Pt 2 Consummation and conclusion. Assembling the componants Old Testament overview

Posted on August 22, 2017 by ADMIN

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He is whatever He wants to be and whatever you need. Be it a greater than Jonah, Soloman, the temple or whatever. He is “The fulfiller of all things”. All things are made new “In Christ” in this way. They are set up in the spirit of our minds. The place of our transfiguration. They are re-assembled there to be operational.

Like with a well. A hole must be dug. Water must be found. A hoist must be built to raise and lower a rope with a bucket, and until all these things are found, made and gathered together and assembled, you cannot have any water. And even then, if you wore yourself out and find yourself to exhausted to operate the well yourself, you need another to do so. You are as good as dead. And this is the gospel. The only thing we can do is to accept our humble disposition, acknowledge the person behind each of the provisions and promises in scripture, use them to re-script your understanding by assembling these truths about God and His Son and expire them in the spirit of your mind as invisible components necessary to be all connected together for the faith to work. And just as a power plant produces nothing until it is turned on, so too with the gospel. The operational switch is our compliance by faith to the leading of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the Word of God beleiving in all things fulfilled and reassembled in ourself to be operational.
“What must we do to do the works of God? Believe on Him who is sent. Christ. You see this is our work of faith and in this way we are building an invisible Kingdom inside ourselves by expiring all the law and the prophets. The things that were made according to the pattern? We expire the things that were made as models on earth of the operational, invisible and accept what the pattern portrayed. God. The accumulative and the culmination  of who God is.
Just as Aaron was taken out of Moses, so too are all the charecteristics of God taken of them then broken down into smaller pieces called “all the law and the prophets”, for our understanding.
In this way Christ is the bread of life come down of God from heaven. Not carnal life but eternal life for our spirit to live.
From the exile of Egypt starting with the passover (picturing our baptism) where the angel of death by-passes us, Christ paved over death for us in this way. To the crossing of the Red Sea to newness of life. Since this generation portrayed all the wrong ways of doing things we fast forward to Joshua for another Passover. They got a do over. Moses failed to hallow the Lord to the people when he was instructed to “speak to the rock he smote it”. Moses made a work of man something he should’ve done a work of the Heavenly Father and spoke “let there be…”. In this case not light or dividing of days and earth but “let there be water”. These things Moses did not do, and therefor was grounded from heaven. For even at the end of his days when he asked the Lord to enter the promise land he was denied and instead taken to Mt Nebo to look at it. That is like taking someone with all the education tools and hard work to be a doctor left standing on a street corner begging for food while they look across the field at the most beautiful estate. Something Moses could’ve had if he just obeyed the Lord.
Hebrews 2.Therefore we must give [a]the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just [b]reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord,

His Kingdom At Hand

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