate responses? Does this sound like a machine?

His Kingdom At Hand

Kingdom at hand